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2898938 Fair Fatality, you are the most unusual female I have encountered in all my thirty-eight years!" "You can't think how deeply flattered I am!" she assured him. "I daresay my head would be quite turned if I didn't suspect that amongst so many a dozen or so may have slipped from your memory." Georgette Heyer
b3bc813 His attention caught, her companion raised his eyes from the book which lay open beside him on the table and directed them upon her in a look of aloof enquiry. 'What's that? Did you say something to me, Venetia?' 'Yes, love,' responded his sister cheerfully, 'but it wasn't of the least consequence, and in any event I answered for you. You would be astonished, I daresay, if you knew what interesting conversations I enjoy with myself. intelligent-conversation Georgette Heyer
2e14419 Perhaps," murmured his lordship, "I yielded to a compassionate impulse." "A what?" gasped his best friend. "Oh, did you think I never did so?" said his lordship, the satirical glint in his eyes extremely pronounced. "You wrong me! I do, sometimes--not frequently, of course, but every now and then!" Georgette Heyer
c29777b My house seems remarkably full of people," he observed. "Is it possible we were expected." romance Georgette Heyer
09b2936 I don't know what you may have seen fit to tell her, Venetia, but so far as I understand it you could think of nothing better to do than to beguile her with some farrago about wishing Damerel to strew rose-leaves for you to walk on!" Damerel, who had resumed his seat, had been staring moodily into the fire, but at these words he looked up quickly. "Rose-leaves?" His eyes went to Venetia's face, wickedly quizzing her. "But my dear girl, at .. Georgette Heyer
ed8f5a3 Mr. Rivenhall said to Sophy, "If this is your doing--!" "I promise you it is not. If I thought that he had the smallest notion of your hostility, I should say that he had rolled you up, Charles, foot and guns!" He was obliged to laugh. "I doubt if he would have the smallest notion of anything less violent than a blow from a cudgel. How you can tolerate the fellow!" "I told you that I was not at all nice in my ideas. Come, don't let us talk .. cousin ulterior-motive Georgette Heyer
2a33ced People who start a sentence with personally (and they're always women) ought to be thrown to the lions. It's a repulsive habit. women humor Georgette Heyer
7f7212a She succumbed to the eternal feminine passion for bargains. Georgette Heyer
e47bb9d M'sieur, I am as a slave to my wife." He kissed the tips of his fingers. "I am as the dirt beneath her feet." He clasped his hands. "I must bestow on her all that she desires, or die!" "Pray make use of my sword, " invited his Grace. "It is in the corner behind you." satanas wit Georgette Heyer
75d7ce1 Do you know, I think that of all your idiosyncrasies that choke you give, when you are determined not to laugh, is the one that most enchants me. love Georgette Heyer
e3be00c Then Frederica went towards him, holding out her hand, and he raised his eyes from Felix's eager countenance, and smiled at her, causing Mr. Moreton to suffer a shock. It was not at all the sort of smile with which his lordship beguiled his flirts, but something warmer and more intimate. mentally ejaculated Mr. Moreton. shock smile Georgette Heyer
0ba7c24 This, said Damerel wrathfully, is the second time you have walked in just as I am about to propose to your sister! Georgette Heyer
03ede3c if you talk any more flummery to me, Frederica, I shall give you one of my--er--icy set-downs!"(Alverstoke)" icy stammer Georgette Heyer
1ce187d Gentlemen don't understand anything, however wise they may be. Georgette Heyer
4fabfff It has always seemed to me that if one falls in love with any gentleman one becomes instantly blind to his faults.But I am not blind to your faults, and I do not think that everything you do or say is right! Only--Is it being--not very comfortable--and cross--and not quite happy, when you aren't there?" "That, my darling," said his lordship,taking her ruthlessly into his arms,"is exactly what it s!" "Oh--!" Frederica gasped, as she emerged .. true-love lord-alverstroke Georgette Heyer
