There is no escape now. For anyone.' 'Be patient. The sun has not yet set.' 'I have no confidence in this sun, Mariko-san.' He reached out and touched her face. 'Gomen nasai.
James Clavell |
It is sometimes wise to be abstract.
James Clavell |
Sometimes full agreements, delicate agreements, should not be reduced into writing.
James Clavell |
For a woman, old age is never pretty.
James Clavell |
It is not wise to notice another man's woman.
James Clavell |
You must be patient before you criticize.
James Clavell |
The meeting of the Council after the gai-jin had departed, for once, had been happy and filled with laughter at the enemy's loss of face,
James Clavell |
an able man has many burdens. As I'm abler than most I have to sweat more than most.
James Clavell |
All gods bear witness! The Jade Gate and the One-Eyed Monk are truly yin and yang, truly everlasting, truly godlike, both insatiable however much one consumes the other.
James Clavell |
A fine moon rode the sky and he could see the dark marks on its face and he wondered absently if the dark was land and the rest ice and snow, and why the moon was there, and who lived there.
James Clavell |
Secrets never leave you in peace, however much you wish or pray.
James Clavell |
Like every serious student, follow the most important law for all students: repay your teacher by making it your duty to surpass him!
James Clavell |
He had long since discovered that peaceful sleep could provide the answer to most puzzles, and if not, what did it really matter? Wasn't life just a dewdrop within a dewdrop?
James Clavell |
I'm not afraid, my son. I fear nothing on this earth. I fear only God's judgment,
James Clavell |
Yesterday, because of Mrs. Struan's letter to him, he had been confronted with an immortal truth: however loyal you are to a company, however much service you give "the company," the company can and will spit you out at its whim, without conscience."
James Clavell |
People are "the company" and those in charge can and always will hide behind that facade, that "the company must survive," or "for the good of the company," and so on, wrecking or promoting for personal reasons, enmities or hatreds."
James Clavell |
Put not your trust in bloody princes, they can plead expedience.
James Clavell |
Death and life are the same thing. This is the immutable law of nature.
James Clavell |
Women don't have wisdom or knowledge in political things.
James Clavell |
Lust is pressing, something must be done about it.
James Clavell |
The talk had turned to business, and in the few short hours she had learned more about Hong Kong techniques than through all the reading she had done. More and more it was clear that unless you were on the inside, real power and real riches would escape you.
James Clavell |
you would think they would be happy fornicators like normal persons. But they are not, they have so many cobwebs in their heads that somehow fornication is not our Most Heavenly Pleasure, but some kind of secret, religious evil. Weird.
James Clavell |
The British. We have proved beyond all doubt we're to be trusted, we can govern, and, by and large, our bureaucracy's incorruptible.
James Clavell |
When the Dragons belch, all Hong Kong defecates.
James Clavell |
Nothing is of more importance to the state than the quality of its spies. It is ten thousand times cheaper to pay the best spies lavishly than even a tiny army poorly.
James Clavell |
the motor industry, because of its countless allied industries, being the core of any capitalist society.
James Clavell |
Wildcat strikes are the way of the future. With wildcats we can get around union hierarchies without disrupting existing unionism. Our unions're fragmented. Deliberately. Fifty men can be a separate union and that union can dominate thousands--and so long as there's never a secret ballot, the few will always rule the many!
James Clavell |
Malayan. It means 'ashamed.'" He smiled to himself. It was a contraction of puki mahlu. Mahlu ashamed, puki a Golden Gulley. Malays grant feelings to that part of a woman: hunger, sadness, kindness, rapaciousness, hesitancy, shame, anger--anything and everything."
James Clavell |
Changi changed everyone, changed values permanently. For instance, it gave you a dullness about death--we saw too much of it to have the same sort of meaning to outsiders, to normal people. We're a generation of dinosaurs, we the few who survived. I suppose anyone who goes to war, any war, sees life with different eyes if they end up in one piece.
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A lot of bull that's worshipped as the be-all and end-all of existence. So much of 'normal, civilized' life is bull that you can't imagine it. For us ex-Changi-ites--we're lucky, we're cleansed, we know what life is really all about. What frightens you, doesn't frighten me, what frightens me, you'd laugh at.
James Clavell |
How could such a pretty girl become known as the Hag, she wondered. It must be hateful to become old in face and body when you're young at heart and still strong and tough--so unfair for a woman.
James Clavell |
Remember, child," her father had drummed into her, "remember that advice, good advice, comes from unexpected places at unexpected times."
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Our writers have always pointed the way for us, Mr. Grey, they've formed our thinking and feeling, Tolstoy, Dostoevski, Chekhov, Bunin ..." He added with pride, "Writers with us are pathfinders."
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those who are young will take risks which even the devil would pass by.
James Clavell |
After all those horrors at Changi, you don't detest them?" After a pause Peter Marlowe shook his head. "I don't detest anyone. Even Grey. It takes all of my mind and energy to appreciate that I'm alive."
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Any history book will tell them China always crosses her borders to protect her buffer zones when any invader approaches
James Clavell |
It's the right of every red-blooded American to avoid taxes, but not evade them.
James Clavell |
But she wasn't a virgin and that hurt Grey, for she had implied it many times. But he pretended that he didn't know she had cheated him.
James Clavell |
It's amputate or die. Simple. And when it comes down to it, you can't die. Not yet. Once you're born, you are obligated to survive. At all costs.
James Clavell |
Kill, torture, burn! Just so long as it's in the name of God, you're all right. What a lot of hypocrisy! Don't give me faith! It's nothing!
James Clavell |
And yet you have faith in the King," Father Donovan said quietly."
James Clavell |
You should talk to Ian about Cuba, old chap, that really gets him going. He says, and I agree, you lost. The Soviets sucked you into another trap. A fool's mate. He believes they built their sites almost openly--wanting you to detect them and you did and then there was a lot of saber-rattling, the whole world's frightened to death, and in exchange for the Soviet agreement to take the missiles out of Cuba your President tore up your Monroe D..
James Clavell |
Vietnam's going to be a big problem for your government unless it's very smart." Bartlett said confidently, "Thank God it is. JFK handled Cuba. He'll handle Vietnam too. He made the Big K back off there and he can do it again. We won that time. The Soviets took their missiles out."
James Clavell |
I think the Soviets have deliberately enticed you into Vietnam. You'll send in troops but they won't. You'll be fighting Viets and the jungle, and the Soviets will be the winners. Your CIA's already there in strength. They're running an airline. Even now airfields are being constructed with U.S. money, U.S. arms are pouring in. You've soldiers fighting there already.
James Clavell |