Very often these luminous designs, rich in data, take the form of geometry. I speak from experience, having participated in more than seventy ayahuasca sessions since 2003, continuing to work with the brew for the valuable lessons it teaches me long after Supernatural was researched, written, and published. Here's part of my account of the first time I drank ayahuasca in the Amazon: I raise the cup to my lips again. About two thirds of the ..
Graham Hancock |
Graham Hancock |
More than seventy different indigenous Amazonian cultures use ayahuasca--many giving different names to the brew (yaje, natema, caapi, cipo, shori, etc.).
Graham Hancock |
The suspicion that certain ancient authorities possessed good knowledge of the real shape of the Atlantic and its islands, and of the lands on both sides of it, must also arise from any objective reading of Plato's world-famous account of Atlantis. [...], this story is set around 11,600 years ago -- a date that coincides with a peak episode of global flooding at the end of the Ice Age. The story tells us that 'the island of Atlantis was swa..
Graham Hancock |
Across the ages and regardless of geography, in everything that really matters, it bears repeating that we are all members of a SINGLE human family--a family of intrepid adventurers who have been exploring the world in one form or another for the best part of a million years.18 In the course of this long odyssey we've moved so far apart, across oceans, over mountains, and to the opposite ends of jungles, deserts, and ice caps that we've for..
Graham Hancock |
Far away from Oshoro in Nara Prefecture on the island of Honshu, there is a sacred mountain called Miwa-Yama. In a pattern with which I was now becoming familiar, this entire pyramid-shaped mountain is considered by Japan's indigenous Shinto religion to be a shrine, possessed by the spirit of a god who 'stayed his soul' within it in ancient times. His correct name is Omononushino-Kami (although he is also popularly known as Daikokusama) and..
Graham Hancock |
After landing and collecting our bags Santha and I were met groundside by our local connection, Sergey Kurgin. I say "connection" because you have to have one if you're going to travel in Russia. You can't just get up and go. Some solid citizen, or business, or tour operator must take responsibility for you and officially invite you, and you must have a prearranged and preplanned itinerary to preapproved destinations or your visa won't be i..
Graham Hancock |