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6b50b2a The other Max looked at me, and her eyes narrowed. 'They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery,' she said snidely. 'So I guess you're really sucking up.' 'Who are ?' I gasped, my eyes wide. 'You're an impostor!' 'No she isn't.' The little creepy one, Angel, turned to look at me. Her arm was still bleeding where Ari had bitten it. 'You are.' I swallowed my anger. Who did she think she was, her and her stupid dog? I gave a concerne.. James Patterson
68aa139 No one looks like Fang-dark and still and dangerous, like he's daring you to set him off. But I'd seen him rocking Angel when she'd hurt herself; I'd seen him smile in his sleep; I'd seen the deep, darkl ight in his eyes as he leaned over me... ~Max; "Max"; page 24" James Patterson
e43b5e9 Excellent. They were flammable. maximum ride James Patterson
029c275 Hello, Max," he said quietly, searching my face. "How do you feel?" Which was a ten on the "imbecilic question" scale of one to ten. Why, I feel fine, Jeb," I said brightly. "How about you?" extreme jeb max maximum other ride saving sports world James Patterson
905a9b7 There is one bright side to this," said Fang. Yeah? What's that?" The new and improved Erasers would mutilate us before they killed us? He grinned at me so unexpectedly I forgot to flap for a second and dropped several feet. "You looove me," he crooned smugly. Holding his arms out wide he added, "You love me this much." My shriek of appalled rage could probably be heard in California, or maybe Hawaii." max maximum-ride James Patterson
9091bc5 I vill now destroy de Snickuhs bahs!"-Gazzy" James Patterson
78d1e13 Can you giggle while racing for your life and protecting a six-year-old? I can. James Patterson
56fba83 Let's just say that if these scientist had been using their brilliance for good instead of evil, cars would run off water vapor and leave fresh compost behind them; no one would be hungry; no one would be ill; all buildings would be earthquake-, bomb-, and flood-proof; and the world's entire economy would have collapsed and been replaced by one based on the value of chocolate. James Patterson
bfe7dcd If you love something let it go.. if it comes back its yours James Patterson
69e74ba You are avake, yah?" said a voice in a horribly recognizable accent. "Yah," I muttered, rubbing my head. "And you are still a jerk, yah?" James Patterson
45a0627 You really are a scary man,no really! If I had boots I would be quaking in them. James Patterson
7b8eac5 Fnick -Iggy James Patterson
017cfcd A Poem By Max White is the color of little bunnies with pink noses. White is the color of fluffy clouds fluffing their way across the sky. White is the color of angel's wings and Angel's wings. White is the color of brand-new ankle socks fresh out of the bag. White is the color of crisp sheets in schmancy hotels. White is the color of every last freaking, gol-danged thing you see for endless miles and miles if you happen to be in Anta.. James Patterson
89f8937 Right now, America looks like a fatheaded, shortsighted, gas-guzzling arrogant blowhard to the rest of the world. James Patterson
609c4d8 We would be outnumbered a couple hundred to two, by something worse than Erasers. I had no idea if the rest of the Flock would be able to help. It was pretty much a suicide mission. 'There is one bright side to this,' said Fang. 'Yeah? What's that?' The new and improved Erasers would mutilate us before they killed us? He grinned at me so unexpectedly that I forgot to flap for a second and dropped several feet. 'You looove me,' he crooned sm.. James Patterson
279489c Frustration was my constant companion. I wanted to scream. "What the he-eck are we supposed to do I asked Fang. He looked at me, and I could tell he was mulling over the problem. He held out a small waxed-paper bag. Peanut?" James Patterson
d2f3a3d It's funny how different people are. If I'd been this kid and someone was snarling "Ordering a pizza?" at me, without even thinking, I would have snarled back "Yeah. You want pepperoni?" -Maximum Ride" max James Patterson
8787f6a Love hurts." Oh, shut UP!" - pg 123" James Patterson
43db718 Who, last time I'd checked, was still on our official archenemy list. (Yes, we have to keep a list. It's kind of sad.) humor max maximum-ride maxride James Patterson
cd07139 So Fnick, can I change channel?" Iggy asked. "There's a game on." "Make yourself at home, Figgy." Fang said." James Patterson
40107bf I'm going to turn fifteen tomorrow," i said, warming to the idea. "It's high time. I can't remember when i turned fourteen." (said by Max) If you get to be fifteen, then i get to be fifteen!" Iggy sounded indignant. i looked at Fang. "Wanna be fifteen?" His smile melted me. "Yeah." James Patterson
