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eb09810 The lot of critics is to be remembered by what they failed to understand. George Moore (novelist)
72e802a Acting is therefore the lowest of the arts, if it is an art at all. George Moore (novelist)
3335560 He must put his shoulder to the wheel and get it right; one more push, that was all that was wanted. George Moore (novelist)
a60bcb4 Faith goes out of the window when beauty comes in at the door. George Moore (novelist)
e722471 A man travels the world over in search of what he needs and returns home to find it. George Moore (novelist)
2d84a8c A great artist is always before his time or behind it. George Moore (novelist)
7b9f8ae But if you want to be a painter you must go to France -- France is the only school of Art. George Moore (novelist)
f35d253 Ugliness is trivial, the monstrous is terrible. George Moore (novelist)
e79db82 It does not matter how badly you paint so long as you don't paint badly like other people. George Moore (novelist)
97d2ecb Humanity is a pigsty, where lions, hypocrites, and the obscene in spirit congregate. George Moore (novelist)
61e8fff All reformers are bachelors. George Moore (novelist)
88cac3c After all there is but one race -- humanity. George Moore (novelist)
84f177a The wrong way always seems the more reasonable. George Moore (novelist)
393930f One must be in London to see the spring. George Moore (novelist)
cf62049 We humans are more complicated than animals, and we love through the imagination. George Moore (novelist)