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c69c732 Sex was absolutely not allowed to be scheduled, at least not by explicit discussion, but I had become familiar with the sequence of events likely to precipitate it: a blueberry muffin from Blue Sky Bakery, a triple shot of espresso from Otha's, removal of my shirt, and my impersonation of Gregory Peck in the role of Atticus Finch in To Kill a Mockingbird. Graeme Simsion
db411c0 Research has shown that creativity is enhanced when performing straightforward mechanical tasks such as jogging, cooking and driving. Unobstructed thinking time is always useful. Graeme Simsion
3b7e1d7 Amazing. She retains a professor of genetics, an alien of extraordinary abilities, to help find her father, she travels for a week, spending almost every minute of the waking day with him, yet when she wants the answer to a question on genetics, she goes to the Internet. Graeme Simsion
88ec90f Feel! Feel, feel, feel! Feelings were disrupting my sense of well-being. Graeme Simsion
ad87528 Another world, another life, proximate but inaccessible. The elusive . . . Sat-is-fac-tion. Graeme Simsion
8ebb4a7 I never drink coffee after 3.48 p.m. It interferes with sleep. Caffeine has a half-life of three to four hours, so it's irresponsible serving coffee at 7.00 p.m. unless people are planning to stay awake until after midnight. Which doesn't allow adequate sleep if they have a conventional job. Graeme Simsion
8e736d8 I took her in the standard jive hold that I had practised on the skeleton, and immediately felt the awkwardness, approaching revulsion, that I feel when forced into intimate contact with another human. Graeme Simsion
1e82d45 I was feeling overwhelmed. Meeting Bianca, dancing, rejection by Bianca, social overload, discussion of personal matters--now, just when I thought the ordeal was over, Rosie seemed to be proposing more conversation. I was not sure I could cope. 'It's extremely late,' I said. I was sure this was a socially acceptable way of saying that I wanted to go home. 'The taxi fares go down again in the morning.' If I understood correctly, I was now de.. Graeme Simsion
589bb17 I would normally have scheduled my driving time according to published studies on fatigue and booked accommodation accordingly. But I had been too busy to plan. Nevertheless, I stopped for rest breaks every two hours and found myself able to maintain concentration. At 11.43 p.m., I detected tiredness, but rather than sleep I stopped at a service station, refuelled, and ordered four double espressos. I opened the sunroof and turned up the CD.. Graeme Simsion
6af5f7c What are the symptoms of being fucked-up?' 'I've got crap in my life that I wish I hadn't. And I'm not good at dealing with it. Am I making sense? Graeme Simsion
314e073 It was odd, paradoxical-crazy-that what Rosie seemed to value most about me, a highly organized person who avoided uncertainty and liked to plan in detail, was that my behavior generated unpredictable consequences. But if that was what she loved, I was not going to argue. What I was going to argue was that she should not abandon something she valued. Graeme Simsion
747fb2e In marriage reason frequently had to take second place to Harmony Graeme Simsion
c54e36e Lost love belongs in a three-minute song, pullling back feelings from a time when they came unbidden, recalling the infatuation, the walking on sunshine that cannot last and the pain of its loss, whether through parting or the passage of time, reminding us that we are emotional beings lost-love Graeme Simsion
56728d4 If she's a psychology student, she'll love talking about herself. Graeme Simsion
a30e0ae You're saying your mother engaged in unprotected sex outside her primary relationship?' 'With some other student,' replied Rosie. 'While she was dating my' - at this point Rosie raised her hands and made a downwards movement, twice, with the index and middle fingers of both hands - 'father. My real dad's a doctor. I just don't know which one. Really, really pisses me off.' I was fascinated by the hand movements and silent for a while as I t.. social-ineptitude rosie Graeme Simsion
ccdd6b7 Why do we focus on certain things at the expense of others? We will risk our lives to save a person from drowning, yet not make a donation that could save dozens of children from starvation. We install solar panels when their impact on CO2 emissions is minimal - and indeed may have a net negative effect if manufacturing and installation are taken into account - rather than contributing to more efficient infrastructure projects. Graeme Simsion
