Perche la perdita si misura con l'amore?
Jeanette Winterson |
travelling the world and the seven seas
Jeanette Winterson |
Quello che cerchi e il significato: una vita che abbia un signficato. C'e l'hap, il fato, la giocata che e tua e non e prefissata, ma cambiare il corso del fiume, o dare nuove carte, qualunque sia la metafora che prefirisci usare, richiedera un sacco di energie. Ci saranno volte in cui andra cosi male che sopravviverai a malapena e volte in cui capirai che sopravvivere a malapena secondo i tuoi parametri e molto meglio che vivere una pompos..
Jeanette Winterson |
He had seen the vision of perfect heroism and, for a fleeting moment, the vision of perfect peace. He sought it again, to balance him. He was a warrior who longed to grow herbs.
Jeanette Winterson |
What you are pursuing is meaning -- a meaningful life. There's the hap -- the fate, the draw that is yours, and it isn't fixed, but changing the course of the stream, or dealing new cards, whichever metaphor you want to use -- that's going to take a lot of energy. There are times when it will go so wrong that you will barely be alive, and times when you realize that being barely alive, on your own terms, is better than living a bloated half..
Jeanette Winterson |
The poem finds the word that finds the feeling.
Jeanette Winterson |
You are stubborn,' said Roger Nowell. 'I am not tame,' said Alice Nutter.
Jeanette Winterson |
I have ridden out all the storms," said Shakespeare, "even the ones I wrote myself. Here, look, it begins..."
Jeanette Winterson |
He had the dog on a lead and he was still managing to be a boy with a dog and the dog was still managing to be a dog with a boy because not even a bomb gets to wipe out everything,
Jeanette Winterson |
Shakespeare shook his head and sunk his chin into his ruff, making him look more owl-like than ever. "I have written about other worlds often enough. I have said what I can say. There are many kinds of reality. This is but one kind."
Jeanette Winterson |
Reportage is violence. Violence to the spirit. Violence to the emotional sympathy that should quicken in you and me when face to face we meet with pain. How many defeated among our own do we step over and push aside on our way home to watch the evening news? "Terrible" you said at Somalia, Bosnia, Ethiopia, Russia, China, the Indian earthquake, the American floods, and then you watched a quiz show or a film because there's nothing you can d..
Jeanette Winterson |
In the cell was a rack, a winch, a furnace, a set of branding irons, a pot for melting wax, nails of different lengths. A thumbscrew, a pair of flesh-tongs, heavy tweezers, a set of surgical instruments, a series of small metal trays, ropes, wire, preparations of quicklime, a hood and a blindfold.
Jeanette Winterson |
Written on the body is a secret code only visible in certain lights.
Jeanette Winterson |
After nine nights must come ten and every desperate meeting only leaves you desperate for another. There is never enough to eat, never enough garden for your love. So you refuse and then you discover that your house is haunted by the ghost of a leopard. When passion comes late in life it is hard to bear. One more night. How tempting. How innocent. I could stay tonight surely? What difference could it make, one more night? No. If I smell her..
Jeanette Winterson |
THERE'S NO SUCH thing as a limited victory. Every victory leaves another resentment, another defeated and humiliated people. Another place to guard and defend and fear. What I learned about war in the years before I came to this lonely place were things any child could have told me. 'Will you kill people, Henri?' 'Not people, Louise, just the enemy.' 'What is enemy?' 'Someone who's not on your side.
Jeanette Winterson |
When a woman alone is no longer of any interest to the opposite sex, she is only visible where she has some purpose.
Jeanette Winterson |
I don't care about the facts, Domino, I care about how I feel. How I feel will change, I want to remember that.
Jeanette Winterson |
But I tell you, Henri, that every moment you steal from the present is a moment you have lost for ever. There's only now.
Jeanette Winterson |
She had other favourite lines. Our gas oven blew up. The repairman came out and said he didn't like the look of it, which was unsurprising as the oven and the wall were black. Mrs Winterson replied, 'It's a fault to heaven, a fault against the dead, and a fault to nature.' That is a heavy load for a gas oven to bear. She liked that phrase and it was more than once used towards me; when some well-wisher asked how I was, Mrs W looked down an..
Jeanette Winterson |
They say every snowflake is different. If that were true, how could the world go on? How could we ever get up off our knees? How could we ever recover from the wonder of it? By forgetting. We cannot keep in mind too many things. There is only the present and nothing to remember.
Jeanette Winterson |
With faith, all things are possible.
