Sometimes it's more painful to know the truth than not to know it." -Han Solo" --
James Luceno |
Evil? What is that? ...You said you were death itself. Are you evil, then, or are you simply stronger and more awake than others? Who gives more shape to sentient history: the good, who adhere to the tried and true, or those who seek to rouse beings from their stupor and lead them to glory? A storm you are, but a much needed one, to wash away the old and complacent and prune the galaxy of deadweight." -Plagueis"
James Luceno |
Remember why the Sith are more powerful than the Jedi, Sidious: because we are not afraid to feel. We embrace the spectrum of emotions, from the heights of transcendent joy to the depths of hatred and despair. Fearless, we welcome whatever paths the dark side sets us on, and whatever destiny it lays out for us.
James Luceno |
Tarkin smiled. "Someone once said that politics is little more than the systematic organization of hostilities."
James Luceno |
It's funny the way things work out. You go in search of one thing and end up finding something else. If I didn't know better, I'd think it was the Force at work." -Han Solo"
James Luceno |
I never claimed to be the Chosen One. That was Qui-Gon. Even the Council doesn't believe it anymore, so why should you?" "Because I think you believe it," Obi-Wan said calmly. "I think you know in your heart that you're meant for something extraordinary." "And you, Master. What does your heart tell you you're meant for?" "Infinite sadness," Obi-Wan said, even while smiling."
James Luceno |
Uncertainty is the first step toward self-determination," Plagueis said. "Courage comes next."
James Luceno |
Rarely did events play out as imagined, in any case. The order of future events was transient. In the same way that the past was reconfigured by selective memory, future events, too, were moving targets. One could only act on instinct, grab hold of an intuited perfect moment, and spring into action.
James Luceno |
Moff Tarkin sends his regards.
James Luceno |
If actions were always judged by their consequence, we'd spend half our lives making amends." -Luke Skywalker"
James Luceno |
Deception begins with bureaucracy," Palpatine said."
James Luceno |
Even friends can't be protected from fate, Han." -Droma"
James Luceno |
Where the Jedi courted power, the Sith lusted after it; where the Jedi believed they knew the truth, the Sith possessed it. Owned by the dark side, they ultimately became their knowledge.
James Luceno |
Never try to live decently, boy--not unless you're willing to open your life to tragedy and sadness. Live like a beast, and no event, no matter how harrowing, will ever be able to move you.
James Luceno |
The power of the dark side is an illness no true Sith would wish to be cured of.
James Luceno |
The Force tries to resist the callings of ravenous spirits; therefore it must be broken and made a beast of burden. It must be made to answer to one's will.
James Luceno |
To say that the Force works in mysterious ways is to admit one's ignorance, for any mystery can be solved through the application of knowledge and unrelenting effort.
James Luceno |
There is no one truth.
James Luceno |
I'm too young to die." "Yeah, and I'm too well known." -Droma and Han Solo"
James Luceno |
If someone is aiming a blaster at your ally, do you raise your ligthsaber to prevent it, or do you do nothing because a Jedi isn't supposed to take aggressive action? I mean, where's the line, Jacen? We're in a war for survival , and defense sometimes means having to eliminate the opposition." -Anakin Solo" --
James Luceno |
A Jedi sufficiently strong in the Force can be trained to produce a facsimile, but not true Sith lightning, which, unabated, has the power not only to incapacitate or kill, but to physically transform the victim. Force lightning requires strength of a sort only a Sith can command because we accept consequence and reject compassion. To do so requires a thirst for power that is not easily satisfied. The Force tries to resist the callings of r..
James Luceno |
If we aren't willing to do whatever is required," he said finally, "then we risk losing what we have been mandated to protect."
James Luceno |
You're demented." "Tell me something I don't know." "Okay, how about, we're unarmed!" -Droma & Han"
James Luceno |
Drall's lighter gravity is going to Jacen's head. He's convinced that our coming here is going to upset the balance of the Force or something." -Anakin Solo"
James Luceno |
Plagueis extended his left hand to touch him on the crown of the head. "Then it is done. From this day forward, the truth of you, now and forever more, will be Sidious."
