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c04fd4b bent ostentatiously to her work. Gregory Maguire
27bbb14 It is existentially, hyperbolically, quintessentially unknowable. Gregory Maguire
79ad680 Was it an accident... or is it just that the world unwraps itself to you again and again as soon as you are ready to see it anew? Gregory Maguire
83ae3a6 So Elena goes out. Can you see her? Over there, on the path by the fence made of wire and disoriented wooden rails. Now in the shadows of the juniper, now coming into the light. There. Gregory Maguire
de36fad Eu nunca uso as palavras humanista ou humanitario, pois me parece que ser humano significa ser capaz dos crimes mais hediondos da natureza. Gregory Maguire
69d38ab Noon bells sang out with their usual ignorance of mood, marking out moments of grief and worry, elation and confusion. The bells said that at its core, human life was fundamentally a sort of organic clockwork, while the winds and skylarks that swept against the sound of metronomic iron timekeeping argued for variety, subtlety, epiphany. Gregory Maguire
6f797f0 The last light with any real warmth had been at home, long ago, in a place and a time that no longer existed, with people whose names he didn't say even inside his own mind. Gregory Maguire
7cd3bae How very like a dream this all is. Gregory Maguire
a318591 When Sister Saint Aelphaba neither confirmed nor denied this plan, Oatsie began to understand why the payment to take the green maunt away had been more than generous. Gregory Maguire
bc2d37c What are we going to do? Such a bad harvest last summer and too little snow now to irrigate the fields come spring ..." "The world is protesting. It feels like a summer cloudburst coming, yet the hymns of the high holidays still ring in our ears. Can the calendar turn inside out? Can a year run backward?" Gregory Maguire
cf68a3c With all those stars in the sky, why isn't there enough light for us to see by? We stumble like blinded sheep." "As you can see, it is clouding over. The stars can't pierce that gloom; they just wait it out. That isn't the stars' fault. It is their custom to stay heavenly." "They should come down closer to the earth." "Well, ask them politely." Gregory Maguire
bff0606 history takes a long time to happen. Gregory Maguire
fc7e379 After all is said and done," said the Dormouse, "there is nothing to be done. Or said." Gregory Maguire
59f7b8b Noon is a disguise of whiteness put on by the eternal Night behind it. Gregory Maguire
d974fa7 It's my belief that our lives are stolen from us. Ornamented with pinnate leaves and colored frills, we exist only as a consolation for others. I don't feel fulfilled. Indeed, some days I scarcely feel at all. Gregory Maguire
763b45f place, Gregory Maguire
3c79365 the use of beauty? I have lived my life surrounded by painters, and I still do not know the answer. But I suspect, some days, that beauty helps protect the spirit of mankind, swaddle it and succor it, so that we might survive. Beauty is no end in itself, but if it makes our lives less miserable so that we might be more kind--well, then, let's have beauty, painted on our porcelain, hanging on our walls, ringing through our stories. We are a .. Gregory Maguire
939a7ee I rarely trust myself to make statements about truth. Gregory Maguire
88e79df History crawls along on the peg legs of small individual lives," said Frex, "and at the same time larger eternal forces converge. You can't attend to both arenas at once." "Our child may not have a small life." Gregory Maguire
df21a74 I wouldn't mind leaving myself behind if I could, buy I don't know the way out. Gregory Maguire
092c34a Against the mutability of dream, the natural laws advocated by our bewigged Enlightenment forebears are powerless. Newton, for instance, insists on gravity and other prohibitions of the physical world, from which (while we are awake) we are never free. But we can fly in dreams. Gregory Maguire
0eef7d3 Being vulnerable to desolation also arises from being unable to picture a set of choices with which to change your lot in life Gregory Maguire
9585f02 Good gracious, dear, all of life is a spell. You know that. wicked Gregory Maguire
620fe40 Yes, I'm nervous. You'll find in time most people are. They simply learn better how to disguise it, and sometimes, if they're wise, how to use their anxiety to serve the public good. Perhaps being jittery helps me pay closer attention. Gregory Maguire
5bcb011 You lie, cheat and steal and call it courtesy, cunning and thrift. Gregory Maguire
667ae76 What's the different between a shooting star and a falling house?" "One which is propitious grants delicious wishes, the other which is vicious squishes witches." Gregory Maguire
50d4a35 Only, sometimes, in the text of a book here and there, we tap the page with a finger and say, "This is what my lost days were like. Something like this." But even as we turn to the fellow in the bed beside us to say, "Yes, this passage here," whatever it is we recognized has already disguised itself, changed in that split instant. There is no hope that our companion can see what we, just for a moment, saw anew and hailed with a startled, gl.. Gregory Maguire
ac15cc2 Mostly his mind wandered. But it didn't have anywhere special to wander to. Gregory Maguire
103bf8f A fellow needed two names, one for affection and the other for civic duty. Gregory Maguire
c7e1067 Luck and grace: an unmatching pair of boots with which to address a long dusty road. Gregory Maguire
a8a19aa It doesn't pose or represent the world. It becomes. Gregory Maguire
4ed6569 Use your talent at sorcery, don't be used by it. Gregory Maguire
23edb27 You're critical of everyone. Oh, not everyone. Only everybody who's alive as well as most people who are dead. I feel quite neutral about anybody not yet born Gregory Maguire
d08100b The person who asks questions like yours always gets to choose the terms, Gregory Maguire
c5cf7ba I would leave me were I him. I would leave myself if I could. Gregory Maguire
fe2ade3 I'm not good, I'm just quiet, Gregory Maguire
87efe90 Sera que o diabo ja se esforcou para ser bom de novo ou, se fizer isso, nao e um demonio? Gregory Maguire
f475c99 Quando os tempos sao cruciais, quando o ar esta cheio de crise, aqueles que sao mais parecidos consigo mesmos sao as vitimas. Gregory Maguire
8f543a1 She hobbled away into the dark, saying her prayers aloud. "Old saint Nicholas, young saint Mark Keep me safe in the pesky dark Saint Olga of the hight Himalayas Send me a set of cashmere pajamas." Gregory Maguire
6e719d8 And so the feast-day of the nativity of the Christ Child approached with its usual panic, uproar, and greed. Gregory Maguire
adc314a Never underestimate the value of a mother in wartime. She has the most to fight for. Gregory Maguire
30ab92b The question ocasionally invents the answer. (142) question Gregory Maguire
ae1435d You're in the finest hands. He's a very capable soldier." "He is an old man with a white beard." "He is a young man inside, and strong." Gregory Maguire
cd5f2d7 The world was a set of alternations, resistance and persistence, writ up in lake and the distant Alpine peaks of eastern Switzerland. In fact, the world was no easier to understand than Bach. Gregory Maguire