Jeanette Winterson |
When love is unreliable and you are a child, you assume that it is the nature of love - its quality - to be unreliable. Children do not find fault with their parents until later. In the beginning the love you get is the love that sets. I
Jeanette Winterson |
I primi pellegrini avevano una cattedrale al posto del cuore. Erano loro il tempio, non costruito da mani umane. L'Ecclesia di Dio. Il canto che li sospingeva sulle onde era l'inno che intonavano i barcaioli. Le gole nude in onore di Dio. Guardali, le teste riverse, le bocche aperte, soli, se non per i gabbiani che si tuffano a prua. Contro il mare troppo salato e il cielo inospitale, le loro voci elevano uno schermo di laudi.
Jeanette Winterson |
A bridge is a meeting place. A neutral place. A casual place. Enemies will choose to meet on a bridge and end their quarrel in that void. One will cross to the other side. The other will not return. For lovers, a bridge is a possibility, a metaphor of their chances. And
Jeanette Winterson |
What are the unreal things but the passion that once burned one like a fire? What are the incredible things but the things that one has faithfully believed? What are the improbable things but the things that one has done oneself?
Jeanette Winterson |
We get somewhere we couldn't go otherwise and we profit from the trip, but we can't stay there, it isn't our world, and we shouldn't let that world come crashing down into the one we can inhabit.
Jeanette Winterson |
Whatever is on the outside can be taken away at any time. Only what is inside you is safe.
Jeanette Winterson |
There's a chance that I'm not here at all, that all the parts of me, running along all the choices I did and didn't make, for a moment brush against each other. That I am still an evangelist in the North, as well as the person who ran away. Perhaps for a while these two selves have been confused. I have not gone forward or back in time, but across in time, to something I might have been, playing itself out.
Jeanette Winterson |
He hates for hate's sake. There are people like that. People who have everything. Money, power, sex. When they have everything they play for more sophisticated stakes than the rest of us. There are no thrills left to that man. The sun will never rise and delight him. he will never be lost in a strange town and forced to ask his way. I can't buy him. I can't tempt him. He wants a life for a life.
Jeanette Winterson |
I could gamble on another night, reduce myself a little more, but after the tenth night would come the eleventh and the twelfth and so on into the silent space that is the pain of never having enough.
Jeanette Winterson |
A meaningless life for a human being has none of the dignity of animal unselfconsciousness; we cannot simply eat, sleep, hunt and reproduce - we are meaning-seeking creatures. The Western world has done away with religion but not with religious impulses; we seem to need some higher purpose, some point to our lives - money and leisure, social progress, are just not enough.
Jeanette Winterson |
I can't stay here. These wars will never end. Even if we get home, there'll be another war. I thought he'd end wars for ever, that's what he said. One more, he said, one more and then there'll be peace and it's always been one more. I want to stop now.
Jeanette Winterson |
When I was born I became the visible corner of a folded map.
Jeanette Winterson |
My mother was in charge of language. My father had never really learned to read - he could manage slowly, with his fingers on the line, but he had left school at twelve and gone to work at the Liverpool docks. Before he was twelve, no one had bothered to read to him. His own father had been a drunk who often took his small son to the pub with him, left him outside, staggered out hours later and walked home, and forgot my dad, asleep in a do..
Jeanette Winterson |
She wanted to kiss the hesitation of his throat.
Jeanette Winterson |
De ce masura iubirii este pierderea ei?
Jeanette Winterson |
I saw a lot of working class men and women - myself included - living a deeper, more thoughtful life than would have been possible without the church... The sense of belonging to something big, something important, lent unity and meaning.
Jeanette Winterson |
It is necessary to go through life a little blunted, a little cloaked, how else to bear even a single day? The horror and the glory would overwhelm me. Papa used to talk about the story of the burning bush when God appears to Moses as a roar of fire. Moses asks to see God face to face and God tells him that to do so, even partially, even for a second, would kill him with its beauty and its power. 'Who shall look on God and live?' To Papa th..
Jeanette Winterson |
HE: History has no smell. ME: Is that why we are nostalgic for it? HE: Breathe in, breathe out. The past doesn't stink like the present.
Jeanette Winterson |
Bombay. Cairo. Paris. New York. I've been to those places now. The curious thing is that no matter how different they are, people are all preoccupied with the same things, that is, the same thing; how to live. We have to eat, we want to make money, but in every pause the question returns: How shall I live?
Jeanette Winterson |
She was night-time and words were the dream.
Jeanette Winterson |
People do go back, but they don't survive, because two realities are claiming them at the same time. Such things are too much.
Jeanette Winterson |
Truth is a questioning place.
Jeanette Winterson |
This is the city of disguises. What you are one day will not constrain you on the next. You may explore yourself freely and, if you have wit or wealth, no one will stand in your way. This city was built on wit and wealth and we have a fondness for both, though they do not have to appear in tandem.
Jeanette Winterson |