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5bcd77e Rebus remembered that the premature withdrawal of the penis during intercourse for contraceptive reasons was often referred to as 'getting off at Haymarket. Ian Rankin
10e5b9f Bad Men Do What Good Men Ian Rankin
2e5bb5e He's a piece of the jigsaw.' 'Maybe so, John, but if he is, he's a bit of sky or cloud - I can see the picture clearly enough without him. Ian Rankin
13d2f56 I'm game if you are. Ian Rankin
8c7c6c3 But you used to know a good thing when you saw it. Trouble is, that's never what I see when I look in the mirror. What do you see? He looked at her. Sometimes I don't see anything at all. Ian Rankin
11345cc I wouldn't join you if you were coming apart at the seams. Ian Rankin
48520b5 If it were a peg, you couldn't hang a fucking hankie on it, never mind your coat. Ian Rankin
0a2c947 muttered. Then: Ian Rankin
48a0617 I'm caught, he thought, between a cushion and a soft place Ian Rankin
0f4ce5f There was a ring at the door. He did not answer. They would go away, and he would be alone again with his grief, his impotent anger, and his undusted possessions. Ian Rankin
40abbfe like he could use a good meal. Rebus had seen more meat on a butcher's pencil. Ian Rankin
2083183 morning edition. Unless, of course, the Ian Rankin
e7faa2b when the shit was heading fanwards. Ian Rankin
7ca0379 Everything you do from waking till sleeping is against somebody's Bible, Cafferty. Ian Rankin
3cc9ea3 What happens to sanity when you chain it to a wall? Ian Rankin
4c7aa29 Now is the first day of the rest of your strife. Ian Rankin
7d0f69c Strip the veneer, and the world had moved only a couple of steps from the cave. Ian Rankin
aeca739 You weren't kidding about the rolls," Rebus said, taking another bite. "Bacon just the right side of crispy," Robert Chatham agreed. They were seated across from one another at a booth with padded seats and a Formica-topped table. Mugs of dark-brown tea and plates in front of them, Radio Forth belting out from the kitchen." Ian Rankin
7627f99 Jim Ian Rankin
70fb47c James and his team were readying to brief a lawyer from the Procurator Fiscal's office. The Fiscal Depute's name was Shona MacBryer. MacBryer knew Clarke, and the two shared a nod of greeting as she arrived. Fox and Oldfield were handing round mugs. Someone had splashed out on a cafetiere and proper coffee, and the biscuits were Duchy Originals. Ian Rankin
2328c0f There's an insult buried in there somewhere, but I can't quite see it. Ian Rankin
eba0fa0 one was very Ian Rankin
bbf0095 POETS day," he reminded Siobhan. "Piss Off Early, Tomorrow's Saturday," she recited." Ian Rankin
e715f90 Bad-mouthing everyone else is such a simple option. Ian Rankin
a12ba49 They parked in a pay-bay on George Square and walked through the gardens, emerging in front of the university library. Most of the buildings here had gone up in the 1960s, and Rebus hated them: blocks of sand-colored concrete replacing the square's original eighteenth-century town houses. Rows of treacherous steps, and a notorious wind-tunnel effect which could blow over the unwary on the wrong day. Students walked between the buildings, hu.. Ian Rankin
83d7bd6 Woodwork creaks and out come the freaks, eh? Ian Rankin
8c564bb We've already eaten,' Fox said. 'Nice, was Ian Rankin
3cb9d77 boffins Ian Rankin
e14f20e And little girls went to charm schools. Now you've all got degrees from the University of Sarcasm. women set-in-darkness girls sarcasm university Ian Rankin
9a5f863 Shi-vawn. Ian Rankin
11a6759 her face had decided long ago that make-up wasn't going to cure anything. Her Ian Rankin
bffc334 salmon was sliced thick, and had been sprinkled with lemon juice and pepper. He took a small nip of whisky when the hip-flask came round, then drank two mugs of strong tea. With all the games he felt were going on, he wanted to clear his head. He wasn't sure if he was a player, a counter, or the die. He'd been shown one thing, though - the game was dangerous, at stake his professional career, which was everything he lived for. Practically e.. Ian Rankin
09ab1e4 Acknowledgements Reading Group Notes Timeline About the Author By Ian Rankin Copyright Serendipity. According to the dictionary, it means the ability to make 'happy chance finds'. Serendip was the old name for Ceylon. Horace Walpole is credited with coining the term, after the fairy tale 'The Three Princes of Serendip', whose titular heroes were always stumbling across things they weren't looking for. Ian Rankin
659155c went to take a look at it. A plaque Ian Rankin
556d2e1 Poor girl. She would change. The idealism would vanish once she saw how hypocritical the whole game was, and what luxuries lay outside university. When she left, she'd want it all: the executive job in London, the flat, car, salary, wine-bar. She would chuck it all in for a slice of pie. truth-of-life Ian Rankin
d7e30a9 Nothing in the room was cheap, but none of it was exactly desirable either. Ian Rankin
5ed2e47 Sky glowing dull pink. Simmer dim, as the Shetlanders called Ian Rankin
c79958c Also, he was more discriminating now than he had been then, back in the old days when he would read a book to its bitter end whether he liked it or not. These days, a book he disliked was unlikely to last ten pages of his concentration. Ian Rankin
41dafd8 Perhaps if he stopped praying, God would take the hint and stop being such a bastard to one of his few believers on this near-godforsaken planet. Ian Rankin
dcdf473 was still a fine, persistent drizzle. There was a word in Scots for it--"smirr." Ian Rankin
038291b I went to the Oxford Bar first off, but they said they hardly see you these days. I'm at the age where nothing should surprise me, but Ian Rankin
4ff5625 As usual, Vanderhyde's memory was sharp enough when it suited him. 'That's true. All the same, you were there.' 'Yes, I was. But I left several hours before the fire started. Not guilty, your honour.' 'Why were you there in the first place?' 'To meet a friend for a drink.' 'A seedy place for a drink.' 'Was it? You'll have to remember, Inspector, I couldn't see anything. It certainly didn't smell or feel particularly disreputable.' 'Point ta.. Ian Rankin
450dd33 silly buggers, Ian Rankin
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