Don't it bother you? Sittin' here with ... with someone like me?
Jane Harvey-Berrick |
Every time something goes wrong, you give up on us. You're killing me, Caro ... I don't know what will happen...but neither do you. Maybe we'll make it...maybe we won't. But you're giving up before we've even tried. I don't understand. Why won't you take a chance?
Jane Harvey-Berrick |
Here in this room, with our bodies entwined, I felt that I could trust this fierce love that had shattered and rebuilt my life. But outside, the world was a cold and dangerous place. I didn't know if love would be enough.
Jane Harvey-Berrick |
God, Jordan, I'd fix it for you if I could.
Jane Harvey-Berrick |
What do you want, Lisanne?" "You," "Are you sure? You don't get to have your first time again, baby doll. This isn't how I'd imagined it." "You've imagined it... with me?" "Are you fucking kidding me? You are hot. I've wanted you since I met you, but I figured you just wanted to be friends. That's cool. I like having a friend who's a girl." "Can I just... can I touch you?" He nodded slowly, his eyes following her hand as it moved shakily to..
Jane Harvey-Berrick |
It wasn't perfect: so what? Life isn't perfect: life is what happens while you're waiting for your moment in the sun and if you miss it, waiting instead for the perfect illusion that Hollywood sells, then more fool you. I'd spent half my life waiting for the right moment: I was done with waiting.
Jane Harvey-Berrick |
Kes wasn't safe. He wasn't a sensible choice. He made my heart race, and swoop, and die a little. When I was near him, I burned. When he was far away, my blood moved sluggishly, reluctantly, cooling without his heat. Maybe we'd burn together. But maybe, just maybe, we'd fly.
Jane Harvey-Berrick |
What am I going to do with you?" I smiled as he kissed along my neck. "Marry me," he said. "You could marry me."
Jane Harvey-Berrick |
Here, everyone knows my story and has decided I'm trash." "Except me," she said."
Jane Harvey-Berrick |
Tall, over six foot, ripped, and with sandy-blond hair that was just a bit too long, tats running down both arms to his elbows, cheekbones you could file your nails on, and lips that were just perfect for biting.
Jane Harvey-Berrick |
When we finished our catch up, I lay back and tried to sleep. But I kept thinking about what Kes had said: that Heaven for him was me and the carnival.
Jane Harvey-Berrick |
We don't make any sense, nothing about us fits, but we're real.
Jane Harvey-Berrick |
I couldn't tell you why the carnival lured me with its sticky fingers and bright, whirling colors, except to say that it was , and that excited me. I'd only read about 'different' in books, never experienced it for myself. Perhaps it was a case of be careful what you wish for.
Jane Harvey-Berrick |
You still love him." "I love the boy he was. I could love the man, too. I don't know, and that's why I have to find out." "Oh, Aimee," she said sadly, pulling me into a tight hug. "Please be careful." "Too late," I whispered."
Jane Harvey-Berrick |
I cocked my head on one side. "Is that what we have? A relationship?" Kes looked taken aback. "Well, yeah." Then he hesitated, "What would you call it?" "Well, at the moment, I'd say it's two old friends catching a ride together to go see the carnival." Kes nodded. "Okay," he said. "Works for me." "Just so you know," I sniffed, "that's the wrong answer. We're totally in a relationship." Kes grinned. "Good. So we're both clear on that."
Jane Harvey-Berrick |
Come on, Aimee! If it's not Kes hauling you off to have his wicked way with you, then you're giving him these scorching looks across the bonfire. Hell, it makes me want to go take a cold shower, which is interesting seeing as you're a girl and I'm gay.
Jane Harvey-Berrick |
One mistake. That's all it took. One fuckin', stupid, childish, dumb mistake.
Jane Harvey-Berrick |
I wondered if he'd appreciate my help: maybe if I attacked her with a pool chair and beat her into putty, she'd be distracted enough to leave him alone.
Jane Harvey-Berrick |
I don't give a rat's ass what you think, David! I'm tired of you bullying me, putting me down, patronizing me, treating me like some sort of simpleton. I was supposed to be a in this relationship - that's what I signed up for.
