There is a silence in empty houses that is unique... People have left and taken all the noise with them.
Henning Mankell |
There is a special kind of beauty that manifests itself only in the faces of really old women. Their furrowed skin contains all the marks and memories imprinted by a life lived. Old women whose bodies the earth is crying out to embrace. I
Henning Mankell |
It's about contradictions between us and inside us, between individuals and society, between dream and reality. Sometimes these contradictions express themselves in violence, such as racial conflict. And this mirror of crime can take us back to the Greek authors.
Henning Mankell |
Que poco sabemos de nuestros vecinos>>, penso.
Henning Mankell |
I thought it went without saying that when the Soviet Union collapsed and the eastern states opened up, we would be plagued by a new kind of criminality in Sweden and Western Europe. And that is what happened.
Henning Mankell |
You can't live with literary characters no matter how much you might like to.
Henning Mankell |
We used to send whole flocks of birds shooting out of our mouths and never managed to grab them by their wings.
Henning Mankell |
a map
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Don't you understand that this is serious?" she screamed. "Anna is missing!"
Henning Mankell |
There are two kinds of dangerous situations. One is the kind you get yourself into. The other just sucks you in.
Henning Mankell |
I have to say it all sounds pretty improbable," said Bjork. "We live in an improbable world," said Wallander."
Henning Mankell |
Establishing the line between a lie and a fact, the real truth, is the basis of all police work. - Kurt Wallander
Henning Mankell |
Martinsson fired. Wallander watched Lucia fly back and put his hand up to his shoulder. The gun fell from his hand and landed outside the counter. With a bellow Martinsson yanked himself free of the guy ropes and launched himself at the counter, straight at the wounded man. The counter collapsed, and Martinsson landed in a jumble of leather jackets. Wallander lunged forwards and grabbed the gun from mud. He saw Skinhead dash past him into c..
Henning Mankell |
Linda recognized the car next to it as Hoglund's. Linda fingered the Swiss army knife in her pocket, but this was not a night for slashing tires.
Henning Mankell |
Wallander si avvio verso il distributore di bevande. Ma si rese conto di non averemonete.Un uomo anziano con due grucce usci da una stanza muovendosi con grande fatica.Quando Wallander gli chiese se pote sse cambiargli un banconota, l'uomo scosse il capo, mise la mano nella tasca della vestaglia e gli diede le monete necessarie per il caffe. Wallander rimase con la banconota tesa senza sapere cosa fare. --Moriro fra poco|| disse l'uomo so..
Henning Mankell |
Martinsson had sifted through the tip-offs. Everything that the police learnt was fed into a computer. Then he did a rough sort. The most ridiculous ones never got beyond the print-outs. "Hulda Yngveson phoned from Vallby and said that is was the disapproving hand of God that dealt the blow," said Martinsson. "She always calls," sighed Rydberg. "If a calf runs off, it's because God is displeased." "I put her on the C.F. list," said Martinss..
Henning Mankell |
It was a feeling which stayed with him after he got back home to his terrace house on the Kristianstad road. When he had finished his dinner and played with his children for a while, he went out with the dog. Martinsson lived in the neighbourhood, so he decided to stop by and tell he and Noren had seen. The dog was a Labrador bitch and Martinsson had asked recently if he could join the waiting list for puppies.
Henning Mankell |
The wife of the dead man had thrown herself down in the mud, and her wails were so piercing that several of the policemen couldn't tolerate the sound and had moved away. To his surprise, Wallander saw that the only one who was able to handle the grieving woman and the anguished children was Martinsson. The youngest policeman on the force, who so far in his career had never even been forced to notify someone of a relative's death. He had hel..
Henning Mankell |
Could you hold Martinsson's flashlight for a moment?" Wallander said to Hansson. "Why?" "Just do it, please." Martinsson handed Hansson his flashlight. Wallander took a step forward and hit Martinsson in the face. However, since it was hard to judge the distance between them in the shifting beams of the flashlights, the blow didn't land squarely on the jaw as intended. It was more of a gentle nudge. "What the hell are you doing?" "What the ..
