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d1cdb40 Imagine the amazing good fortune of the generation that gets to see the end of the world. This is as marvelous as being there at the beginning. How could one not wish for that with all one's heart? How could one not lend one's feeble resources to bringing it about? Jean Baudrillard
9a24f97 Olumsuzlama dunyanin en basit seyidir. Bu yuzden hedefte anlasamayan buyuk kitleler burda bulusur. felsefe olumlu olumsuz simmel çalışmak üretmek Jean Baudrillard
490a835 The only benefit of a Campbell's soup can by Andy Warhol (and it is an immense benefit) is that it releases us from the need to decide between beautiful and ugly, between real and unreal, between transcendence and immanence. post-modernism transcendence Jean Baudrillard
50ff911 Gun batiminda Las Vegas'a col tarafindan baktigimizda reklam isiklarinin piril piril aydinlattigi bir kent gorursunuz. Gun dogarken cole geri dondugunuzde reklamin duvarlari susleyen ya da senlendiren bir sey degil duvarlarin gorulmesini engelleyen, sokaklari, bina yuzeylerini, tum mimariyi yok eden, her turlu dayanak ve derinligi ortadan kaldiran bir sey oldugunu gorursunuz. Zaten her seyin reklam denilen yuzey tarafindan emilmesi, anlamsi.. Jean Baudrillard
507a383 Iktidar (ya da onun yerini almis olan sey) artik Universiteye inanmamaktadir. Sonuc olarak bu kurumu belli bir yas grubuna ait insani bakim ve gozaltinda bulundurdugu bir yer olarak gormektedir. Aralarinda bir secim yapmaya kalkismasinin bir anlami yoktur cunku iktidar seckinlerini baska yerlerden secmekte ya da baska sekilde arayip bulmaktadir. Diplomalar artik bir ise yaramadigindan, dagitmayi reddetmesinin bir anlami yoktur. Bu yuzden si.. Jean Baudrillard
8d68f79 Patlama hep bir vaat, bir umut isigi olmustur. Ornegin Harrisburg'de herkes filmdeki gibi nukleer patlamanin gerceklesecegi ani beklemekte ve patlasa da biz de su ne idugu belirsiz panik duygusuyla caydirma amacli nukleer patlama dusuncesinden kurtulsak diyecek hale gelmektedir. Jean Baudrillard
1673c16 Paradoks yani bombalar tertemiz nesnelerdir. Sahip olduklari tek kirletici ozellik patlamadiklari zaman cevreye sactiklari bir guvenlik ve denetleme sistemidir. Jean Baudrillard
687d625 LIVE OR DIE': the graffiti message on the pier at Santa Monica is mysterious, because we really have no choice between life and death. If you live, you live, if you die, you die. It is like saying 'be yourself, or don't be!' It is stupid, and yet it is enigmatic. You could read it to mean that you should live intensely or else disappear, but that is banal. Following the model of 'payor die!', 'your money or your life!', it would become ' yo.. Jean Baudrillard
2946af6 The real is not only what can be reproduced, but that which is already reproduced, the hyper-real. Jean Baudrillard
7acb5e9 A series of accidents creates a positively lighthearted state. Jean Baudrillard
047983e One day, we shall stand up and our backsides will remain attached to our seats. Jean Baudrillard
444a768 Challenge, and not desire, lies at the heart of seduction. (p. 57) Jean Baudrillard
1f5d3ce Distinctive signs, full signs, never seduce us. (p. 59) Jean Baudrillard
426893d For nothing can be greater than seduction itself, not even the order that destroys it. Jean Baudrillard
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