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163d9a9 That's a shame," said Bert, "to run out of crackers before you've run out of emergency." emergency here-there-be-dragons humor James A. Owen
1621de1 My name is Samaranth," said the great red beast, "and all those you see around you declined my invitation, opting instead to help themselves to the treasure. So, Sons of Adam, choose. Will you drink with me, or do you want to plunder, and die?" "Are you serious?" said Jack. "Tea or death? Of course we'll take the tea." The others all nodded in enthusiastic agreement. "What kind of fool would choose death?" "Bet they wuz Cambridge scowlers, .. James A. Owen
2df9cb6 Those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it... but those who remember the future can plan ahead for the weather. James A. Owen
c1adc82 Some of us got our reputations because we wrote good books or had clever publicists. He got his reputation through sheer hard work. James A. Owen
87decea I think the idea of simply "enduring to the end" is a terrible philosophy and an awful way to live one's life. How you spend your days is how you live your life, and if you're spending them "enduring" anything then you're doing it wrong." joy life James A. Owen
e7fbdfe Un om trebuie judecat atunci cand a dat din el tot ceea ce era de dat, cand nu mai poate sa-si puna esecurile pe seama defectelor si cand se bazeaza pe propria putere pentru a izbandi. James A. Owen
95dc85e Aceia care uita trecutul sunt blestemati sa-l repete, dar cei care-si amintesc viitorul pot sa se pregateasca pentru orice.,, James A. Owen
68a4d49 Haosul poate fi ordonat, flacarile pot fi stinse, imperiile se pot ridica si destrama. Lucrurile adevarate vor ramane mereu si te vor indruma intotdeauna sa-ti atingi telurile.,, James A. Owen