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e9baf42 Well, I know better what I don't want. I don't want somebody who's always nagging me to be something I'm not. And I don't want somebody who thinks she knows what's best for me and who maneuvers around trying to get me to do things her way." Kate frowned. "Nobody wants anyone like that. It's like saying, 'I don't want someone who'll poke me in the eye with a sharp stick.' Forget what you don't want. What you want?" Jennifer Crusie
855c157 If you haven't failed, you're not trying hard enough. Jennifer Crusie
e5c6811 Okay, Shane," Agnes said as Brenda's clock gonged midnight. "I got Joey in the kitchen, a cop in the front hall, a dead body in the basement, and you in my bedroom. Where do you want to start?" Jennifer Crusie
7b8f546 That's not a father. That's a sperm donor. Forget him. He's a mess. Concentrate on me. I'm terrific. -(Linc Blaise) mine Jennifer Crusie
696d013 The measuring and mixing always smoothed out her thinking processes - nothing was as calming as creaming butter - and when the kitchen was warm from the oven overheating and the smell of baking chocolate, she took final stock of where she'd been and where she was going. Everything was fine. Jennifer Crusie
87f1fa0 Dead woman are not romantic,' Sophie said flatly. 'Okay, she's not dead,' Phin said. 'The bear ate her, and she came her brains out. julie-ann Jennifer Crusie
ab13138 She slid out from under his arm, and picked up his shirt from the floor. When she put it on, it failed to meet in the middle over her chest. that always worked in the movies, she thought, disgusted, and dropped it on the floor. Jennifer Crusie
953c2a2 Wonder of wonders, the box had Elvis. Immediately the bar seemed a better place. She fed in coins and then punched the keys for "Hound Dog." Too bad Elvis had never recorded one called "Dickhead." humor Jennifer Crusie
7996300 Every species has a dinner date as part of courting ritual. A woman who won't let you pay for dinner is rejecting your courtship. She may think she's playing fair, or that she's being a feminist, but a very deep level, she knows that she's crossing you off her list of possibilities. Jennifer Crusie
547f20d Have you talked to North?" he said. "Yes," she said. "I asked him to get us cable." "I wish you weren't talking to him." "I'd talk to Satan to get cable," Andie said." Jennifer Crusie
5c95ca8 Once you know the truth, it's always obvious Jennifer Crusie
a080d22 He loved her all he could; but he couldn't love her very much. romance Jennifer Crusie
a2ea0c9 First, I'm not getting married, so you can forget the wife. Second, if I was insane enough to get married, I wouldn't have kids. Third, if I was insane enough to get married and have kids, it would be a cold day in hell I'd let you babysit. kids love marriage parents Jennifer Crusie
8e9219a Elvis!" Min shoved herself off the couch to shoo him away. "Stay away from there. There's broken glass." "He did that on purpose," David said, outraged. "Yes, David, the cat is plotting against you." Min fished the base out of the water and glass shards and put it on the table. Then she went to get her wastebasket and began to put the glass pieces in it." Jennifer Crusie
2b66124 This is a woman you've known less than twelve hours. It took you a year to pick out a couch, but you're seriously--" "Yes," Roger said. "She's the one." marriage the-one Jennifer Crusie
d8735ad Drink to me! I just realized that I've slept with everyone at this table! ~Nell Jennifer Crusie
a995788 Well, you won't unless you come to lunch with me," Cal said. "I'm holding it for ransom. There's a gun to its heel right now." "I have lunch at my desk," Min began, and thought,Oh, for crying out loud, could I beany more pathetic ? "Emilio is experimenting with a lunch menu. He needs you. I need you." Jennifer Crusie
7f9af00 Davy's kiss tasted like vodka and disaster, and even while she kissed him back, Tilda thought, He slipped his hand under her T-shirt, and she said, "You know," as his hand slid up to her breast, but the only thing left to say was, and of course she was." sex Jennifer Crusie
133e71a I suppose you had to," Wes said when Phin went back to join him at the table. "Pretty much. She seduced me." "Yeah, right," Wes said. "She said, 'Please fix the kitchen drain,' and you interpreted that--" "She said, 'Fuck me.' " Phin put two balls on the table and picked up his cue. "I interpreted that to mean she wanted sex." "Oh." Wes picked up his cue. "That would have been my call, too." He squinted at the table. "Why would she have sai.. sex Jennifer Crusie
01a8a60 There wasn't enough gratitude in the world for a server who kept drinks coming at a time like this. Jennifer Crusie
6d01c1a Tomorrow we go back to normal?" "Sure," Mab said. "It'll be like none of this happened. Except I'll still be pregnant, and you'll still be making dragons, and Glenda will still be pretending that Dreamland is Cancun, and Weaver will still own the only green velvet demon in captivity. Other than that, perfectly normal." "I just meant no demons trying to kill us," Cindy said. "My baseline for normal is a lot lower than yours." -- demon Jennifer Crusie
a75c4ed Tomorrow we go back to normal?" "Sure," Mab said. "It'll be like none of this happened. Except I'll still be pregnant, and you'll still be making dragons, and Glenda will still be pretending that Dreamland is Cancun, and Weaver will still own the only green velvet demon in captivity. Other than that, perfectly normal." "I just meant no demons trying to kill us," Cindy said. "My baseline for normal is a lot lower than yours." demon Jennifer Crusie
