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4b566f1 Just as a man is fulfilled through working out the intricate details of solving a problem, a woman is fulfilled through talking about the details of her problems. John Gray
c0f243b Tragedy is born of myth, not morality. Prometheus and Icarus are tragic heroes. Yet none of the myths in which they appear has anything to do with moral dilemmas. Nor have the greatest Greek tragedies. If Euripides is the most tragic of the Greek playwrights, it is not because he deals with moral conflicts but because he understood that reason cannot be the guide of life. greek-mythology morality socrates the-death-of-tragedy tragedy John Gray
973b358 If you believe that humans are animals, there can be no such thing as the history of humanity, only the lives of particular humans. If we speak of the history of the species at all, it is only to signify the unknowable sum of these lives. As with other animals, some lives are happy, others wretched. None has a meaning that lies beyond itself. humanity humans life man straw-dogs John Gray
a788c9a always thought of myself as a loving person. But she was right. I had been a John Gray
2ac2ac8 Men need to remember that when women seem upset and talk about problems is not the time to offer solutions; instead she needs to be heard, and gradually she will feel better on her own. John Gray
e00cea6 A common error of western commentators who seek to interpret Islamism sympathetically is to view it as a form of localised resistance to globalisation. In fact, Islamism is also a universalist political project. Along with Neoliberals and Marxists, Islamists are participants in a dispute about how the world as whole is to be governed. None is ready to entertain the possibility that it should always contain a diversity of regimes. On this po.. John Gray
a3ebae3 When she says "I feel like you are not even here," he says "What do you mean I'm not here? Of course I am here. Don't you see my body?" John Gray
231cf51 Men mistakenly expect women to think, communicate, and react the way men do; women mistakenly expect men to feel, communicate, and respond the way women do. John Gray
2f91a80 Venusians have different values. They value love, communication, beauty, and relationships. They spend a lot of time supporting, helping, and nurturing one another. Their sense of self is defined through their feelings and the quality of their relationships. They experience fulfillment through sharing and relating. John Gray
12234af Salah satu hal ajaib mengenai kehidupan. Saat muridnya siap, sang guru muncul. Saat pertanyaan diajukan, jawabannya datang. relationship John Gray
dd717c5 When misunderstandings arise, remember that we speak different languages; take the time necessary to translate what your partner really means or wants to say. This definitely takes practice, but it is well worth it. John Gray
50c13ec Love is magical, and it can last, if we remember our differences. John Gray
d13bdda The destruction of the natural world is not the result of global capitalism, industrialisation, 'Western civilisation' or any flaw in human institutions. It is a consequence of the evolutionary success of an exceptionally rapacious primate. Throughout all of history and prehistory, human advance has coincided with ecological devastation. John Gray
43b5548 From being a movement aiming for universal freedom, communism turned into a system of universal despotism. That is the logic of utopia. despotism philosophy suffering utopia John Gray
1f7156d It is very difficult for a man to differentiate between empathy and sympathy. He hates to be pitied. John Gray
872ce23 The result of toppling tyranny in divided countries is usually civil war and ethnic cleansing. John Gray (philosopher)
c1fc297 We cannot be rid of illusions. Illusion is our natural condition. Why not accept it? John Gray (philosopher)
62c090b In the life of the academic mind, the owl of Minerva seldom flies as early as the dusk. John Gray (philosopher)
854ceee Progress in civilization seems possible only in interludes when history is idling. John Gray (philosopher)