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6243e33 A damned big clue, but pointing at what? When in doubt, get some numbers. Gregory Benford
6ae9e0d When in enough doubt, let your subconscious work on the problem. Gregory Benford
06a5bd0 Only senators and simpletons thought science took place in neatly drawn boxes. Gregory Benford
18267f8 Diversity" had come to mean Balkanization. Gregory Benford
8958a08 Data always overruled theory. Gregory Benford
5170c78 Law of the universe," she said. "The longer the menu description, the worse the food." Gregory Benford
956ac04 I like Orange County, though. It's like L.A. without caffeine. Gregory Benford
10dd205 To believe anything so far-fetched, I'd have to see a solid calculation. Gregory Benford
c96927e Ours is not to reason why, ours is to measure and report--the experimenter's credo. Gregory Benford
48adea5 Thing about crazies is, they're crazy. You can't even understand them in retrospect. Gregory Benford
8ee0473 Indeed, high-blown rhetoric plus uncheckable consequences were the two sure signatures of the crank. Gregory Benford
233162a Given a choice between existential despair and rapt religious fervor, her crowd chose marijuana. Gregory Benford
c930ee2 Well, this was what dads were for: saying the unsayable when you needed it. Gregory Benford
957dccb Science's success did not need a God to explain it; the world was enough. Gregory Benford
f82baeb Government doesn't often move quickly, but when they do, it's like an elephant stampede. Gregory Benford
4f0de57 I'll be thinking of you as they roll me into a grave marked 'Nobody Special.'" Gregory Benford
182f389 Whole world is sitting on ass, watching glorious Twenty-first century on TV. Gregory Benford
b3df1e7 That's how business works. There's always somebody coming in on your blind side. Gregory Benford
937ca9c It was just good luck, last minute luck.""Your 'luck' was mostly sweat and intuition." Gregory Benford
7d193d8 That's absurd. This is real life, not some tabloid fantasy. Gregory Benford
5ad22ae Science was a systematic way to avoid fooling yourself, after all. Gregory Benford
5b4c06f Not sure. When don't know, do experiment. Gregory Benford
fa0b6a6 He's an order of magnitude better than mere diplomats. He's a conniver. Gregory Benford
864d876 Always keep your words soft and sweet, just in case you have to eat them. Gregory Benford
109d0ee Better be a bit more diplomatic. Translation: cover your scientific ass. Gregory Benford
ea3e0c4 None of the above. That's often the right answer, and bugger the exams. Gregory Benford