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7cb727b If in the end Erso's research moves us closer to engineering a weapon for the battle station, then you will have not only my gratitude, but also that of Supreme Chancellor Palpatine and the Republic itself." Krennic restrained a smile. "We all play our part, Vice Chancellor." James Luceno
3998ef2 In part, the deep-space mobile battle station was meant to put an end to harassments of any sort, whether driven by greed, political dissent, or revenge for acts committed during the Clone Wars or since. Once everyone in the galaxy grasped the weapon's capabilities, once the fear of Imperial reprisal took hold, discontent would cease to be a problem. James Luceno
60924d2 Tarkin himself had discussed the need for such a weapon with the Emperor long before the end of the Clone Wars. But no one outside the Emperor knew the full history of the moonlet-sized project. Some claimed that it had begun as a Separatist weapon designed by Geonosian Archduke Poggle the Lesser's hive colony for Count Dooku and the Confederacy of Independent Systems. But if that was the case, the plans had to have somehow fallen into Repu.. James Luceno
082157c I've no interest on initiating a fashion trend on Coruscant or anywhere else. I simply want a uniform that fits - Tarkin wilhuff-tarkin star-wars James Luceno
02fffef For Galen," Easel said. "The Separatists want his research. Phara must have promised to deliver him into their custody." James Luceno
19de03f What Palpatine lacked in charisma, he made up for in candor, and it was that directness that had led to his widespread appeal in the senate. Here was Palpatine, with his ready smile; above corruption, above deception or duplicity, a kind of confessor, willing to hear the most banal confessions or the basest of misdeeds without passing judgment--aloud, at any rate. For in his heart he judged the universe on his own terms, with a clear sense .. James Luceno
0206100 Sidious bowed his head in deference. "In the annals of Sith history, you will be known as Plagueis the Wise." Plagueis quirked a cunning smile. "You flatter me." James Luceno
83380c9 Five standard years have passed since Darth Sidious proclaimed himself galactic Emperor. The brutal Clone Wars are a memory, and the Emperor's apprentice, Darth Vader, has succeeded in hunting down most of the Jedi who survived dreaded Order 66. On Coruscant a servile Senate applauds the Emperor's every decree, and the populations of the Core Worlds bask in a sense of renewed prosperity. In the Outer Rim, meanwhile, the myriad species of fo.. James Luceno
657a06d But not until the singular flame of the light side was extinguished from the galaxy. Not until the Jedi Order was stamped out. James Luceno
62c4566 To be strong in the Force is one thing. But to believe oneself to be all-powerful is to invite catastrophe. Remember, that even in the ethereal realm we inhabit, the unforeseen can occur. James Luceno
054d372 We stalk the Force like hunters, rather than surrender like prey to its enigmatic whims. James Luceno
4e972d8 The Jedi thought of the cellular organelles as symbionts, but to Plagueis midi-chlorians were interlopers, running interference for the Force and standing in the way of a being's ability to contact the Force directly. James Luceno
5b1b0ed A common misconception held that midi-chlorians were Force-carrying particles, when in fact they functioned more as translators, interlocutors of the will of the Force. James Luceno
8f8c3b9 Success doesn't come from summoning help from the Force, but from taking control of it and generating the power from within yourself. James Luceno
600619f Shryne James Luceno
f4ac8bb Two lone Jedi are no match for thousands of battle droids and droidekas. James Luceno
94fb752 For the Jedi, Mastery was conferred when one attained a true understanding of the ways of the Force; for the Sith, that level of understanding was merely the beginning. The Jedi Order's homespun cloaks announced: I want for nothing, because I am clothed in the Force; the cloaks of the Sith: I am the light in the dark, the convergence of opposing energies. And yet, while all Sith Lords were powerful, not all were brilliant or in complete pos.. James Luceno
aece04b And of what possible use do you think a person of your nature would be to the Jedi Order? You're heartless, ambitious, arrogant, insidious, and without shame or empathy. More, you're a murderer. James Luceno
1ecd491 Accompanying her were distinguished Jedi Masters Dooku and Sifo-Dyas, and a tall, powerfully built Jedi Knight named Qui-Gon Jinn, James Luceno
