You may not be the person your mother wants you to be, but you are you. Our job here is to try and separate the wheat from the chaff and figure out who you are and not who your mother thinks you are.
Fannie Flagg |
Her good weight was 150 pounds, and 178 pounds was her top. Consequently, Brenda had three different sets of clothes hanging in her closet, labeled GOOD, MEDIUM and FAT AS A HOG.
Fannie Flagg |
I just know there's an albino living in the colored quarters. I can feel it in my bones.
Fannie Flagg |
The band did a salute to Stephen Foster and played 'Beautiful Dreamer' and we formed a bed. Then we played 'My Old Kentucky Home' while the majorettes slowly pranced like horses. We finished with 'I Dream of Jeanie with the Light Brown Hair', we formed a comb. Miss Philpot is running out of ideas if you ask me.
Fannie Flagg |
All those calm, adult discussions. When all she really wanted to do was scream for her momma, her sweet momma, the one person in the world who loved her better than anyone ever would or ever could.
Fannie Flagg |
Do you think that your worrying can prevent anything from happening? Whatever happens is supposed to happen and whatever doesn't, isn't.
Fannie Flagg |
Quienes mas sufren son quienes menos lo dicen.
Fannie Flagg |
Mrs. Threadgoode laughed at the thought. "Oh honey, I've buried my share, and each one hurt as bad as the last one. And there have been times when I've wondered why the good Lord handed me so many sorrowful burdens, to the point where I thought I just couldn't stand it one more day. But He only gives you what you can handle and no more ... and I'll tell you this: You cain't dwell on sadness, oh, it'll make you sick faster than anything in t..
Fannie Flagg |
People didn't call blacks names anymore, at least not to their faces. Italians weren't wops or dagos, and there were no more kikes, Japs, chinks, or spics in polite conversation. Everybody had a group to protest and stick up for them. But women were still being called names by men. Why? Where was our group? It's not fair.
Fannie Flagg |
How do you know if you're making the right decision? Easy. Just like two and two always add up to four, kindness and forgiveness is always right, hate and revenge is always wrong.
Fannie Flagg |
The little girl knew if she bit any member of her family, they would get rabies too, and she died without ever having been petted. I cried so hard Mrs. Underwood had to take me to the school nurse.
Fannie Flagg |
Damn, I'm Miss Mississippi!
Fannie Flagg |
By the way, Boots died and Opal says she hopes you're satisfied.
Fannie Flagg |
Idgie smiled back at her and looked up into the clear blue sky that reflected in her eyes and she was as happy as anybody who is in love in the summertime can be.
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Just think, Ruth, I never did it for anybody else before. Now nobody in the whole world knows I can do that but you. I just wanted us to have a secret together, that's all.
Fannie Flagg |
I was sitting on the roof, and she didn't see me. I sit on the roof a lot. People never think to look up.
Fannie Flagg |
You know, it's funny what you'll miss when you're away from home. Now me, I miss the smell of coffee ... and bacon frying in the morning.
Fannie Flagg |
a heart can be broken, but it keep on beating, just the same.
Fannie Flagg |
Evelyn stared into the empty ice cream carton and wondered where the smiling girl in the school pictures had gone.
Fannie Flagg |
He had been told that in America, if you worked hard, anything was possible.
Fannie Flagg |
Hazel: Listen babe you have to search for your luck it's nice if it just falls in your lap but I look for my lucky pennies. ... Maggie: What do you do with all your pennies Hazel: I give them away. It's good to spread your luck around and it always comes back to you.
Fannie Flagg |
I found out I got ringworm from Felix. If it gets in my head, they will have to shave off my hair. I'll be bald just like Eisenhower, and I am a Democrat.
Fannie Flagg |
In 1945, when the male soldiers started coming back home from Europe, she and all the other women pilots that had served as WASPs during the war were unceremoniously told to go home and never received a dime or even thanks from the government.
Fannie Flagg |
Claude Pistal is a creep! He is lucky I'm reasonably mild-mannered like Clark Kent.
Fannie Flagg |
Rejoice for a comrade deceased, Our loss is his infinite gain, A soul out of prison released, And free from its bodily chain." ~Smokey Lonesome"
Fannie Flagg |
Whom the heart first loves does not know or care if they are related by blood.
Fannie Flagg |
Later on, still looking, she had tried to get involved with the Women's Community Center. She liked what they stood for but secretly wished they would wear just a little lipstick and shave their legs. She had been the only one in the room in full makeup, wearing pantyhose and earrings. She had wanted to belong, but when the woman suggested that next week they bring a mirror so they could all study their vaginas, she never went back.
Fannie Flagg |
Like I say, it just creeps up on you. One day you're young and the next day your bosoms and your chin drops and you're wearing a rubber girdle. But you don't know you're old.
Fannie Flagg |
And her dumplings were so light they would float in the air and you'd have to catch 'em to eat 'em.
Fannie Flagg |
To Toot One's Own Horn Is Unattractive.
Fannie Flagg |
I'm too young to be old and too old to be young.
Fannie Flagg |
If there is such a thing as complete happiness, it is knowing that you are in the right place.
Fannie Flagg |
she had learned that being a successful person is not necessarily defined by what you have achieved, but by what you have overcome.
Fannie Flagg |
I believe poor people are good people, except the ones that are mean ... and they'd be mean even if they were rich.
Fannie Flagg |
Because any idiot can get married and have children; that's no great accomplishment.
Fannie Flagg |
Ida had always been different. At school, when all the kids used to play church, and one would be the preacher, another the preacher's wife, a deacon, and the choir leader, and some would be the parishioners who had come to the church, Ida said she wanted to be God, because she was the only one who knew how to do it. Of
Fannie Flagg |
and Lenore had served each child several cups of the Simmons eggnog, which was 75 percent rum and 25 percent nog. When they came to pick the children up, all four were stumbling around her living room in a drunken stupor.
Fannie Flagg |
Evelyn wondered ; why always sexual names? And why, when men wanted to degrade other men, did they call them pussies? As if that was the worst thing in the world. What have we done to be thought of that way ? To be called cunt? People didn't call blacks names anymore, at least not to their faces. Italians weren't wops or dagos, and there were no more kikes, Japs, chinks, or spics in polite conversation. Everybody had a group to protest and ..
Fannie Flagg |
Having children is no guarantee that you'll get visitors ... No, it isn't.
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it would just break your heart to see some of them waiting for their visitors. They get their hair all done up on Saturday, and on Sunday morning they get themselves all dressed and ready, and after all that, nobody comes to see them. I feel so bad, but what can you do? Having children is no guarantee that you'll get visitors ... No, it isn't.
Fannie Flagg |
Depression years come back to me now as the happy times, even though we were all struggling. We were happy and didn't know it.
Fannie Flagg |
Mrs. Threadgoode pulled something out of the Cracker Jack box and all of a sudden her eyes lit up. "Oh Evelyn, look! Here's my prize. It's a little miniature chicken... just what I like!" and she held it out for her friend to see."
Fannie Flagg |
she had learned that being a successful person is not necessarily defined by what you have achieved, but by what you have overcome. And
Fannie Flagg |
I just wonder how many people never get the one they want, and wind up with the one they're supposed to be with.
Fannie Flagg |