And so the eight months are put behind them, quickly shed, quickly forgotten, like clothes worn for a special occasion, or for a season that has passed, suddenly cumbersome, irrelevant to their lives.
Jhumpa Lahiri |
Like a kiss or caress in a Hindi movie, a husband's name is something intimate and therefore unspoken, cleverly patched over. And so, instead of saying Ashoke's name, she utters the interrogative that has come to replace it, which translates roughly as "Are you listening to me?"
Jhumpa Lahiri |
The right cover is like a beautiful coat, elegant and warm, wrapping my words as they travel through the world, on their way to keep an appointment with my readers. Books come to stand for various episodes in our lives, for certain idealisms, follies of belief, moments of love. Along the way they accumulate our marks, our stains, our innocent abuses, they come to wear our experience of them on their covers and bindings like wrinkles on our ..
Jhumpa Lahiri |
If I want to understand what moves me, what confuses me, what pains me--everything that makes me react, in short--I have to put it into words.
Jhumpa Lahiri |
The moments of transition, in which something changes, constitute the backbone of all of us. Whether they are a salvation or a loss, they are moments that we tend to remember.
Jhumpa Lahiri |
station on Cape Cod looks close to where you are. It's in a place called Wellfleet.
Jhumpa Lahiri |
Als je zonder je eigen taal leeft, voel je je gewichtloos en tegelijkertijd overbeladen. Je ademt een andere lucht in, op een andere hoogte. Je bent je altijd bewust van het verschil.
Jhumpa Lahiri |
Boeken zijn de beste middelen - prive, discreet, betrouwbaar - om over de werkelijkheid heen te stappen.
Jhumpa Lahiri |
As Mr. Sen backed out of the parking lot, he put his arm across the top of the front seat, so that it looked as if he had his arm around Mrs. Sen.
Jhumpa Lahiri |
Voor mij is het vermogen van kunst het vermogen om ons wakker te schudden, om ons diep te raken, ons te veranderen. Wat zoeken we als we een roman lezen, een film kijken, naar een muziekstuk luisteren? We zoeken iets wat ons verplaatst, iets waarvan we ons eerder niet bewust waren. We willen onszelf transformeren.
Jhumpa Lahiri |
As he watched the couple the room went dark, and he spun around. Shoba had turned the lights off. She came back to the table and sat down, and after a moment Shukumar joined her. They wept together, for the things they now knew.
Jhumpa Lahiri |
His favorite moments were when he was alone, or felt alone. Lying in bed in the morning, watching sunlight flickering like a restless bird on the wall. He
Jhumpa Lahiri |
Each day, Shukumar noticed, her beauty, which had once overwhelmed him, seemed to fade. The cosmetics that had seemed superfluous were necessary now, not to improve her but to define her somehow.
Jhumpa Lahiri |
She was like that, excited and delighted by little things, crossing her fingers before any remotely unpredictable event, like tasting a new flavor of ice cream, or dropping a letter in a mailbox. It was a quality he did not understand. It made him feel stupid, as if the world contained hidden wonders he could not anticipate, or see. He
Jhumpa Lahiri |
They found a thick tree that had fallen, the tangled roots exposed. They saw the drenched ground that had given way. The tree seemed more overwhelming when it lay on the ground. Its proportions frightening, once it no longer lived.
Jhumpa Lahiri |
Celui qui n'appartient a aucun lieu specifique ne peut, en realite, retourner nulle part.
Jhumpa Lahiri |
When he pictured her so many thousands of miles away he plummeted, so much so that he had an overwhelming urge to wrap his arms around her, to freeze with her, even for an instant, in an embrace witnessed by his favorite Surya.
Jhumpa Lahiri |
style but
Jhumpa Lahiri |
After Rahul graduated from high school their parents celebrated, having in their opinion now successfully raised two children in America. Rahul was going to Cornell, and Sudha was still in Philadephia, getting a master's in international relations. Their parents threw a party, inviting nearly two hundred people, and bought Rahul a car, justifying it as a necessity for his life in Ithaca. They bragged about the school, more impressed by it t..
Jhumpa Lahiri |
Of the three women in Subhash's life--his mother, Gauri, Bela--there remained only one. His mother's mind was now a wilderness. There was no shape to it any longer, no clearing. It had been overtaken, overgrown. She'd been converted permanently by Udayan's death. That wilderness was her only freedom. She was locked inside her home, taken out once each day. Deepa would prevent her from endangering herself, from embarrassing herself, from mak..
Jhumpa Lahiri |
Other Bengalis gossiped about him and prayed their own children would not ruin their lives in the same way. And so he became what all parents feared, a blot, a failure, someone who was not contributing to the grand circle of accomplishments Bengali children were making across the country, as surgeons or attorneys or scientists, or writing articles for the front page of The New York Times.
Jhumpa Lahiri |
Something happened when the house was dark. They were able to talk to each other again.
