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e2c4176 Henry Loving stimulates the amnesia gene. But it's also true most people are simply extremely unobservant. Freddy Jeffery Deaver
bfa8b02 I was disappointed. Voice analysis can tell a lot about the caller: gender, most of the time, national and regional roots, illnesses, even reasonable morphological deductions can be made about the shape of the nose, mouth and throat. But at least we had a confirmed spelling of the principal's name, which was a plus. Jeffery Deaver
6a1626a I pressed the ignition button and the engine came to life. Our cars have special mufflers to deaden the exhaust sound but there's nothing you can do about a starter. Carter Jeffery Deaver
6cf26f1 The history of domestic terrorism is long. The Haymarket bombing occurred in Chicago in 1886. Jeffery Deaver
6a5a597 Rhyme couldn't remember what he looked like. From his voice he sounded fit and athletic, but then Rhyme supposed he himself might seem like an Olympian to someone who couldn't see his destroyed body. Jeffery Deaver
4366e25 Pulaski said, "Even psycho killers need to do home repairs. Probably it's not related to the case." Jeffery Deaver
089af1e Boys groped, boys dissed, boys put you down. But it was the girls who made you bleed Jeffery Deaver
a069328 The seat of power in the twenty-first century is information, not oil or geography. Jeffery Deaver
cf88515 Where did phobias come from? Sachs wondered. Some childhood trauma, some genetic imprinting Jeffery Deaver
5c61998 But game theory only works when the rules are clearly set out ahead of time. In the Nash bargaining game here, neither of the players was aware of another rule presently at work: that what they were bargaining over--me--might be a player in the game too. As Jeffery Deaver
fa6b1b4 nemesis is American citizens who've gone overseas Jeffery Deaver
9d04526 Well," she said softly. "Just like a sculptor to get hurt by flying rock. Good thing you don't collect razor blades and knives." Jeffery Deaver
6f36172 As I'd listened in on the conversation, I'd noted what seemed to be disappointment in Loving's voice. I wondered if that was due to his reluctance to cease playing this game with me personally. But that was perhaps projecting my feelings onto him. I Jeffery Deaver
322069a He Who Hesitates (1965), Blood Relatives (1975), Long Time No See (1977) and The Big Bad City (1999). Jeffery Deaver
1fcb933 We have to assume Loving's found your account. If you read messages or send any, it's possible for him to correlate time with router and server traffic in the area here. Jeffery Deaver
16cee2e Claire duBois's prostrating herself to an arrogant chauvinist like Graham was bitterly hard for her, especially since her star shone a thousand times brighter than his. But I'd remembered what Abe Fallow had told me. Keeping people safe is a business, like any other. You ask yourself, What's my goal and what's the most efficient way to go about achieving it? If that means you beg, you beg. Grovel, you grovel. If that means you bust heads, g.. Jeffery Deaver
621911a Report!" Freddy shouted. His fellow agents called back about their condition. They were all accounted for. One had a slight burn and another had been cut, breaking through a window to flood the basement with water from a garden hose--a futile effort, of course. There were no serious injuries, however. No, the only victim here was Henry Loving's past. I rubbed my stinging eyes, wondering if, as I'd speculated, this had in fact been a trap al.. Jeffery Deaver
51d2ecc RIP, Rest in Peace, though what's the point of that? What else're the dead going to be doing? It's a better message than Good Luck, don't you think? Jeffery Deaver
5f0fc9a A nod of acknowledgment. "It doesn't go away. Ever. And it shouldn't. We should always miss certain people who've been in our lives. But there'll be islands, more and more of them." "Islands?" "That's the way I thought of it. Islands--of times when you're content, you don't think about the loss. Now it's like your world's underwater. All of it. But the water goes down and the islands come up. The water'll be there always but you'll find dry.. Jeffery Deaver
6fb3934 Bond Jeffery Deaver
46214b3 At the front door I spit on the hinges to keep them from squealing and we eased it silently open. Jeffery Deaver
c5f5441 Predate your telling me, T.T. Jeffery Deaver
f86e597 Stanton clawed his way to the bedside table and managed to grab his knife. He jabbed it into Rhyme. Once, twice. But the only places he could reach were the criminalist's legs and arms. It's pain that incapacitates and pain was one thing to which Lincoln Rhyme was immune. Jeffery Deaver
7336f34 Cameras're sporadic Jeffery Deaver
4dd6c7d Okay," Simpson said. "You got" Jeffery Deaver
3af776e Never kill an animal but for three reasons: for food or hide, for defense, for mercy. Jeffery Deaver
1ded99d Natural selection applies to criminal activity, as well as to newts and simians. Jeffery Deaver
8548e73 Knuckle time" referred to those moments when you have to go up against your worst fears." Jeffery Deaver
d2aa039 As I read it I was thinking of the phenomenon of endgame. Although the concept can apply to many games, it is most common in chess, which is where I study the subject exhaustively. As the middle game draws to a close and the endgame approaches, a fundamental change occurs in the players' attitudes, and, I swear, a macabre eeriness descends over the board. The surviving pieces take on different roles and importance. For instance, pawns becom.. Jeffery Deaver
c62ff5c I returned to our surveillance. The houses around us reminded me of Ryan Kessler's place. About every fifth one was, if not identical, then designed from the same mold. We were staring through bushes at a split-level colonial, on the other side of a dog-park-cum-playground. It was the house of Peter Yu, the part-time professor of computer science at Northern Virginia College and a software designer for Global Software Innovations. The compa.. Jeffery Deaver
94efb43 Donald E. Westlake It's an accepted fact that Donald E. Westlake has excelled at every single sub-genre the mystery field has to offer--humorous books (Scared Monster); terrifying books (The Ax, about a man who wants vengeance on the company that downsized him out of a job, and probably Westlake's most accomplished novel); Jeffery Deaver
7ba7304 Rhyme Jeffery Deaver
8375642 Everyone stared at me now. I'd studied linguistics a long time ago. A little philology too, the study of languages from analyzing texts. Mostly for the fun of it, but the subject came in useful sometimes. Ellis Jeffery Deaver
9e54933 She jotted this down in her ubiquitous notebook. Jeffery Deaver
572d55f the Computer Crimes Unit. They'd been in existence for less than a year. The Geek Squad, Jeffery Deaver
9bc575a Playing in the mist doesn't build character at all, Booty; it just makes you fucking wet. Jeffery Deaver
3de521d was Jeffery Deaver
96d3c77 When innocent people find themselves in situations that require the presence and protection of people like me, their reaction more often than not is as much bewilderment as fear. Mortality is tough to process. But Jeffery Deaver
37cb974 But, I added, duBois had found no evidence of any malfeasance. She'd spoken to dozens of officers and administrators within the department, armed with her pen and calculator. What Westerfield and Teasley had found, the money shifting from one account to another, seemed to duBois to be innocent. Jeffery Deaver
b7573cd Fort"Y" Jeffery Deaver
e550982 he'd never been a people person. He was a science person. A mind person. Jeffery Deaver
ca6fd59 shark you don't see is always more dangerous than the one you do. Jeffery Deaver
db46f16 What would it be like to tattoo a living, beating heart? Could it be done? Jeffery Deaver
ea3e36b We're defined and enlivened by what opposes us. And when the Watchmaker died, Lincoln Rhyme died a bit too. Jeffery Deaver
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