To this boy of New England the May morning was like faint music in the woods again, some unspeakably exciting foregathering of events far in the deep shade of morning pines, all of it stirring there. He could hear it all faintly in the woods from far away, from across the fields and pastures, in the cool misty morning air, and he wanted to go there too.
Jack Kerouac |
I'd also gone through an entire year of celibacy based on my feeling that lust was the direct cause of birth which was the direct cause of suffering and death and I had really no lie come to a point where I regarded lust as offensive and even cruel.
Jack Kerouac |
O wind, songs have ye in her name? Plucked her did ye from midnight blasted millyard winds and made her renown ring in stone and brick and ice? Hard implacable bridges of iron cross her milk of brows? God bent from his steel arc welded her a hammer of honey and of balm? The rutted mud of hardrock Time . . . was it wetted, springified, greened, blossomied for me to grow in nameless bloodied lutey naming of her? Wood on cold trees would her c..
Jack Kerouac |
The hot water pools are steaming, Fagan and Monsanto and the others are all sitting peacefully up to their necks, they're all naked, but there's a gang of fairies also there naked all standing in various bath house postures that make me hesitate to take my clothes off just on general principles. (p. 106)
Jack Kerouac |
Vinny's was the scene of suicide hookies.
Jack Kerouac |
Out on the road outside Cheyenne Wells a great argument developed between Pomeray and Old Bull as to whether they were going to buy a little whiskey or lot of wine, one being a wino, the other an alcoholic. Not having eaten for a long time, feverish, they leaped out of the car and started making brawling gestures at each other which were supposed to represent a fistfight between two men...and the next moment they were embracing each other, ..
Jack Kerouac |
I met a reverend mother once who cried...ah, it's all so sad' - 'What did she cry about?' - 'I don't know, after talking to me, I remember I said some silly thing like "the universe is a woman because it's round" but I think she cried because she was remembering her early days when she had a romance with some soldier who died, at least that's what they say, she was the greatest woman I ever saw, big blue eyes, big smart woman ... you could ..
Jack Kerouac |
Buddham Saranam Gocchami, I take refuge in the Buddha, Sangham, I take refuge in the church, Dhammam, I take refuge in the Dharma, the truth.
Jack Kerouac |
Oh these dumb dumb dumb Okies, they'll never change, how com-pletely and how unbelievably dumb, the moment it comes time to act, this paralysis, scared, hysterical, nothing frightens em more than what they WANT- it's MY FATHER MY FATER MY FATHER all over again!
Jack Kerouac |
besides which Lucille would never understand me because I like too many things and get all confused and hung-up running from one falling star to another till I drop. This is the night, what it does to you. I had nothing to offer anybody except my own confusion.
Jack Kerouac |
We were so used to traveling we had to walk all over Long Island, but there was no more land, just the Atlantic Ocean, and we could only go so far.
Jack Kerouac |
I suddenly look at the fish and feel horrible all over again, that old death scheme is now back only now I'm gonna put my big healthy Anglosaxon teeth into it and wrench away at the mournful flesh of a little living being that only an hour ago was swimming happily in the sea, in fact even Dave thinking this and saying: 'Ah yes that little muzzling mouth was blindly sucking away in the glad waters of life and now look at it, here's where the..
Jack Kerouac |
I dunno, remember when we were in East St. Louis with George, and Jack you said you'd love those beautiful dancing girls if you knew they would live forever as beautiful as they are?" (p. 173)"
Jack Kerouac |
Don't you have a class this morning, Georgie?" Day mumbled something that sounded like "Ancient History of the Near East and Greece." "Poof!" scoffed Everhart, flourishing his fork, "Come with me and see the Near East."
Jack Kerouac |
qSyd@ - kyf tt'ml- l'nwr muTf'@ 'usqT,wydk mutshbktn fy nshw@ lnjrf llHZy km fy jur`@ hyrwyn 'w mwrfyn lGud@ dkhl `qly ytdfq mnh lsy'l lbhyj (lsy'l lmuqds) km lw 'nny 'hwy l~ l'sfl qbDan `l~ 'jz jsdy l~ Hjz qtl lGybwb@ tashfy kl 'mrDy-wtmHw m lm yZhr mnh b`d Ht~ nutf@-'n-'ml-'nt,'w 'y blwn mkhbwl mutbqy lkn l`ql frG,skn-bl 'fkr `ndm taZhr l'fkr mn b`yd m` m ytHfZ `lyh-shkl Swr@- `mlh bskhry@-tuDllh,tkhd`h -wttlshy wl'fkr l trj` 'bdan-wbmt`@..