2f71f4b Has no one ever told you that it is the height of impropriety to kiss any gentleman, unless you have the intention of accompanying him immediately to the altar? marriage Georgette Heyer
724cde9 You don't feel you could marry me instead? Got no brains, of course, and I ain't a handsome fellow, like Jack, but I love you. Don't think I could ever love anyone else. Georgette Heyer
b6c7e10 A certain cynicism, born of the life she has led; a streak of strange wisdom; the wistfulness behind the gaiety; sometimes fear; and nearly always the memory of loneliness that hurts the soul. Georgette Heyer
5ff8f24 Child, you do not know me. You have created a mythical being in my likeness whom you have set up as a god. It is not I. Many times, infant, I have told you that I am no hero, but I think you have not believed me. I tell you now that I am no fit mate for you...My reputation is damaged beyond repair, child. I come from vicious stock, and I have brought no honor to the name I bear. To no women have I been faithful; behind me lies scandal upon .. Georgette Heyer
e69e472 He was aware] of the value of the word of praise dropped at exactly the right moment; and he would have thought himself extremely stupid to withhold what cost him so little and was productive of such desirable results. gratitude courtesy thank-you Georgette Heyer
3db6f32 You will like her," he persisted. "Egad, she's after your own heart, maman! She shot me in the arm." "Voyons, do you think that is what I like?" romance georgian mothers Georgette Heyer Devil's Club
a657e26 I see,' agreed Rule. 'You are going to be the Sacrifice.' She looked up at him rather shyly. 'It c-can't signify to you, can it? Except that I know I'm not a Beauty, like L-Lizzie. But I have got the Nose, sir.' Rule surveyed the Nose. 'Undoubtedly, you have the Nose,' he said. Horatia seemed determined to make a clean breast of her blemishes. 'And p-perhaps you could become used to my eyebrows?' The smile lurked at the back of Rule's eyes... marriage Georgette Heyer
0abc1b8 Do you recall Fred Merriville?" She stared at him. "Fred Merriville? Pray, what has he to say to anything?" "The poor fellow has nothing to say: he's dead, alas!" Georgette Heyer
a2bb6a6 Goodbye!" "Oh, not goodbye!" he protested. "I mean to know you better, Miss Lanyon of Undershaw!" "To be sure, it does seem a pity you should not, after such a promising start, but life, you know, is full of disappointments, and that, I must warn you, is likely to prove one of them." Georgette Heyer
54a89f2 You would more probably have gone to the guillotine,' replied Sir Tristram, depressingly matter of fact. 'Yes, that is quite true,' agreed Eustacie. 'We used to talk of it, my cousin Henriette and I. We made up our minds we should be entirely brave, not crying, of course, but perhaps a little pale, in a proud way. Henriette wished to go to the guillotine , but that was only because she had a court dress of yellow satin which she thought be.. humorous-quotes Georgette Heyer
31ec321 I see now that there is a great deal in what Aunt Almeria says. She considers that there are terrible pitfalls in Society." Sir Richard shook his head sadly. "Alas, too true!" "And vice," said Pen awfully. "Profligacy, and extravagance, you know." "I know." She picked up her knife and fork again. "It must be very exciting," she said enviously." Georgette Heyer
438e183 Your fate is writ clear;you will be murdered. I cannot conceive how it comes about that you were not murdered long since!" "How odd!Charles himself once said that to me, or something like it!" "There is nothing odd in it; any sensible man must say it!" humour regency Georgette Heyer
88b236a I have seen what comes of being patient," Amanda said with a boding look. "And I have no opinion of it." "What does come of it?" Inquired Sir Gareth. "Nothing!" patience Georgette Heyer
3f3c1e0 Wonderful!" said the Duke. "We progress!" "We...? Progress? You said we? Progress?" "It seems I erred," Avon sighed. "We remain at the same place." Georgette Heyer
