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3a8afd5 I have digressed, which is also the kind of writer I would become. John Irving
1b72d9f It's Shakespearean, Bill; lots of the important stuff in Shakespeare happens offstage - you just hear about it. John Irving
49d2ed0 Ruth sabia que era afortunada. Se dijo que su proxima novela deberia tratar de la buena suerte, de como la buena suerte y el infortunio se distribuyen de una manera desigual, si no al nacer, por lo menos a medida que se dan las circunstancias sobre las que no tenemos control alguno, asi como los acontecimientos que entran en colision: la gente que conocemos, el momento en que ese conocimiento tiene lugar y si esas personas importantes podri.. suerte John Irving
a23e84a Anyone can be sentimental about the Nativity; any fool can feel like a Christian at Christmas. But Easter is the main event; if you don't believe in the resurrection, you're not a believer. John Irving
b00fc33 You should listen to these people, Farrokh," his father was telling him. "It isn't necessary for them to be your moral equals in order for you to learn something from them." John Irving
a9d5f65 But this is what we do: we dream on, and our dreams escape us almost as vividly as we can imagine them. That's what happens, like it or not. John Irving
468e9ff We were in a phase, through television and the movies, of living only vicariously. Even faintly sordid silliness excited us if it put us in contact with love. youth John Irving
6ff7569 Vielleicht muss es im Leben eines Schriftstellers diesen Augenblick geben, in dem ein anderer Schriftsteller beschuldigt wird, seinen Beruf verfehlt zu haben. die er garp irving john sah und welt wie world John Irving
aa5d42c Lemties neimanoma izvelgti, nebent jei sapnuoji ar esi apsvaiges is meiles. fate love John Irving
96e9d4e He might have told Homer, then, that he loved him very much and that he needed something very active to occupy himself at this moment of Homer's departure. John Irving
c2d2e48 It's rare when there's something we can do for ourselves which also pleases someone else. John Irving
4e82639 You're not like anyone else, Billy - that's what's the matter with you," Donna said." John Irving
e41cbce In the sixties, dear Bill, we did not say 'top' and 'bottom' - we said 'pitcher' and 'catcher'... John Irving
660a073 The operas I loved were nineteenth-century novels! John Irving
a8b75cb For seven of the eight years he was president, Reagan would not say the AIDS word. John Irving
c98c616 I didn't try to say the word for Elaine. "Cock," I said to her." John Irving
6a39cb4 You'd better leave your chromosomes at the door. John Irving
6949820 Nuviliame tik patys save. Turetume pasistengti kuo labiau sumazinti visa ta atsakomybe, kuria jauciames esa skolingi kitiems. John Irving
60f21f9 Queria trabajar y vivir sola. Eso me convirtio en sexualmente sospechosa. Despues desee tener un hijo sin que para ello tuviera que compartir mi cuerpo ni mi vida. Tambien eso me convirtio en sexualmente sospechosa. independencia sexualidad John Irving
5101b1d Hago lo que quiero - afirmo Garp -. No le pongas otro nombre. Solo hago lo que me da la gana... y eso es precisamente lo que hizo mi madre toda su vida, o sea lo que queria hacer. John Irving
563c0bb Escribio que la peor razon para que algo ocurriera en una novela era que hubiera ocurrido realmente. "!Todo ha ocurrido realmente, alguna vez!", rabiaba. "La unica razon para que algo ocurra es que es perfecto que ocurra en ese momento". -Dime cualquier cosa que te haya ocurrido a ti- dijo en cierta ocasion a una entrevistadora- y yo lo mejorare. Puedo mostrar los detalles mejor que como ocurrieron." libros John Irving
1bbf29f Wat weten Amerikanen eigenlijk van moraal? Ze willen niet dat hun president een penis heeft, maar het doet hen niets als hun president stiekem hulp voor Nicaraguaanse rebellen organiseert nadat het Congres dat heeft verboden; ze willen niet dat hun president zijn vrouw bedriegt, maar het kan hen niets schelen als hun president het Congres bedondert - als hij liegt tegen het volk en de grondwet van het volk schendt. John Irving
dd6b26f Ronkers was getting out of the elevator on the first floor when the intercom paged 'Dr Heart'. There was no Dr Heart at University Hospital. 'Dr Heart' meant someone's heart had stopped. 'Dr Heart?' the intercom asked sweetly. 'Please come to 304 . . .' John Irving
3eb549c I made some fresh pasta with a neat machine Frank brought from New York; it flattens the dough in sheets and cuts the pasta into any shape you want. It's important to have toys like that, if you live in Maine. pasta-maker John Irving