Jack Kerouac |
I see as much as doors'll allow, open or shut
Jack Kerouac |
It starts raining harder, I've got a long way to go walking and pushing that sore leg right along in the gathering rain, no chance no intention whatever of hailing a cab, the whiskey and the Morphine have made me unruffled by the sickness of the poison in my heart.
Jack Kerouac |
There's the hum of the bee drone two blocks away the racket of it you'd think it was right over the roof, when the bee drone swirls nearer and nearer (gulp again) you retreat into the cabin and wait, maybe they got a message to come and see you all two thousand of em- but gettin used to the bee drone finally which seem to happen like a big party once a week- and so everything is eventually marvelous.
Jack Kerouac |
Where is he tonight? Where am I? Where are you?
Jack Kerouac |
Los huesos humanos no son mas que vanas lineas que se desvanecen, el universo entero un vacio molde de estrellas.
Jack Kerouac |
the prettiest girls in the world live in Des Moines.
Jack Kerouac |
All I want from this book is a living, enough money to make a living, buy a farm and some land, work it, write some more, travel a little, and so on.
Jack Kerouac |
I realize all the uncountable manifestations the thinking-mind invents to place wall of horror before its pure perfect realization that there is no wall and no horror just Transcendental Empty Kissable Milk Light of Everlasting Eternity's true and perfectly empty nature.
Jack Kerouac |
Il mondo mi deve un paio di cose.
Jack Kerouac |
Sunday morning,I empty of my little tricks to make life livable.
Jack Kerouac |
But let the mind beware, that though the flesh be bugged, the circumstances of existence are pretty glorious.
Jack Kerouac |
God who is everything possesses the eye of awakening, like dreaming a long dream of an impossible task.
Jack Kerouac |
It was like the imminent arrival of Gargantuan preparations had to be made to widen the gutters of Denver and foreshorten certain laws to fit his suffering bulk and bursting ecstasies.
Jack Kerouac |
You're a genius all the time.
Jack Kerouac |
And at first it's so amazing to be able to enjoy dreamy afternoon meadows of heather up the other end of the canyon and just by walking less than a halfmile you can suddenly also enjoy wild gloomy sea coast, or if you're sick of either of these just sit by the creek in a gladey spot and dream over snags--So easy in the woods to daydream and pray to the local spirits and say "Allow me to stay here, I only want peace" and those foggy pe..
Jack Kerouac |
That afternoon I say about five thousand cars or probably three thousand passed me not one of them ever dreamed of stopping -- Which didnt bother me anyway because at first seeing that gorgeous long coast up to Monterey I thought "Well I'll just hike right in, it's only fourteen miles, I oughta do that easy" -- And on the way there's all kindsa interesting things to see anyway like the seals barking on rocks below, or quiet old farms made o..
Jack Kerouac |
The sight of the canyon down there as we renegotiated the mountain road made me bite my lip with marvel and sadness. It's as familiar as an old face in an old photograph as tho I'm gone a million years from all that sun shaded brush on rocks and that heartless blue of the sea washing white on yellow sand, those rills of yellow arroyo running down mighty cliff shoulders, those distant blue meadows, that whole ponderous groaning upheaval so s..
Jack Kerouac |
Maybe that's what life is... a wink of the eye and winking stars.
Jack Kerouac |
All of life is a foreign country.
Jack Kerouac |
Write in recollection and amazement for yourself
Jack Kerouac |
Accept loss forever
Jack Kerouac |
Believe in the holy contour of life
Jack Kerouac |
Be in love with your life every detail of it
Jack Kerouac |
Listen to the silence inside the illusion of the world
Jack Kerouac |
All is well, practice kindness, heaven is nigh.
Jack Kerouac |
You can't fight City Hall. It keeps changing its name.
Jack Kerouac |
All our best men are laughed at in this nightmare land.
Jack Kerouac |
So long and take it easy, because if you start taking things seriously, it is the end of you.
Jack Kerouac |
The fact that everybody in the world dreams every night ties all mankind together.
Jack Kerouac |