Jane Harvey-Berrick |
If he lays one finger on you, I'll fucking crucify him!
Jane Harvey-Berrick |
The light was a sheen of white across my eyelids and I shifted in the bed, feeling a trickle of sweat down my back. I was too warm and the rattle of the generator outside was an annoyance. And then I felt Kes's breath on my neck as he spoke. "I've dreamed of this so many times, I can't believe it's real--that you're real. You were always there, just out of reach, and I'd wake up and find my bed empty. But now you're here."
Jane Harvey-Berrick |
Beautiful woman, I want to make love to you," he said, huskily. "God, I want you so bad right now."
Jane Harvey-Berrick |
People will see you with me," I spat out, thumping the steering wheel in frustration. "Mmm, yeah," she said, her voice far away."
Jane Harvey-Berrick |
You know what they'll think: Muscles Are Required Intelligence Not Essential.
Jane Harvey-Berrick |
You are," I said, quietly. "You are gorgeous. Any guy would be crazy not to think so."
Jane Harvey-Berrick |
You are the best thing that's ever happened to me ... and I am not lettin' you go.
Jane Harvey-Berrick |
Now that's a sight for sore eyes, Sebastian. Maybe I should just leave you here: the hotel maids might appreciate that. Or, better still, maybe I'll take a photograph of you on my phone. Dont worry, I wont post it on the internet, it'll just be my screen saver.
Jane Harvey-Berrick |
I felt as if I'd met my soulmate, but he was always being taken away from me.
Jane Harvey-Berrick |
You're not alone now," she said."
Jane Harvey-Berrick |
Wow, wounded by sarcasm at close range. The Brits sure fight dirty. Next it'll be harsh language.
Jane Harvey-Berrick |
I'd been dazzled by him my whole life. And it wasn't fair. For either of us.
Jane Harvey-Berrick |
Jesus, Miles. You're scruffy, your hair's a mess, your eyebrows need plucking, your teeth are obviously British, you're gonna have to start working out and damn it, stop chewing your nails!
Jane Harvey-Berrick |
There are many low points in a woman's life, but when a bloke who's been within a hair's breadth of getting his hand down your knickers decides that he's rather watch a children's sci-fi programme made with puppets fifty years ago, you can't get much lower. Just saying.
Jane Harvey-Berrick |
Everyone knows that if you break the chocolate first, the calories fall out. Right?
Jane Harvey-Berrick |
Oh you'd better believe it, baby! I'd ride you till you passed out from exhaustion, feed you a bacon sandwich, hose you down and start again.
Jane Harvey-Berrick |
I don't deserve you," he said, softly. "I don't deserve to feel anythin' other than shit for what I've done."
Jane Harvey-Berrick |
He reached out and brushed his thumb along my bottom lip. "You're my girl, Aimee. No one else." --
Jane Harvey-Berrick |
Maybe magic happens when you let it.
Jane Harvey-Berrick |
One track mind," I muttered. He shook his head. "I'm eating, taking and thinking about fucking - that's called multitasking."
Jane Harvey-Berrick |
His element was the air around him. I had roots and he had wings - could they ever work together?
Jane Harvey-Berrick |
I'm so fucking happy you're here," he said, resting his forehead against mine. "I'm not just here," I whispered. "I'm home."
Jane Harvey-Berrick |
Kes grinned, his eyes sliding to mine. "Jealous?" I huffed a little, but then admitted the truth. "Yes, I'm jealous." His gaze softened. "You don't need to be," he said softly. "Sorcha's just a friend." "That's what you call me," I said, stupid tears making my eyes prickle. Kes shook his head slowly. "No, you're my girl." ... He reached out and brushed his thumb along my bottom lip. "You're my girl, Aimee. No one else." Then he leaned..
Jane Harvey-Berrick |
I've dreamed of this so many times, I can't believe it's real--that you're real. You were always there, just out of reach, and I'd wake up and find my bed empty. But now you're here.
Jane Harvey-Berrick |
You make people happy. When you're in front of a crowd, nobody can think about their problems or their worries or anything else. You have a gift, Kes, an amazing wonderful gift. It's special, just like you.
Jane Harvey-Berrick |