22d07a3 After the most basic physical requirements are satisfied, human happiness is almost independent of wealth. A meaningful job is far more important. Graeme Simsion
5d6783b You are the world's most perfect woman. All other women are irrelevant. Permanently. No Botox or implants will be required. Graeme Simsion
2ac8e7b I never watch sports. Ever. The reasons are obvious--or should be to anyone who values their time. Graeme Simsion
205a676 A few times in my life, I have been manipulated by the sexual power of a woman. "Could you help with my assignment?" I'll do it for you. "I don't know why they've given me middle seat." Take mine. "I thought the trains would still be running." Let me drive your home. No promises, no offers, nothing expected in return." sexual-power taking-advantage promises Graeme Simsion
bec2c9f I had observed that neurotypicals criticised autistic people for lacking empathy... but seldom made any effort to improve their own empathy towards autistic people. Pg 318 empathy Graeme Simsion
dd238c4 How are you going to kiss a girl if you won't share her ice-cream? Graeme Simsion
ec92c66 You considered me as a partner?' 'Sure,' she said. 'Except for the fact that you have no idea of social behaviour, your life's ruled by a whiteboard and you're incapable of feeling love - you're perfect. Graeme Simsion
9b6fce7 There were approximately twenty-five people milling around the door and the front of the classroom, but I immediately recognised Julie, the convenor, from Gene's description: 'blonde with big tits'. In fact, her breasts were probably no more than one and a half standard deviations from the mean size for her body weight, and hardly a remarkable identifying feature. It was more a question of elevation and exposure, as a result of her choice o.. Graeme Simsion
59aaf3d There was only one bar of that name, in a back street of an inner suburb. I had already modified the day's schedule, cancelling my market trip to catch up on the lost sleep. I would purchase a ready-made dinner instead. I am sometimes accused of being inflexible, but I think this demonstrates an ability to adapt to even the strangest of circumstances. Graeme Simsion
1ee97f9 Difficulties are inevitable," I said. "Major projects require persistence." Graeme Simsion
4433da2 Contrary to popular belief, alcohol does not destroy brain cells. Graeme Simsion
bef216d Greetings. My name is Don Tillman and I am a suspected paedophile. I wish to put myself on standby for an assessment. Graeme Simsion
6f987cc Dishonesty was part of the price of being a social animal, and of marriage in particular. Graeme Simsion
d50b762 I began the second half of my life by making coffee. Graeme Simsion
7d11ec9 I need a minute to think," she said. I automatically started the timer on my watch. Suddenly Rosie started laughing. I looked at her, understandably puzzled at this outburst in the middle of a critical life decision. "The watch," she said. "I say 'I need a minute' and you start timing. Don is not dead." Graeme Simsion
db83e9e Unfortunately, their approach was based on the traditional dating paradigm, which I had previously abandoned on the basis that the probability of success did not justify the effort and negative experiences. Graeme Simsion
0df8f37 I was facing a complex problem with too much information to process and not enough to support an evidence-based decision. I had learned that this was to be expected in all situations involving human interaction. Fortunately, I could rely on my friends: a group of people from diverse backgrounds who cared about my welfare, yet were sufficiently detached that they would not be overwhelmed by emotions. They had helped me find the perfect part.. Graeme Simsion
064d48b During the time we worked concurrently in the Genetics Department, we had numerous interesting discussions, and these continued after his change of position. I would have been satisfied with our relationship for this reason alone, but Gene also invited me to dinner at his house and performed other friendship rituals, resulting in a social relationship. His wife, Claudia, who is a clinical psychologist, is now also a friend. Making a total o.. Graeme Simsion
f8f34a2 Gene and Claudia tried for a while to assist me with the Wife Problem. Unfortunately, their approach was based on the traditional dating paradigm, which I had previously abandoned on the basis that the probability of success did not justify the effort and negative experiences. I am thirty-nine years old, tall, fit and intelligent, with a relatively high status and above-average income as an associate professor. Logically, I should be attrac.. Graeme Simsion