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07eb397 One can never had too many librarian friends. librarians Jennifer Chiaverini
664a44a Anna, falling in love with you was like coming home to a place I didn't realize I'd been missing all my life. You're the only person I've ever known who accepts me for who I am, right in this moment, faults and all, and isn't waiting for me to become someone else. marriage Jennifer Chiaverini
817caf4 Sometimes the most ordinary things are the ones we learn to miss the most. Jennifer Chiaverini
13ba13c Perhaps Germany will serve as a warning," said Arvid. "May they learn from us to snuff out fascism in America when the first sparks arise and not delay until democracy goes up in flames all around them." "This could never happen in America. A nation that elected Franklin Delano Roosevelt would never elect a madman populist." Jennifer Chiaverini
aca3a7f Ignorant people, whispering cruel rumors, her mother whispered. Pay them no mind. Jennifer Chiaverini
4df60cb The union of their shared lives could be a masterpiece, even if the colors of one piece clashed with another, even if uneven stitches showed, even if, from time to time, they had to pick out seams, realign the pieces, and sew them back together again. It would not be perfect, but it could be beautiful, if they worked together and persevered. marriage Jennifer Chiaverini
6d27367 Then it occurred to her (Elizabeth Keckley) that if Tad (Lincoln's son) had been a colored boy rather than the son of a president, and a teacher had found him so difficult to instruct, he would have been ridiculed as a dunce and held up as evidence of the inferiority of the entire race. Tad was bright; Elizabeth knew that well, and she was sure that with proper instruction and hard work, a glimmer of his father's genius would show in him to.. Jennifer Chiaverini
21c0b6b Who said you had to fill his shoes?" said Karen. "Wear your own shoes. They're bound to fit better. Walk your own path your own way and you'll be more likely to get to where you need to be"." Jennifer Chiaverini
75b9fb8 loving one's children does not guarantee that one will never fail them, Jennifer Chiaverini
7517e11 Hope is never false. One's hopes may not be fulfilled, but that doesn't not mean it was wrong to hope Jennifer Chiaverini
08f13b2 She would almost prefer to fold her arms and sink into an eternal slumber, so that the great longing of her soul for peaceful rest would at last be gratified. Jennifer Chiaverini
789e8dc On Christmas Day, the promise of peace offered a soft and shining light in dark times, an eternal flame that warfare could not douse, nor hatred extinguish. Jennifer Chiaverini
3f74047 One of the great advantages that we may derive from machinery is the check that it affords against the inattention, the idleness, or the dishonesty of human agents. Jennifer Chiaverini
1a06dbe Mr Lincoln suggested that the Lord sent us this terrible war as punishment for the offense of slavery and that the war may be a mighty scourge to rid US of it Jennifer Chiaverini
2aeda18 People need stories...we use stories to teach, to learn, to make sense of the world around us. As long as we need stories, we will need books. growing teaching Jennifer Chiaverini
f535d6a The moment a gentleman perfects an invention and petitions the government for aid, he ceases to be an innocent citizen and becomes a culprit, a man to be shirked, browbeaten, and sneered at. I have never heard of any mechanician, inventor, or natural scientist who failed to find the government all but inaccessible, and whom the government did not discourage and treat badly. inventors scientists Jennifer Chiaverini
8407ce4 The world is never ready for any innovation," he grumbled. "The vast majority of people stubbornly cling to the past until people possessing foresight and a sense of adventure break a trail and bring them into the future." Jennifer Chiaverini
f170fec And of course you believed their wise counsel," said Elizabeth lightly, "because people who have never met me are always the best judge of my character." Jennifer Chiaverini
ed42208 There comes a time in every young woman's life when she must learn to trust the evidence of her own senses, of her own experiences, if it does not confirm what she has heard from others. Jennifer Chiaverini
420095c I understood that at eight years of age, but I had forgotten it by eighteen. Jennifer Chiaverini
9eb5a95 All people--white and colored, slave and free, Union and Confederate--shared a common humanity belied by their outward differences. In a time of discord, in a land torn by war, no truth was more important to remember than that. Jennifer Chiaverini
2d70422 He nodded, rueful. "I immediately caught myself" Jennifer Chiaverini
f0becb7 One can never have too many librarian friends. librarians Jennifer Chiaverini