James Luceno |
Beings may elect their leaders, but the Force has elected us.
James Luceno |
The time had come to give the rest of the galaxy a look at Darth Vader.
James Luceno |
TWO THERE SHOULD BE; NO MORE NO LESS. One to embody power, The other to crave it. - Darth Bane
James Luceno |
For all that sentients have achieved with weapons and machines, life remains an ongoing battle for survival, with the strong or the smart at the top of the heap, and the rest kept in check by firepower and laws.
James Luceno |
Triumphing over nature means better lives for sentients, but dominance is sustained only by bringing order to chaos and establishing law where none exists.
James Luceno |
The Jedi were certainly aware of the tremendous potential, but they restrained themselves." "Precisely what they did with the Force, as some have said. If they had made use of their full powers, the war would have ended in a heartbeat. And the galaxy would be in a different state entirely. For all their purported objectivity, they weren't scientists, they were mystics. For a thousand generations that sufficed. Notions of right and wrong can..
James Luceno |
Laugh all you want." "I can laugh all I want." ::pause for effect:: "Did someone here make me say that?" -Kyp and Bombaasa"
James Luceno |
Propelled by fear or hatred, even a Jedi can pass beyond the constraints of the Order's teachings and discover power of a more profound sort. But no Jedi who arrives at that place, who has risen above his or her allegiance to peace and justice, who kills in anger or out of desire, can lay real claim to the dark side of the Force. Their attempts to convince themselves that they fell to the dark side, or that the dark side compelled their act..
James Luceno |
Five standard years have passed since Darth Sidious proclaimed himself galactic Emperor. The brutal Clone Wars are a memory, and the Emperor's apprentice, Darth Vader, has succeeded in hunting down most of the Jedi who survived dreaded Order 66.
James Luceno |
Not yet," Shryne said, as if to himself "Then you're his apprentice?" His eyes darted right and left, searching for some means of escape. "Is Sidious also in league with Emperor Palpatine?" Vader fell silent for a moment, making up his mind about something. "Lord Sidious is the Emperor."
James Luceno |
Even the brightest of dreams-come-true had shadowy recesses.
James Luceno |
How Plagueis would have mocked him for allowing himself to become personally involved in such a seemingly trivial matter; but then his Master had never foreseen that his onetime apprentice would become Emperor.
James Luceno |
Well, could even a Jedi know the future?
James Luceno |
Science doesn't take sides, does it?
James Luceno |
You don't mind that the war will go on and on?" "Palpatine could have prevented it. Now it's up to people like you to end it." Tarkin nodded. "And so we shall." --
James Luceno |
I owe you a debt," he told Vader. "It took you to bring me back to the Force." "And you to firm my faith in the power of the dark side, Master Shryne."
James Luceno |
Time and again the two Jedi Knights attempted to alter their style, but Vader had an answer for every lunge, parry, and riposte. His style borrowed elements from all techniques of combat, even from the highest, most dangerous levels, and his moves were crisp and unpredictable. In addition, his remarkable foresight allowed him to anticipate Forte's and Kulka's strategies and maneuvers, his blade always one step ahead of theirs, notwithstandi..
James Luceno |
Your fugitive Jedi, my apprentice," Sidious said. "They are traveling to Kashyyyk." He tipped his head to one side. "Perhaps, Lord Vader, they hope to lay a trap for you." Vader clenched his hands. "That would be my most fervent wish, my Master." Sidious clamped his hands on Vader's upper arms. "Then go to them, Lord Vader. Make them sorry they didn't hide while they had the chance!"
James Luceno |
For the moment it was enough that his advisers and minions respected him-for reestablishing peace, for eliminating the group that had posed the greatest threat to continued stability-but eventually those same advisers would need to fear him. To understand the great power he wielded, as both Emperor and Dark Lord of the Sith. And to that end, Sidious needed Vader. For if someone as potent as Vader answered to the Emperor, then how powerful m..
James Luceno |