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609e001 Done without love, any congress between man and woman degrades the creative intelligence that graces your humanity. Janny Wurts
fc1acd4 Some gifts of friendship cannot be earned. They exist, beyond price, and we cannot hope to match up to them. Janny Wurts
9805bed A soldier's life is all grinding routine. Who sold you the rosy notion of honour, trumped up in bright flags and glory? We're here to burn barley. Tossing a torch takes a damned sight less practice than trenching hard ground with a spade. Janny Wurts
9684290 Sithaer's dark furies," Dakar swore. "Why do I stay with you?" "For maudlin entertainment, no doubt." Janny Wurts
ebe01cc The grievous burden of remorse shouted shame, that a criminally blind ideology could reject the promise of birthright, then mangle the exuberant vigour of life, designed by nature to celebrate only creative abundance. Janny Wurts
ec6363a Against such odds, I will stand or fall! Whether or not I can rise to surmount the trials before me, I plan to step forward and fight. Janny Wurts
96f88f1 You are not mine to command. But the choice to kill always means closing the mind to the chance of a living alternative. Janny Wurts
a0dda83 There's a choice?" "Always. It's the outcome that sadly limits things." Janny Wurts
29e612b You know, that's the trouble with drinking. Come the morning, you can never remember their names. Janny Wurts
9ef8725 Prophets are dastardly pessimists, to a man. Janny Wurts
8a6f4b7 I should be impressed?' he commented finally. 'World renowned for foul works and mayhem, whether I practise such doctrine, or not? A shame. Shown such vulgar taste, what man with a mind would scarcely wallow to seek further clarity. Sweet faith, bliss, and bathos, it's an execrable drama. Never mind that the theological concepts are glorified platitudes sprung out of lies. Janny Wurts
e08ff58 What is our experience, but the reflected truth of our misapprehensions and short-falls? And also the grace of our beauty and strength, and the wise choices that make up our character? Janny Wurts
5487233 Your prim faith in the True Sect's canon serves naught. The temple preaches a loveless morality that cares not one jot for the plight of our livelihood. The priests are fat parasites, theosophizing on their rumps while folk like us break our backs, milked dry by their tithes and their rote obligations. Where does their doctrine show the least concern for our chance to enjoy the fruits of our happiness? Janny Wurts
33b3f2c Did I mention any name?" But dissembling was wasted; Eldir only glowered until Sethvir gave way with a shrug. "That's the part of his personality that makes us all feel like we've been kissing coiled vipers for a penny bet." Janny Wurts
f27270d The Wars of Light and Shadow were fought during the third age of Athera, the most troubled and strife-filled era recorded in all of history. At that time Arithon, called Master of Shadow, battled the Lord of Light through five centuries of bloody and bitter conflict. If the canons of the religion founded during that period are reliable, the Lord of Light was divinity incarnate, and the Master of Shadow a servant of evil, spinner of dark pow.. Janny Wurts
8de0828 Yet contrary evidence supports a claim that the Master was unjustly aligned with evil. Fragments of manuscript survive which expose the entire religion of Light as fraud, and award Arithon the attributes of saint and mystic instead. Janny Wurts
34674e6 Because the factual account lay hopelessly entangled between legend and theology, sages in the seventh age meditated upon the ancient past, and recalled through visions the events as they happened. Contrary to all expectation, the conflict did not begin on the council stair of Etarra, nor even on the soil of Athera itself; instead the visions started upon the wide oceans of the splinter world, Dascen Elur. This is the chronicle the sages re.. Janny Wurts
c666787 Is my love so small that I cannot let him discover anew what happiness life has to offer? Janny Wurts
1d21984 I always listen," the duke said, annoyed. "Just hang your silly, unnatural notion, that hearing means following your orders." Janny Wurts
6084327 Doubt packs more damage, kept secret. Janny Wurts
54bc47b The wisest of sages have said that a man will choose violence out of fear." The Master's words were expressive, but cold, and directed toward the King. "Is your stature so mean that you dare not face me without fetters?" Janny Wurts
c8e741e I pity the man who can't cry. Janny Wurts
e6e2624 But a parcel of walled soil does not make the heart of a ruler or define the nobility of a people! Janny Wurts
432bb2f There are no victims, now. While we survive, for as long as we love, our future is yet to be written. Janny Wurts
e643689 I trust you," she murmured through urgency. "Completely. Without end, and before the beginning." Janny Wurts
403b8cc Look at yourself, idiot. You reek like the slaughter-house. Plan your dastard's revenge as you like. But for those of us liking our company civilized, spare us the horror and bathe yourself first! wife-and-husband Janny Wurts
e850197 But hope always kindles through striving. Janny Wurts
5a1a3c6 Loyalty," he stated, ineffably gentle. "A quality honoured by sages and fools, by which humankind finds the courage to trample the reflex for self-preservation." selflessness Janny Wurts
0798202 I say human beings have purposeful brains beyond acting like flocks of scared pigeons. Janny Wurts
fd3fb81 Prudence, my prophet,' the sorcerer rebuked. 'The results of prophecies often resolve through strangely twisted circumstance.' But if Asandir was yet aware that the promised talents were split between princes who were enemies with blood debts of seven generations, he said nothing. Janny Wurts
f3f7ebe Does imagination or joy come with limits? Janny Wurts
baa4533 Sometimes there are no victims to save, and nothing is broken that should be fixed. Janny Wurts
f59db10 Arithon lent a disarming appearance of frailty. Beneath wind-flicked tangles of dark hair, his expression reflected the careless ennui of high-breeding, the features, sharp-faceted marble. Janny Wurts
199485c A masterbard's given duty was to ease the hearts of the bereaved. Janny Wurts
0d60adc Talith confronted the self-contained prince she recalled much too clearly from the tumultuous events that surrounded a failed coronation. Janny Wurts
fbb20e3 The curse that afflicted this scion of s'Ilessid had become everything the Fellowship of the Seven had warned and worse. Janny Wurts