ff7c056 The sublimity of witnessing the ruler of a mighty nation turning to Holy Scripture for comfort and courage, and finding both in his darkest hour, brought tears to her eyes, and she was obliged to quickly compose herself before returning to Mrs. Lincoln's side. Jennifer Chiaverini
811e7b8 the manor Jennifer Chiaverini
ad7345e vivid descriptions of the grim sights and sounds and smells Jennifer Chiaverini
89e1092 brothers and I finished digging the grave he had already begun, and we buried him in the company of Mr. Orrick's wife and two good German women, neighbors Jennifer Chiaverini
8364392 of her husband's cabinet, who had their own ideas for the president's social calendar. The worst conflict, and the most upsetting for Mrs. Lincoln, was with John George Nicolay, the president's personal secretary, who was charged with the responsibility of arranging state dinners. Single-minded in her resolve Jennifer Chiaverini
f20c84f In the midst of her bereavement, Elizabeth found comfort in a heartfelt, compassionate letter from Mrs. Lincoln and from the gentle kindness of Virginia, Walker, and Emma, whose eyes brimmed with tears when she told Elizabeth she wished she would have known her fine, heroic soldier. For a brief moment, Elizabeth allowed herself to imagine George and Emma meeting, falling in love, marrying, raising children--but then she banished such though.. Jennifer Chiaverini
31107a1 Jean H. Baker, Mary Todd Lincoln: A Biography (New York: Norton, 1987); Joan E. Cashin, First Lady of the Confederacy: Varina Davis's Civil War (Cambridge, MA: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2006); Catherine Clinton, Mrs. Lincoln: A Life (New York: HarperCollins, 2009); Daniel Mark Epstein, The Lincolns: Portrait of a Marriage (New York: Ballantine Books, 2008); Jennifer Fleischner, Mrs. Lincoln and Mrs. Keckly: The Remarkable S.. Jennifer Chiaverini
ff12234 We are not enemies, but friends. We must not be enemies. Though passion may have strained, it must not break our bonds of affection. The mystic chords of memory, stretching from every battlefield and patriot grave to every living heart and hearth-stone all over this broad land, will yet swell the chorus of the Union when again touched, as surely they will be, by the better angels of our nature." Knowledge" Jennifer Chiaverini
a0daaca longer, Jennifer Chiaverini
3ed7b03 Lincoln turned away from her husband with a look of offended dignity, but before Jennifer Chiaverini
5c79640 It's painful to be the one not chosen," she murmured to Father Ryan, watching the younger pair. "Even when you acknowledge, deep down, that the choice was the right one, it hurts to think that the one you love prefers someone else." Jennifer Chiaverini
dd0d2f4 But Sarah, my dear, don't wish for excitement. Interesting doesn't always mean good. Sometimes the most ordinary things are the ones we learn to miss the most. Jennifer Chiaverini
ddf2b59 Ulys rarely left the house anymore, knowing that his appearance would incite speculation. His doctors came to him, and he declined invitations with the excuse that his writing demanded all his attention. "I'm sure they'd welcome your company." "My dear lady," he asked urgently, seizing her hands. "Are those documents by any chance from the Century Company?" "Why, yes," she replied, surprised. "It's a publishing contract." "For his memoirs, .. Jennifer Chiaverini
88f0aba Upon reflection, Henry found it difficult to disagree with Horace Greeley, editor of the New York Tribune and frequent critic of the Lincoln administration, when he complained that the president had emancipated slaves where the Union could not free them and had kept them enslaved in places where the Union did enjoy the power to give them liberty. Jennifer Chiaverini
eda18f6 nourishing Jennifer Chiaverini
cafe81a Women employees were reportedly hired for their personal attractions rather than their skills, and several young ladies claimed that they were refused employment until they yielded to the passionate embraces of the superintendent of the Bureau of Engraving and Printing. Jennifer Chiaverini
6ff506e Paul had often told her that humanity's most precious commodity was time--"Not love," he had emphasized, "not because it's less important, but because you can run out of time, while love can be endlessly replenished"--" Jennifer Chiaverini
a2886d3 fear that people do indeed know what Hitler wants, and what he intends, and that is precisely why they vote for him. Not because they misunderstand him, but because they understand him very well, and approve. Jennifer Chiaverini
6731e12 Even the best of children can be little tyrants, believing themselves absolutely entitled to every bit of the love and servitude bestowed upon them by the adults entrusted with their care, Jennifer Chiaverini
9ee7005 Smiles Form the Channel of a Future Tear Jennifer Chiaverini
41457f6 I just don't know which is worse, to say nothing or to say too much. Jennifer Chiaverini