It's not life or death, the labyrinth. Suffering. Doing wrong and having wrong things happen to you.
John Green |
And so that is the question I leave you with in this final: What is your cause for hope?
John Green |
But of course there is always a hamartia and yours is that oh, my God, even though you HAD FREAKING CANCER you give money to a company in exchange for the chance to acquire YET MORE CANCER.
John Green |
Me enamore de la forma en que te quedas dormido: poco a poco, y luego de una sola vez.
John Green |
We are not as frail as the strings would make us believe.
John Green |
You all smoke to enjoy it, I smoke to die.
John Green |
Pudge/Colonel: "I am sorry that I have not talked to you before. I am not staying for graduation. I leave for Japan tomorrow morning. For a long time, I was mad at you. The way you cut me out of everything hurt me, and so I kept what I knew to myself. But then even after I wasn't mad anymore, I still didn't say anything, and I don't even really know why. Pudge had that kiss, I guess. And I had this secret. You've mostly figured this..
John Green |
Desperately Lonely Swing Set Needs Loving Home "One swing set, well worn but structually sound, seeks new home. Make memories with your kid or kids so that someday he or she or they will look into the backyard and feel the ache of sentimentality as desperately as I did this afternoon. It's all fragile and fleeting, dear reader, but with this swing set, your child(ren) will be introduced to the ups and downs of human life gently and safely,..
John Green |
Then Augustus Waters reached into a pocket and pulled out, of all things, a pack of cigarettes. He flipped it open and put a pack between his lips. "Are you serious?" I asked. "You think that's cool? Oh, my God, you just ruined the whole thing." "Which whole thing?" he asked, turning to me. The cigarette dangled unlit from the unsmiling corner of his mouth. "The whole thing where a boy who is not unattractive or unintelligent or seemingl..
John Green |
Si las personas fueran lluvia, yo seria llovizna, y ella, un huracan.
John Green |
You had been a paper boy to me all these years - two dimensions as a character on the page and two different, but still flat, dimensions as a person. But that night you turned out to be real.
John Green |
He doesn't want to have sex unless he's in love, and yes, I know that virginity is a misogynistic and oppressive social construct,but I still want to lose it, and meanwhile I've got this boy hemming and hawing like we're in a Jane Austen novel. I wish boys didn't have all these feelings I have to manage like a fucking psychiatrist.
John Green |
I don't know what superpower William James enjoyed, but I can no more choose my thoughts than choose my name.
John Green |
Because memories fall apart, too. And then you're left with nothing, left not even with a ghost but with its shadow. In the beginning she haunted me, haunted my dreams, but even now, just weeks later, she was slipping away, falling apart in my memory and everyone else's, dying again.
John Green |
One day you wake up and you realize something, you see something in a way that you never saw it before, and boom, epiphany. Something is different forever.
John Green |
No one is dead as long as someone is still alive
John Green |
The true ninja doesn't make a splash at all.
John Green |
He wasn't perfect or anything. He wasn't your fairy-tale Prince Charming or whatever. He tried to be like that sometimes, but I liked him best when that stuff fell away.
John Green |
You spend your whole life stuck in the labrinth, thinking about how you'll escape it one day and how awesome it will be, and imagining the future keeps you going, but you never do it. You just use the future to escape the present.
John Green |
the point is that there are always answers.
John Green |
and pulled out, of all things, a pack of cigarettes "Are you serious?" I asked. "You think that's cool? Oh, my God, you just ruined the whole thing." "Which whole thing?" he asked, turning to me "The whole thing where a boy who is not unattractive or unintelligent or seemingly in any way unacceptable stares at me and points out incorrect uses of literally and compares me to actresses and asks me to watch a movie at his house. But of co..
John Green |
She was still real. She was still alive, She was as much a person as any other person; you're real, but not because of your body or because of your thoughts.