cddcf97 My dearest goose, why didn't you trust me, when I assured you that you might?' he countered. 'I have cherished throughout the believe that you would confide in me, and you see I was quite right. Georgette Heyer
ff94b8f Have you any brothers?" demanded Mr. Beaumaris. "No," said Mr. Scunthorpe, blinking at him. "Only child." "You relieve my mind. Offer my congratulations to your parents!" Georgette Heyer
43193b5 Queer creatures, females," mused Mr. Standen, shaking his head. "Fellow's only got to be a rake to have 'em all dangling after him. Silly, really, because it stands to reason---- Well never mind that!" Georgette Heyer
636e386 Does it ever occur to you, Mama, that my grandfather is a lunatic? Georgette Heyer
dee7296 Miss Grantham's sense of humour got the better of her at this point, and, tottering towards a chair, she sank into it, exclaiming in tragic accents:'Oh Heavens! I am betrayed!' His lordship blenched; both he and Miss Laxton regarded her with guilty dismay. Miss Grantham buried her face in her handkerchief, and uttered one shattering word: 'Wretch! humour Georgette Heyer
c756003 She stretched out her hand, saying, "Vernon! My dear, what a delightful surprise!" "What's surprising about it?" he enquired, lifting his black brows. "Didn't you ask me to come?" The smile remained pinned to Lady Buxted's lips, but she replied with more than a touch of acidity: "To be sure I did, but so many days ago that I supposed you had gone out of town!" "Oh, no!" he said, returning her smile with one of great sweetness." visit Georgette Heyer
c44f9b5 Monseigneur, I have killed you! You are dead! You are dead!" You display an unseemly joy," he remarked. "I had no notion you were so bloodthirsty." -- humour Georgette Heyer
8920eb9 The more enchanted the idyll, greater must be the pain of its ending. pain Georgette Heyer
a4abac0 What is your name?" "Again sir, that is no concern of yours." "A mystery," he said. "I shall have to call you Clorinda." ..... "Judith! What the devil? exclaimed Peregrine. "Has there been an accident?" "Judith," repeated the gentleman of the curricle pensively. "I prefer Clorinda." Georgette Heyer
f54ef30 If it comes to that," retorted Frederica, with spirit, " I am continually shocked by the things you don't scruple to say to me,cousin! You are quite abominable!" He sighed. "Alas, I know it! The reflection gives me sleepless nights." Georgette Heyer
b16a911 Miss Trent regarded her thoughtfully. "Well, it's an odd circumstance, but I've frequently observed that whenever you boast of your beauty you seem to lose some of it. I expect it must be the change in your expression." Startled, Tiffany flew to gaze anxiously into the ornate looking-glass which hung above the fireplace. "Do I?" she asked naively. "Really do I, Ancilla?" "Yes, decidedly," replied Miss Trent, perjuring her soul without the l.. Georgette Heyer
58f2e0c It is in the nature of 9 men out of 10 that what may be theirs for the picking up, they are much inclined to despise, and what seems to be out of reach, they instantly and fervently desire. Georgette Heyer
1e8ff3f You have a genius for bringing trouble upon yourself georgette-heyer trouble Georgette Heyer
eca2fee Did you imagine that you would make me believe ill of Sophy with your foolish and spiteful letter!' he demanded. 'You have tried to set me against her from the outset, but you over-reached yourself today, my girl! How dared you write in such terms to me! How could you have been so crassly stupid as to suppose that Sophy could ever need your countenance to set her right in the eyes of the world, or that I would believe one word of slander ag.. Georgette Heyer
526ffa1 Alas I have quarreled so dreadfully with Charles that I am obliged to seek refuge at Lacy Manor!" She said mournfully. "And have doubtless left a note behind you to inform him of this!" "Of course!" "I foresee a happy meeting!" he commented bitterly. "That," she acknowledged, "was the difficulty! But I think I can overcome it. I promise you, Charlbury, you shall come out of it with a whole skin--sell, no, perhaps not quite that, but very ne.. Georgette Heyer
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