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38de18d And I knew in my bones that Emily Dickinson wouldn't have written even one poem if she'd had two howling babies, a husband bent on jamming another one into her, a house to run, a garden to tend, three cows to milk, twenty chickens to feed, and four hired hands to cook for. I knew then why they didn't marry. Emily and Jane and Louisa. I knew and it scared me. I also knew what being lonely was and I didn't want to be lonely my whole life. I d.. feminism gender-roles loneliness writing Jennifer Donnelly
17a31d5 Well it seems to me that there are books that tell stories, and then there are books that tell truths...," I began. "Go on," she said "The first kind, they show you life like you want it to be. With villains getting what they deserve and the hero seeing what a fool he's been and marrying the heroine and happy ending and all that. Like Sense and Sensibility or Persuasion. But the second kind, they show you life more like it is. Like in Huckl.. Jennifer Donnelly
83b3e64 Belle saw now that his gruff, sometimes-frightening exterior masked a kind and loyal heart. Jennifer Donnelly
cdae6e4 Sadness enfolded her like a long black cape. p. 4 Jennifer Donnelly
6e274d2 Becoming a parent changed you forever, as nothing else could. p. 368 Jennifer Donnelly
0eeac43 a voice inside her asked. Jennifer Donnelly
2149ed2 undoes us. Jennifer Donnelly
facbadd Zashchoto niama po opasno neshcho ot nadezhdata Jennifer Donnelly
38788bb Paddy'nin ve Charlie'nin ucretleri hane gelirinin aslan payini teskil ediyordu; kirayi onlar oduyor, giysileri onlar satin aliyor ve yemegin buyuk bir kismini onlar karsiliyordu. Kate'in ve Fiona'nin kazanclari komure ve ayakkabi boyasi, kahve ve benzeri ev ihtiyaclarina gidiyordu. Eger Paddy veya Charlie hastalanir ve ise gidemezlerse herkes zarara ugrardi. Bu, Dogu Londra'nin her sokaginin evinde ayniydi. Erkekler et yerken, kadinlar ne b.. Jennifer Donnelly
d0fb5fb Death wounds only is you let her. Jennifer Donnelly
193d4f9 Love is so strong, so ferocious, that she frightens even me. , Belle. A woman who strolls through battlefields and sick houses. Who takes tea with executioners. Jennifer Donnelly
25165fc If the countess was Death, then Death was a cheat. Jennifer Donnelly
7681951 Only education can empty the workhouses and prisons, the slums and rookeries. Jennifer Donnelly
4ed0d57 We all make mistakes," Lucanos said. "The danger lies in letting those mistakes make us." "Make us what?" asked Belle. "Make us believe we can't put things right. Make us think there's no hope. Make us give up," the beetle said, giving Belle a very direct look." Jennifer Donnelly
0cfac83 From the moment he held her, and looked into her eyes, he was a changed man. He'd held that tiny girl in his arms that moment; he would hold her in his heart forever. p. 20 Joe Bristow on being a father Jennifer Donnelly
d4be2e8 The blue whale was so magnificent and her song so beautiful, that Becca's heart swelled. She felt Marco's hand tighten on hers and knew he felt the same way. She turned to him, but Marco wasn't looking at the whale anymore, he was looking at her. He was still holding her hand and was floating close to her now. Jennifer Donnelly
05588e5 I'll supervise, shall I?" offered Cogsworth. "To me, 'dust' is a four-letter word." "'Dust' is a four-letter word to ," said Lumiere. "'Work' is also a four-letter word," said Plumette, under her breath. "Perhaps is why monsieur strives to avoid it" Jennifer Donnelly
6bc6bc5 Ella estuvo alli. Formo parte de todo aquello. Vio la historia en primera fila. Y lo que vio la hizo enloquecer. Jennifer Donnelly
eb897ae I have a surprise for you," the Beast had said, in his usual brusque tone. Belle had just come in from feeding her horse, Philippe, and was standing by the kitchen's back door, shaking snow from her cloak. She'd taken one look at him - at the scowl on his face, at his clenched paws, at his awkward stance - and said, "No, thank you." The Beast had blinked, taken aback by her refusal. His scowl had deepened. "I , I have a surprise for you!" .. Jennifer Donnelly
0192e7e There was a knock at the door. It was Lumiere. The Beast bade him enter. "Is there anything else you require tonight before retiring, master?" "I - I thought we might go skating tomorrow." Lumiere's eyebrows shot up. "Skating, master? You've never skated in your life!" "Belle mentioned that she has skated before. Back in her village. I thought she might like to try it here. How hard can it be?" "On the backside? Very," said Lumiere." Jennifer Donnelly
b890555 Lipsvash na Nik. I na men - kazvam mi toi. Sled tova me pregr'shcha. Khorata chesto praviat tova. Misliat si, che pomaga. Taka e, no za tiakh. помощ Jennifer Donnelly
bd64046 Lipsvash na Nik. I na men - kazva mi toi. Sled tova me pregr'shcha. Khorata chesto praviat tova. Misliat si, che pomaga. Taka e, no za tiakh. мъка Jennifer Donnelly