Henning Mankell |
Linda grabbed an ashtray from the table and threw it at him, hitting him right above the eyebrow. Blood ran down his face and dripped on Harriet Bolson's file.
Henning Mankell |
Martinsson was at the other side of the table, watching him. 'He knows exactly what's going on inside my head at the moment,' Wallander thought, 'and he agrees with me, whether I speak up now or hold my tongue.
Henning Mankell |
Traume konnen ihren Wert haben, selbst wenn man sie nicht verwirklichen kann.
Henning Mankell |
The cold grips us like handcuffs and the heat is the liberating key.
Henning Mankell |
In many ways Martinsson was the opposite of Svedberg: he was coming up to 30, born in Trollhattan, and had set his sights early on a police career. As a police officer, Martinsson was impulsive and sometime careless, but he often had good ideas and his ambition meant that he worked tirelessly when he though he could see a solution to a problem.
Henning Mankell |
who has always
Henning Mankell |
He stared down at the empty street and wondered why all city streets resembled each other at night. He
Henning Mankell |
At a time which seemed to him as far distant as the dim and distant past of his ancestors, his father, Okumana, the man who could make better spear tips than anyone else, had explained to him that there was always a way out of any situation, as long as one was alive. Death was the last hiding place. That was something to keep in reserve until there was no other way of avoiding an apparently insuperable threat. There were always escape route..
Henning Mankell |
La vida se compone de demasiados Quizas. Y de muy pocas cosas que se puedan saber con absoluta seguridad...
Henning Mankell |
Perche tutti quelli che vengono in africa devono sempre giustificarsi? .. Persino chi e nato qui dice di essere solo in visita
Henning Mankell |
Questa e la Svezia, aveva pensato. In apparenza e tutto chiaro e pulito, i nostri aeroporti sono costruiti in modo accogliente e razionale. Non vi sono angoli bui, tutto e visibile, nessuno finge di essere quello che non e. La nostra religione e il nostro credo nazionali sono basati su quella sicurezza che e scritta nella nostra costituzione e che in qualche modo fa sapere al resto del mondo che da noi morire di fame e considerato un delitt..
Henning Mankell |
Per Wallander la vita era un succedersi di problemi pratici che dovevano essere risolti, allo stesso tempo sapeva di non aveva la capacita di migliorare la propria esistenza o quella di altri con formule filosofiche. E non si era mai lamentato di vivere nell'epoca che il caso o il destino gli avevano assegnato. Si nasce quando si nasce e si muore quando viene la nostra ora, e questi per Wallander erano i limiti dell'esistenza. Ma in quella ..
Henning Mankell |
Once more they had left their own time for another age. The age of Bellman, the bacchanalian 18th-century poet.
Henning Mankell |
Sometimes parents don't know their children, he thought. But sometimes a parent knows her child better than anyone else, and
Henning Mankell |
there was no such thing as past or future. There was no time that could be lost or won. The only thing that counted was action.
Henning Mankell |
the remnants of a person's life inevitably ended up at the nearest dump.
Henning Mankell |
It was the most important art a person could learn: self-control.
Henning Mankell |
Le gusta esa idea. Es una idea que nunca compartira con nadie. Es una idea que hace que el sea el y no otro.
Henning Mankell |
soul-sucking vampires who were profiting from the increased sense of helplessness in society.
Henning Mankell |
At what point does the normal suddenly become the abnormal? he
Henning Mankell |
Something that makes it possible for me to start thinking about the future again.
Henning Mankell |
self-preservation was more important than revenge, and
Henning Mankell |
slowly peel away all the extraneous layers. There are tracks and marks left at every crime scene, like shadows of the event itself. That's what you have to find.
Henning Mankell |
Traces of a crime need to be coaxed out, not rushed.
Henning Mankell |
His definition of friendship had been grounded on the lowest common denominator, an absence of animosity. He
Henning Mankell |