470fa2b It is my will to join my destiny forever with the Order of the Sith Lords. James Luceno
a74fed9 Magister Damask, if I may be so bold as to inquire: what is our eventual goal?" "The goal is to extend my life indefinitely. To conquer death." James Luceno
5eab45a We are the predatory swarm! James Luceno
632afdb What the ancients called Bogan, as separate from Ashla. James Luceno
782f0c9 We serve nature's purpose by culling the herd, and our own by sharpening our skills. We are the predatory swarm! James Luceno
fcef96d Propelled by fear or hatred, even a Jedi can pass beyond the constraints of the Order's teachings and discover power of a more profound sort. But no Jedi who arrives at that place, who has risen above his or her allegiance to peace and justice, who kills in anger or out of desire, can lay real claim to the dark side of the Force. James Luceno
d6088a6 we warp space and time to twist the galaxy to our own design. James Luceno
7e39e45 He's millions in debt. He hasn't stopped drinking and gambling since his father was assassinated." Brilliantly assassinated, Plagueis thought." James Luceno
01e1206 They await the coming of a prophesized redeemer who will bring balance to the Force and restore order. James Luceno
d815f56 But no one outside the Emperor knew the full history of the moonlet-sized project. Some claimed that it had begun as a Separatist weapon designed by Geonosian Archduke Poggle the Lesser's hive colony for Count Dooku and the Confederacy of Independent Systems. James Luceno
1725bc9 Tenebrous had told him from the start that the Republic, with help from the Sith, would continue to descend into corruption and disorder, and that a time would come when it would have to rely on the strengths of an enlightened leader, capable of saving the lesser masses from being ruled by their unruly passions, jealousies, and desires. In the face of a common enemy, real or manufactured, they would set aside all their differences and embra.. James Luceno
3bdfea2 We Sith are an unseen opposition, Tenebrous had told his young apprentice. A phantom menace. Where the Sith once wore armor, we now wear cloaks. But the Force works through us all the more powerfully in our invisibility. For the present, the more covert we remain, the more influence we can have. Our revenge will be achieved not through subjugation but by contagion. James Luceno
7288204 He admits it! And who better than a human to wear the mask of power while an immortal Sith Lord rules in secret! James Luceno
92e6775 But Ashla is a perversion," he went on, "for the dark has always preceded the light. The original idea was to capture the power of the Force and make it subservient to the will of sentient life. The ancients--the Celestials, the Rakata--didn't pronounce judgment on their works. They moved planets, organized star systems, conjured dark side devices like the Star Forge as they saw fit. If millions died in the process, so be it. The lives of m.. James Luceno
2656944 Discipline was the key to power. Unflinching discipline was what forged him into a sword master and warrior. Discipline was what enabled him to defy gravity and slow the inrush of sensory input, so that he could move between the moments. James Luceno
c3f8d82 All of us were fighting long before we were farming and raising livestock. James Luceno
b9c5030 might assign him to Rancit's former position. "We need to tighten our hold over the Outer Systems," the Emperor continued. "You will be in charge of that, Moff Tarkin. Or should I say Grand Moff Tarkin." Tarkin's gaped in genuine surprise. "Grand Moff?" "The Empire's first." The Emperor spread his sickly hands. "Was it not you who suggested the creation of oversectors and oversector governance as a means of enhancing our control?" "It was, .. James Luceno
76d1736 The time had come to bring his apprentice deeper into the Sith mysteries he had been investigating for most of his life; to introduce him to the miracles he was performing on Aborah. James Luceno
399210d Plagueis pressed his right hand to the right side of his neck to discover that a disk had made off with a considerable hunk of his jawbone and neck, and in its cruel passing had severed his trachea and several blood vessels. James Luceno
6fa46df Plagueis pressed his right hand to the right side of his neck to discover that a disk had made off with a considerable hunk of his jawbone and neck, and in its cruel passing had severed his trachea and several blood vessels. He James Luceno
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