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ba1d3d7 Peace to the shacks! War on the palaces! Georg Büchner
e22a543 Supreme power rests in the will of all or of the majority. Georg Büchner
bc79ea4 In Germany, the judicial system has been the whore of the German princes for centuries. Georg Büchner
ccf6605 The life of the wealthy is one long Sunday. Georg Büchner
3caad5c Germany is now a field of cadavers, soon she will be a paradise. Georg Büchner
5a11a46 The sin is in our thoughts. Georg Büchner
9b49a98 There are only Epicureans, either crude or refined; Christ was the most refined. Georg Büchner
50b2062 The revolutionary government is the despotism of liberty against tyranny. Georg Büchner
d47d638 The weapon of the Republic is terror, and virtue is its strength. Georg Büchner
d872158 You women could make someone fall in love even with a lie. Georg Büchner
5364bdd The breath of an aristocrat is the death rattle of freedom. Georg Büchner
c67a794 Revolution is like Saturn, it devours its own children. Georg Büchner
a4768c7 Government must be a transparent garment which tightly clings to the people's body. Georg Büchner
c4e09bb Whoever finishes a revolution only halfway, digs his own grave. Georg Büchner
cdb9277 The statue of Freedom has not been cast yet, the furnace is hot, we can all still burn our fingers. Georg Büchner
553ddd7 We are always on stage, even when we are stabbed in earnest at the end. Georg Büchner
ec0e119 We are only puppets, our strings are being pulled by unknown forces. Georg Büchner
d7ab98f The strides of humanity are slow, they can only be counted in centuries. Georg Büchner
7a2e7b6 We have not made the Revolution, the Revolution has made us. Georg Büchner
508ffe3 Your words smell of corpses. Georg Büchner
5886eee Dying people often become childish Georg Büchner
469b6fa I'll know how to die with courage; that is easier than living. Georg Büchner
affde1c The power of the people and the power of reason are one. Georg Büchner
6111a42 Freedom and whores are the most cosmopolitan items under the sun. Georg Büchner
c96f79d The world is chaos. Nothingness is the yet-to-be-born god of the world. Georg Büchner
340c8a6 Love is a peculiar thing. Georg Büchner
3365a58 That is a long word: forever! Georg Büchner
810823e How many women does one need to sing the scale of love all the way up and down? Georg Büchner
10896d1 Death is the most blessed dream. Georg Büchner
9f2d084 There is something beautiful about virtue, Captain. But I am just a poor guy. Georg Büchner
49b991f A good man with a good conscience doesn't walk so fast. Georg Büchner