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c96f7bb God loves an enquiring mind, a fact that has been a great encouragement to me in my study of mathematics and the history and philosophy of science. John C. Lennox
8bb215d one should always be careful to record all the evidence against one's theories; indeed, one should bend over backwards to consider it, since the easiest person to fool is oneself. John C. Lennox
0314d53 chimp may share 98 per cent of its DNA with ourselves but it is not 98 per cent human: it is not human at all - it is a chimp. And does the fact that we have genes in common with a mouse, or a banana say anything about human nature? Some claim that genes will tell us what we really are. The idea is absurd.'11 John C. Lennox
e4753b0 Some will take issue, however, with the idea that the resurrection body of Christ is physical, by pointing out that the New Testament itself speaks of the resurrection body as a "spiritual body".110 The objection, then, asserts that "spiritual" means "non-physical". But a moment's reflection shows that there are other possibilities. When we speak of a "petrol engine", we do not mean an "engine made of petrol". No, we mean an engine powered .. John C. Lennox
0bc5b86 naive John C. Lennox
a718838 What this all goes to show is that nonsense remains nonsense, even when talked by world-famous scientists. What serves to obscure the illogicality of such statements is the fact that they are made by scientists; and the general public, not surprisingly, assumes that they are statements of science and takes them on authority. That is why it is important to point out that they are not statements of science, and any statement, whether made by .. John C. Lennox
a05db45 Der wesentliche Punkt ist hier, dass Menschen mit szientistischem Gedankengut wie Atkins oder Dawkins nicht unterscheiden zwischen Mechanismus und Urheberschaft. creation creationism dawkins religion science scientism John C. Lennox
6686128 For some, the conviction that they "know the truth" produces in them an aggressive attitude that reeks of superiority and is very off-putting. They forget that the One about whom they profess to be witnessing - he who was the truth (John 14:6) - was the most gentle of men. He was gentle and lowly in heart (Matthew 11:29). But this clearly does not mean that he was a soppy, insipid, and spineless pushover. Christ was full of moral courage an.. John C. Lennox
728a270 Furthermore, there are weighty voices within science that are not as enthusiastic about the multiverse. Prominent among them is that of Sir Roger Penrose, Hawking's former collaborator, who shared with him the prestigious Wolf Prize. Of Hawking's use of the multiverse in The Grand Design Penrose said: "It's overused, and this is a place where it is overused. It's an excuse for not having a good theory."44 Penrose does not, in fact, like the.. John C. Lennox
28cd09d Is the world divided into mind and matter, and, if so, what is mind, what is matter? Is mind subject to matter, or is it possessed of independent powers? Has the universe any unity or purpose? Is it evolving towards some goal? Are there really laws of nature, or do we believe in them only because of our innate love of order? Is man what he seems to the astronomer, a tiny lump of impure carbon and water impotently crawling on a small and uni.. John C. Lennox
09d49ae faith and evidence are inseparable. Indeed, faith is a response to evidence, not a rejoicing in the absence of evidence. The Christian apostle John writes in his biography of Jesus: 'These things are written that you might believe...'5 That is, he understands that what he is writing is to be regarded as part of the evidence on which faith is based. The apostle Paul says what many pioneers of modern science believed, namely, that nature itse.. John C. Lennox
1905ef7 Modern bilim, ortacagda Tanri'nin rasyonelligi konusundaki israrin neticesinde ortaya cikmistir. tanrı John C. Lennox
99498fa The teaching of morality likewise lies outside science. Science can tell you that, if you add strychnine to someone's drink, it will kill them. But science cannot tell you whether it is morally right or wrong to put strychnine into your grandmother's tea so that you can get your hands on her property. John C. Lennox
77087a7 The existence of a limit to science is, however, made clear by its inability to answer childlike elementary questions having to do with first and last things - questions such as: "How did everything begin?" "What are we all here for?" "What is the point of living?"." John C. Lennox
65c36d0 Of course, I reject atheism because I believe Christianity to be true. But I also reject it because I am a scientist. How could I be impressed with a worldview that undermines the very rationality we need to do science? Science and God mix very well. It is science and atheism that do not mix. christianity science John C. Lennox
98d93da Czeslaw Milosz, who had reason to know, writes: "A true opium of the people is a belief in nothingness after death -- the huge solace of thinking that for our betrayals, greed, cowardice, murders, we are not going to be judged."54 Thus, if God does exist, atheism can be seen as a psychological escape mechanism to avoid taking ultimate responsibility for one's own life." John C. Lennox
fd1f0e1 Can we ask with Richard Feynman: 'What is the meaning of it all?' Or was Bertrand Russell right when he said that 'The universe is just there, and that's all'? John C. Lennox