John Green |
You couldn't be more wrong", I said. "You are buying into the cross-stitched sentiments of your parents' throw pillows. You're arguing that the fragile, rare thing is beautiful simply because it is fragile and rare. But that's a lie, and you know it." "You're a hard person to comfort" , Augustus said. "Easy comfort isn't comforting", I said. "You were a rare and fragile flower once. You remember." For a moment he said nothing. "You do know ..
John Green |
Can't wear it to the opera," said the Colonel, almost smiling. "Can't wear it to a funeral. Can't use it to hang myself. It's a bit useless, as ties go."
John Green |
It's that there's some people in this world who you can just love and love no matter what.
John Green |
Ya think you's walkin' on water, but turns out you just got piss in your shoes.
John Green |
I tore open the closet door and began feverishly sorting through the shirts piled on the floor in the vain hope that inside that pile there might be some wondrously perfect shirt down there, a nice and tough but I'm also a surprisingly good listener with a true and abiding passion for cheers and those who lead them.
John Green |
All right. The snow may be falling in the winter of my discontent, but at least I've got sarcastic company.
John Green |
Mueres en medio de tu vida, a la mitad de una frase.
John Green |
But if you consider all the unlikely things together, at least one of them will probably happen to each of us.
John Green |
I don't really understand the point of crying. Also, I feel that crying is almost- like, aside from deaths of relatives or whatever- totally avoidable if you follow two very simple rules: 1. Don't care too much. 2. Shut up. Everything unfortunate that has ever happened to me has stemmed from failure to follow one of the rules.
John Green |
I have the soul of a private jet owner, and the life of a public transportation rider. It's a real tragedy.
John Green |
Augustus Waters was the great star-crossed love of my life. Ours was an epic love story, and I won't be able to get more than a sentence into it without disappearing into a puddle of tears. Gus knew. Gus knows. I will not tell you our love story, because--like all real love stories--it will die with us, as it should.
John Green |
NOTHING HAS EVER LOOKED LIKE THAT EVER IN ALL OF HUMAN HISTORY," he said. His enthusiasm was adorable. I couldn't resist leaning over to kiss him on the cheek. "Just so you know, I'm right here," Mom said. "Sitting next to you. Your mother. Who held your hand as you took your first infantile steps." "It's friendly," I reminded her, turning to kiss her on the cheek. "Didn't feel too friendly," Gus mumbled just loud enough for me to hear. Whe..
John Green |
I couldn't hear a thing in the world but you. And it was so cold then, and so silent, and I loved you so much. Now it's hot and dead quiet again, and I love you still.
John Green |
And on the last day, the bad days become so difficult to recall, because one way or another, she had made a life here, just as I had. The town was paper, but the memories were not. All the things I'd done here, all the love and pity and compassion and violence and spite, kept welling up inside me.
John Green |
When you leave a place, it's best to leave.
John Green |
Interesting capitalisation," I said. "Yeah. I'm a big believer in random capitalisation.The rules of capitalisation are so unfair to words in the middle."
John Green |
It is the nature of stars to cross, and never was Shakespeare more wrong than when he had Cassius note, "The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars/ But in ourselves." Easy enough to say when you're a Roman nobleman (or Shakespeare!), but there is no shortage of fault to be found amid our stars."
John Green |
And then we were kissing. My hand let go of the oxygen cart and I reached up for his neck, and he pulled me up by my waist onto my tiptoes. As his parted lips met mine, I started to feel breathless in a new and fascinating way. The space around us evaporated, and for a weird moment I really liked my body, this cancer-ruined thing I'd spent years dragging around suddenly seemed worth the struggle, worth the chest tubes and PICC lines and the..
John Green |
That's the mystery, isn't it? Is the labyrinth living or dying? Which is he trying to escape---the world or the end of it?
John Green |
At least for tonight. In sickness and in health. In good times and in bad. For richer, for poorer. 'Till dawn do us part.
John Green |
Funerals, I had decided, are for the living.
John Green |
Why are you looking at me like that?" Augustus half smiled. "Because you`re beautiful. I enjoy looking at beautiful people, and I decided a while ago not to deny myself the simpler pleasures of existence."
John Green |