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430521e If I take care of my character, my reputation will take care of itself. John C. Maxwell
01cf76b Many succeed momentarily by what they know; Some succeed temporarily by what they do; but Few succeed permanently by what they are. John C. Maxwell
815753e By talking others out of their dreams, critical people excuse themselves for staying in their comfort zones. John C. Maxwell
c9f82db Success is more than just power or not violating the rights of others; it is the privilege of contributing to the betterment of others. motivational John C. Maxwell
2cf0ad1 Bad attitudes must be addressed. You can be sure that they will always cause dissension, resentment, combativeness, and division on a team. And John C. Maxwell
745e690 Rotten attitudes ruin a team. That John C. Maxwell
207c9a0 Seguir lo que nos apasiona es la clave para descubrir nuestro potencial. John C. Maxwell
921f3d5 5. I Will Strive to Finish Well--Faithfulness Matters The final "rung" on my character ladder is the determination to keep building character and living at the highest standard until the day I die. I am endeavoring to do that by doing the right thing and becoming a better person every day. To do the right thing, I don't wait to feel like it. I recognize that emotion follows motion. Do the right thing and you feel right. Do the wrong thing a.. John C. Maxwell
ee45127 I don't know what your destiny will be, but one thing I know: The ones among you who will be really happy are those who have sought and found how to serve." If you want to lead on the highest level, be willing to serve on the lowest." -- John C. Maxwell
df60f33 Those who lack humility are dogmatic and egotistical. That masks a deep sense of insecurity. John C. Maxwell
6ac2e8a I love the story of the salesman who sat looking through the window of a hotel restaurant. Outside raged a blinding snowstorm. "Do you think the roads will be clear enough in the morning to travel?" he asked his waiter. "That depends," the waiter replied. "Are you on salary or commission?" John C. Maxwell
cd0f956 Reward only finished work: It's good to praise effort, but you should never reward it. Give John C. Maxwell
a973bd0 Borrowed beliefs have no passion, therefore no power. John C. Maxwell
f2ee3f5 When you realize that people treat you according to how they see themselves rather than how you really are, you are less likely to take personally their behavior toward you. John C. Maxwell
e4acd96 John Callen: "La habilidad mas buscada, desde director general hasta el menor puesto, es la habilidad de comunicarse con la gente. La persona que pueda hacerlo en los negocios siempre sera solicitada"." John C. Maxwell
b0431ed Cuando los lideres aprenden buenos valores y los viven, ellos mismos se hacen mas valiosos e incrementan el valor de las demas personas. John C. Maxwell
0e8fc7c El que se cree lider y no tiene seguidores, solo esta dando un paseo>>. John C. Maxwell
8876ce5 I may not be able to change the world I see around me, but I can change what I see within me. John C. Maxwell
ece67f6 People who think they're leading but have no one following them are only taking a walk. John C. Maxwell
bad77bb Al preguntar como podemos maximizar nuestras experiencias, les sacamos el mayor provecho. John C. Maxwell
a6e0330 capitulo quinze A lei da vitoria Lideres descobrem uma forma de a equipe vencer Voce ja pensou sobre o que diferencia os lideres que vencem dos que sofrem derrotas? O que e preciso para tornar uma equipe vencedora? E dificil identificar John C. Maxwell
2e2c5b3 Author Kenneth Blanchard says, "There's a difference between interest and commitment. When you're interested in doing something, you do it only when it's convenient. When you're committed to something, you accept no excuses, only results." That's what leaders do. They commit and follow through." John C. Maxwell
bc0055a What will motivate them to turn the page? John C. Maxwell
c1f7eb8 Weston H. Agor le llama intuicion a "lo que sabemos con seguridad sin saberlo con certeza"." John C. Maxwell
8078c48 If you wait until you feel like doing something, you will likely never accomplish it. John C. Maxwell
0dd6289 adding value to them. John C. Maxwell
bdec966 NO NOTES. This was truly an oral event. Storytellers didn't read their stories; they told them, which allowed for eye contact. John C. Maxwell
a763fb4 That's when I started the discipline of collecting quotes, stories, and illustrations for my speaking. John C. Maxwell
7eb4dd3 hammock speech: John C. Maxwell
1b5af52 Will the reader turn the page? John C. Maxwell
3c99723 Cemetery communication: lots of people are out there, but nobody is listening. John C. Maxwell
76da966 What can I say to get others involved around the table? How can I draw them in? John C. Maxwell
a489582 create memories. John C. Maxwell
90cf6ed But what price do you put on a great memory? John C. Maxwell
f6238d3 You have to link what you want to say to what others' needs are. John C. Maxwell
b250f5e You have to be yourself while speaking someone else's language. John C. Maxwell
f6aa001 Create a Sense of Anticipation. John C. Maxwell
c90d760 listener's lean. John C. Maxwell
1914520 Most people want to feel a part of the experience, John C. Maxwell
9a42f2c The main point is that it's the speaker's responsibility to bring energy to the audience and to work to activate them. John C. Maxwell
afab92c If you want people to remember what you say, you need to say the right thing at the right moment in the right way! John C. Maxwell
17ecd23 Be Original. John C. Maxwell
fd1b035 tell the truth interestingly. John C. Maxwell
1115c1b Matt. 13:10-13) John C. Maxwell