Jhumpa Lahiri |
The fact that the yellow chintz armchair in the living room clashed with the blue-and-maroon Turkish carpet no longer bothered her.
Jhumpa Lahiri |
There were black mountains on which nothing, no grass or trees, seemed to grow. Thin lines that twisted unpredictably, with tributaries arriving nowhere. Not rivers, but roads.
Jhumpa Lahiri |
She returned to Boston in April, during the break after the Lent term, a diamond ring from Roger concealed on a chain beneath her sweater, and this made her feel dipped in a protective coating from her family.
Jhumpa Lahiri |
He remembered himself sitting naked on one side of the mattress, in a room he was suddenly aware he was never again to see. He had not argued; in the wake of his shame, he became strangely efficient and agreeable, with her, with everyone.
Jhumpa Lahiri |
American book jackets reflect the spirit of country - little homogeneity, lots of diversity.
Jhumpa Lahiri |
Brahmin who'd learned the tribal dialects. He refused
Jhumpa Lahiri |
Our meals, our actions, were only a shadow of what had already happened there, a lagging ghost of where Mr. Pirzada really belonged. At
Jhumpa Lahiri |
No hospital, porem um leve movimento do bebe a faz lembrar que, tecnicamente, nao esta sozinha. Estranha o fato de que sua crianca nascera num lugar onde as pessoas geralmente entram para sofrer ou para morrer.
Jhumpa Lahiri |
Ele sente uma dor agradavel nas temporas e uma repentina gratidao pelo dia e pelo lugar aonde este dia lhe trouxe.
Jhumpa Lahiri |
Rapidamente, simultaneamente, ele se apaixona por Maxine, pela casa e pelo modo de vida de Gerald e Lydia, pois conhece-la e ama-la e conhecer e amar todas essas coisas.
Jhumpa Lahiri |
Ela tem o dom de aceitar a propria vida; conhecendo-a melhor, ele se da conta de que ela nunca desejou ser outra pessoa a nao ser ela mesma, nem ter sido criada em outro lugar, de algum outro jeito.
Jhumpa Lahiri |
But death, too, had the power to awe, she knew this now-that a human being could be alive for years and years, thinking and breathing and eating, full of a million worries and feelings and thoughts, taking up space in the world, and then, in an instant, become absent, invisible.
Jhumpa Lahiri |
Ambos tinham buscado conforto um no outro e em seu mundo compartilhado, talvez porque fosse uma novidade, ou por medo de que esse mundo estivesse morrendo lentamente.
Jhumpa Lahiri |
A cena faz Moushumi chorar. Ao mesmo tempo, ela fica contente de ter uma coisa tangivel com a qual se aborrecer.
Jhumpa Lahiri |
Nao entendo. Como voces foram capazes de me dar o nome de uma pessoa tao estranha? Ninguem me leva a serio", disse Gogol. "Quem? Quem nao te leva a serio?", o pai quis saber, levantando os dedos do prato, olhando para ele. "As pessoas", ele disse, mentindo para os pais. Pois o pai tinha certa razao; a unica pessoa que nao levava Gogol a serio, a unica pessoa que o atormentava, a unica pessoa cronicamente ciente de seu nome e afligida pelo c..
Jhumpa Lahiri |
E como se um predio por cujo projeto ele fosse o responsavel tivesse desabado na frente de todo mundo. E, no entanto, ele nao pode culpa-la de fato. Ambos tinham agido pelo mesmo impulso, esse foi o erro dos dois. Ambos tinham buscado conforto um no outro e em seu mundo compartilhado, talvez porque fosse uma novidade, ou por medo de que esse mundo estivesse morrendo lentamente
Jhumpa Lahiri |
Maybe because from the creative point of view there is nothing so dangerous as security.
Jhumpa Lahiri |
I see the people who have lived here forever. They walk quickly, indifferent to the buildings. They cross the squares without stopping. I
Jhumpa Lahiri |
She wanted to shut her eyes to it. She wished the days and months ahead of her would end. But the rest of her life continued to present itself, time ceaselessly proliferating. She was made to anticipate it against her will.
Jhumpa Lahiri |
She asked her parents to buy him the books she'd been read by her first teachers, Peter Rabbit and Frog and Toad. "What's the point of buying books for someone who can't read?" her parents asked, legitimately enough, and so she checked them out of her school library and read them to Rahul herself."
Jhumpa Lahiri |
This was the woman Narasimhan had married, as opposed to whatever girl from Madras his family wanted for him. Subhash wondered how his family reacted to her. He wondered if she'd ever been to India. If she had, he wondered whether she'd liked it or hated it. He could not guess from looking at her
Jhumpa Lahiri |
And yet I know that expressing oneself necessarily means being different. The writer's voice is a singular one, solitary. Art is nothing other than the freedom to express oneself in any language, in whatever manner, dressed any which way.
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