47439cb My studies have shown that the process of falling into mature love happens in four steps. When you meet a woman, you subconsciously look for cues that she's the kind os person you should be with. That's assumption. If she passes the assumption test, you begin to get to know her to find out if she's appropriate for you. If she is, you're attracted. If, as you get to know her, the attraction is reinforced with joy or pain or both, you'll fall.. Jennifer Crusie
2f28270 The key to fighting is never to fight unless the cause is so great that you couldn't bear not to defend it and the losses you are going to suffer are things that you could afford to lose. If you do fight, the thing to remember is that it is going to hurt because that is what happens in a fight and you might as well reconcile yourself to it in the beginning and then it will not matter when it happens inspirational Jennifer Crusie
58b11e9 North is a powerful man, and you're still connected to him." Flo frowned. "Probably sexual memory, those Capricorns are insatiable. Well, you know. Sea Goat. And of course, you're a Fish. You'll end up back in bed with him." Andie slammed the car door. "You know what I'd like for Christmas, Flo? Boundaries. You can gift me early if you'd like." mothers-and-daughters relationships sex Jennifer Crusie
f1f87fc I like my afterglow with you in motion. I measure time by how your body sways. Jennifer Crusie
e0d8093 So I know you must have a plan and this wolf--" "Beast," Min said. "--frog, whatever, can't fit your plan." "He's not a frog," Min said. "I kissed him and he did not turn into a prince."He turned into a god. No, he didn't . "Look, I'm never going to see him again, so everybody can relax." Jennifer Crusie
5a8a8cc You know who you remind me of? The kid cop in Lethal Weapon 3. You know, the one who says, 'it's my twenty-first birthday today', and right away you know he's dead meat? Jennifer Crusie
76b523d have you ever met a woman you wanted to give everything to? just turn over everything you had? -Davy Dempsey- Jennifer Crusie
cce0cb1 Do not be seduced by those big-box come-ons, full of "complete sets" of extraneous cookware. A complete set is whatever you need, and maybe all you need is a wok and a hot place to grill your bacon. In a pinch, I can do it all with my good heavy nonstick frying pan. Besides the obvious braising, browning, and frying, I can make sauces and stir-fries in it, toast cheese sandwiches and slivered almonds, use the underside to pound cutlets, and.. life-lessons Jennifer Crusie
92613e3 Real life doesn't have to suck. Jennifer Crusie
463b290 I adored you," North said. "I just didn't tell you. You were the most amazing thing that had ever happened to me. Nothing else like you in my world before or since. I was crazy about you. I still am. Ten years later you walk into my office and I see you and it's like the first time, I can't think, I can't talk, I just need you with me. It makes me crazy, but now that I've got you back . . . You're everything, Andie. I should have told you t.. Jennifer Crusie
aacc29e Sophie held the [hand]cuffs higher, hopint to instill some sense of shame, if not in him, then at least in herself. One look at him and she wanted him again. "I found them in the bed." "That makes sense," Phin said. "That's where I lost them." "I'd ask what you were doing with them," Sophie said, trying not to sound bitchy, "but I probably don't want to know, do I?" "Sure you do. It was exciting and different and depraved." Phin nodded towa.. sex Jennifer Crusie
813831d The last time I saw a brow that low I was watching slides in anthropology class Jennifer Crusie
26f6407 Phin spared a moment of sympathy for Frank until he looked back and saw him at the bar, leaning into Clea's cleavage. Get a grip, Frank, he thought, and then he looked down Sophie's dress and thought, Never mind, Frank. Jennifer Crusie
63d4a72 If you can look at somebody and say, 'I never loved you, you were a mistake,' that's one thing. But if you look at him and say, 'You were everything and I poisoned it because I wouldn't stand up for myself,' that's hard. That's too hard... Jennifer Crusie
2bfa13e Really, The smart thing to do was to stop dating and get a cat. Jennifer Crusie
9258803 Christ, I'm in a Doris Day movie Jennifer Crusie
b7d7a93 You've always been nuts. That's fine. I can deal with nuts. But lately, you've been depressed nuts. I can't deal with that. - Anthony Jennifer Crusie
2b8fc1a Hell, your kid is fucking my wife, and your wife is fucking me. [...] Not that she's any good, Zane said, looking at Georgia, and when she made a little cry of protest, he added, Hell Georgia, even Jell-O moves when you eat it. Jennifer Crusie
db8c7fb Rum and Coke, please," she told the bartender. Maybe that was why Liza and Bonnie never had guy trouble: great hair. She looked at Liza, racehorse-thin in purple zippered leather...Okay it wasn't just the hair. If she jammed herself into liza's dress, she'd look like Barney's slut cousin. "Diet Coke," she told the bartender." Jennifer Crusie
46fc96c You got shot at and you still got me an air conditioner. Jennifer Crusie
fd68134 He was not looking forward to breaking the law. He was straight now. He'd matured. Crime no longer excited him. What?' Ronald said. I didn't say anything.' You're breathing heavy. faking_it humor Jennifer Crusie
fbc7cfe And those women with the camera looked loose." , Phin thought. At last, some news." Jennifer Crusie
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