6075871 You stand out like a fart in a church. maximum-ride the-final-warning James Patterson
014c898 I whirled around and saw no one. No psychotic mad scientists, anyway. "Jackpot, Max! Jackpot!" It was was Fang, and he was giggling hysterically. For those of you just joining us, Fang doesn't giggle. Especially hysterically. So for a second, this seemed like one of the weirder dreams of recent days. " James Patterson
9bedd07 I hoped I wasn't actually dead. That would make finding our parents and saving the world really hard. James Patterson
6ca2601 The fight unfolded like background noise. White noise. In the foreground, even with his ghastly pale face looking dead in my hands, my fingers clenching his ragged hair, all I could see was random images of Fang, Fang telling me stupid fart jokes from the dog crate next to mine at the school, trying to make me laugh. Fang asleep at Jeb's old house, and me jumping wildly on his bed to wake him up. Him pretending to be asleep. Me laughing wh.. James Patterson
2357358 Do we have any chlorine? It seems to be kind of explosive when mixed with other stuff." "Like what, your socks? No, we don't have chlorine. No swimming pool." James Patterson
76f8be8 The hamster called. He wants his home back. James Patterson
a819877 Fang: When do I get out of here? Max: They say a week. Fang: So, like, tomorrow? Max: That's what I'm thinking. James Patterson
4e58ae5 Sometimes when you're at your most certain, that's when everything you know is wrong. James Patterson
646ea3a But what is life if you don't live it? inspirational life James Patterson
a39a6d8 Is this a movie?' I heard someone ask. James Patterson
ebd213d Fang snorted in disbelief. "On one hand, we have a mythical nice family that wants to adopt me. On the other, we have a gang of insane scientists desperate to do genetic experiments on innocent children. Guess which hand I get dealt?" James Patterson
25b255f And Max, I've put some scraps in a bowl for your dog," Mom said. "It's on the floor, by the back door." The flock and I went still. Uh-oh, I thought. Total stomped up to me, his glare accusing. "A bowl on the floor!" he seethed. "Why don't you just chain me to a stake in the yard and throw me a bone!" James Patterson
879f6dd Jeb: I wish I could explain what I'd give just to see you smile again. Max (thinking): James Patterson
0854627 Fang and I searched in every way we could think of and found a million institutes of one kind or another, in Manhattan and throughout New York state, but none of them seemed promising. My favorite? The Institute for Realizing Your Pet's Inner Potential. Anyone who can explain that to me, drop a line. James Patterson
2076cd2 From Jess: FANG. I've commented your blog with my questions for THREE YEARS. You answer other people's STUPID questions but not MINE. YOU REALLY ASKED FOR IT, BUDDY. I'm just gonna comment with this until you answer at least one of my questions. DO YOU HAVE A JAMAICAN ACCENT? No, Mon DO YOU MOLT? Gross. WHAT'S YOUR STAR SIGN? Dont know. "Angel what's my star sign?" She says Scorpio. HAVE YOU TOLD JEB I LOVE HIM YET? No. DOES NOT HAVING A .. James Patterson
1d4cb61 I'll just ask now: What is it about my persona that draws every insane, power-hungry nutcase to me like a magnet? James Patterson
0473c38 The weird, weird thing about devastating loss is that life actually goes on. When you're faced with a tragedy, a loss so huge that you have no idea how you can live through it, somehow, the world keeps turning, the seconds keep ticking. grief loss James Patterson
24bda35 I'm a freaking princess when it comes to other people's feelings. Yo dogbreath, get your paws of the everglades. -Max school-s-out-forever James Patterson
77e82c5 Just because life is hard, and always ends in a bad way, doesn't mean that all stories have to, even if that's what they tell us in school and in the New York Times Review. In fact, it's a good thing that stories are as different as we are, one from another. James Patterson
2850ea9 Fang was going to kill me. And after I was dead, he would kill me again. James Patterson
68db654 I stood my ground. "You evil scientist are all the same--evil. Count me out." Fang and I brushed past Mr. God and walked quickly but smoothly to the exit. It was barely noon, and I'd already made a huge enemy. Dang, I'm good." humor maximum-ride maxride James Patterson
af3c059 I choose you, Max. -Fang James Patterson
87a54f4 Oh great. Yoda captured us. maximum-ride the-final-warning James Patterson