1c14149 Sunlight filtered through the glass panes from the waters above, waking the feathery tube worms clustered around the room. They burst into bloom, daubing the walls yellow, cobalt blue, and magenta. The golden rays warmed fronds of seaweed anchored to the floor. They shimmered in the glass of a tall gilt mirror and glinted off the polished coral walls. A Jennifer Donnelly
a9c859d Choveshkoto s'rtse ne e izgradeno ot izmislitsi - kazva toi. - Vsiako s'rtse e izgradeno ot izmislitsi - otgovaria Dzhi. Jennifer Donnelly
6928aec A veces todavia veo a aquella chiquilla en mi imaginacion. Corre y rie con sus gastados calzones y su levita prestada. Da vueltas por el Patio de Marmol, emocionada por su buena fortuna. Veo a esa chiquilla, pero no la reconozco. Jennifer Donnelly
2fee2b7 Decido que lo unico que significa es que Virgil tiene mi iPod. Porque no hay nada mas peligroso que la esperanza. Jennifer Donnelly
ad07690 Why isn't real life like book life?" I asked, sitting down next to him. "Why aren't people plain and uncomplicated?" Jennifer Donnelly
b28b967 Voice, according to Miss Wilcox, is not just the sound that comes from your throat but the feeling that comes from your words. Jennifer Donnelly
67f591f Right now I want a word that describes the feeling you get--a cold, sick feeling deep down inside--when you know something is happening that will change you, and you don't want it to, but you can't stop it. And you know, for the first time, for the very first time, that there will now be a before and an after, a was and a will be. And that you will never again be quite the same person you were. Jennifer Donnelly
eb25423 Nevermore is more than an illusion child. It is very real. Page 267 Jennifer Donnelly
32c6676 Zashchoto Bog ni obicha, no diavol't se interesuva ot nas Jennifer Donnelly
5eea600 Will gritted his teeth as Will Junior and Nellie continued their debate. He loved his son, but he found him--and many members of hisgeneration--ruthless in their pursuit of money and standing and harsh toward the less fortunate. He had reminded him on many occasions that both the McClanes and their mother's family--the Van der leydens--had at one time been immigrants. As had members of all the city's wealthy families. But Will's lectures ma.. Jennifer Donnelly
3f80545 on a boat, the better. Jennifer Donnelly
803e831 Have you ever tried to stop her from doing something she wants to do?' Desiderio asked. Mahdi sighed. 'Yeah, actually, I have,' he said. 'No further explanation needed. Jennifer Donnelly
7720e78 Compared to me, everyone has normal relationships.' Sera laughed. 'Right. Especially me. I'm the queen of normal relationships. The merman I love is about to marry someone else. We have to pretend to hate each other. And his future wife is trying to kill me. Totally normal. Jennifer Donnelly
82855e7 Fa quod faciendum est. mgg the-shallow-graves Jennifer Donnelly
262db67 Uh-oh,' Lafitte said ominously. 'Swamp queen just go angry. Jennifer Donnelly
505ad8d I finished polishing the clock and picked up one of the figurines next to it. It was in the shape of an angel and on the angel's gown were printed the words: ALMIGHTY GOD, GIVE US SERENITY TO ACCEPT WHAT CANNOT BE CHANGED, COURAGE TO CHANGE WHAT SHOULD BE CHANGED, AND WISDOM TO KNOW THE ONE FROM THE OTHER. What if you couldn't do that? Couldn't change things and couldn't accept them, either? I took hold of the angel's head and snapped it of.. Jennifer Donnelly
1750e56 Do you imagine that simply because one madman is gone, there are no more? Yes, Robespierre is dead. And Marat. Saint-Just. Hebert. But there are always more, waiting on the wings. History always throws off these power-hungry monsters. It's because of people like them that this little boy suffers." I think about another Max. And another little boy. I remember the future. "Maximilien R. Peters! Incorruptible, ineluctable, and indestructible! .. Jennifer Donnelly
c45b4c3 The Beast slowly minced his way out onto the ice. Once clear of the verge, he stopped - or tried to. His feet swept him swiftly forwards and upwards, and his body slammed down, right onto his backside. He got up, then fell again. And then again. "Perhaps you should let me help you!" Belle called from across the pond, where she was cutting a graceful arc on the ice. "Master, perhaps we should tie a pillow to your backside!" Cogsworth shouted.. Jennifer Donnelly
3ef47e5 El mundo sigue adelante, estupido y brutal. Pero yo no. Yo no. Jennifer Donnelly
1a20422 Yves G. Bonnard, archivero jefe, alias el Poderoso Oz, alias el Gran Inquisidor, alias el Anticristo. Jennifer Donnelly
921fd13 They gave their hearts to their businesses, not their wives; that's why they were all so damned rich. Jennifer Donnelly
ce7c6ad Mortals do not like uncertainty. They do not like change. Change is frightening. Change is painful. Jennifer Donnelly