7159b69 Three nights at the Hotel zum Storchen --- a decent hotel", Farrokh explained. "Your room overlooks the Limmat. You can walk in the old town, or to the lake. Have you ever been in Europe?" John Irving
0b66d17 I shared my grandmother's distaste for the word rector--it sounded too much like rectum to be taken seriously. John Irving
f89be42 Since everything that is moved functions as a sort of instrument of the first mover, if there was no first mover, then whatever things are in motion would be simply instruments. Of course, if an infinite series of movers and things moved were possible, with no first mover, then the whole infinity of movers John Irving
1338e67 Now and forever," Juan Diego said, more confidently. He knew this was a promise to himself--to seize every opportunity that looked like the future, from this moment forward." John Irving
99aa269 Jenny felt that her education was merely a polite way to bide time, as if she were really a cow, being prepared only for the insertion of the device for artificial insemination. Her John Irving
4b8be42 What I saw in Washington that October were a lot of Americans who were genuinely dismayed by what their country was doing in Vietnam; I also saw a lot of other Americans who were self-righteously attracted to a most childish notion of heroism - namely, their own. They thought that to force a confrontation with soldiers and policemen would not only elevate themselves to the status of heroes; this confrontation, they deluded themselves, would.. John Irving
a136f7d When an orphan is depressed," wrote Wilbur Larch, "he is attracted to telling lies. A lie is at least a vigorous enterprise, it keeps you on your toes by making you suddenly responsible for what happens because of it. You must be alert to lie, and stay alert to keep your lie a secret. Orphans are not the masters of their fates; they are the last to believe you if you tell them that other people are also not in charge of theirs. When you lie.. lies John Irving
14a3189 And what were the rules at St. Cloud's? What were Larch's rules? Which rules did Dr. Larch observe, which ones did he break, or replace--and with what confidence? institutions rules John Irving
fa5b47f At times, he admitted, he had been very happy in the apple business. He knew what Larch would have told him: that his happiness was not the point, or that it wasn't as important as his usefulness. purpose John Irving
88fa95b Mother's intentions were always sound, never muddy; I don't imagine that she troubled herself to feel very guilty. But the Rev. Mr. Merrill was a man who took to wallowing in guilt; his remorse, after all, was all he had to cling to-especially after his scant courage left him, and he was forced to acknowledge that he would never be brave enough to abandon his miserable wife and children for my mother. He would continue to torture himself, o.. guilt remorse thinking John Irving
d0919f2 Lupe was upset that the Japanese honeymooners were wearing surgical masks over their mouths and noses; she imagined the young Japanese couples were dying of some dread disease--she thought they'd come to Of the Roses to beg Our Lady of Guadalupe to save them. "But aren't they contagious?" Lupe asked. "How many people have they infected between here and Japan?" How much of Juan Diego's translation and Edward Bonshaw's explanation to Lupe was.. John Irving
9140275 But I had to keep my hands under the desk--my fists under the desk, I should say. The White House, that whole criminal mob, those arrogant goons who see themselves as justified to operate above the law--they disgrace democracy by claiming that what they do they do for democracy! They should be in jail. They should be in Hollywood! I know that some of the girls have told their parents that I deliver "ranting lectures" to them about the Unite.. John Irving
2999c42 Father Alfonso and Father Octavio could make Pepe feel as if he were a betrayer of the Catholic faith--as if he were a raving secular humanist, or worse. (Could there be anyone worse, from a Jesuitical perspective?) Father Alfonso and Father Octavio knew their Catholic dogma by rote; while the two priests talked circles around Brother Pepe, and they made Pepe feel inadequate in his belief, they were irreparably doctrinaire. John Irving
45379b2 Dr. Larch pointed out that Melony had taken Jane Eyre with her; he accepted this as a hopeful sign--wherever Melony went, she would not be without guidance, she would not be without love, without faith; she had a good book with her. If only she'll keep reading it, and reading it, Larch thought. John Irving
222b994 Lupe's language is just a little different," Juan Diego was saying. "I can understand it." John Irving
aab6dc9 You have taught yourself to read English, too," Pepe said slowly to the boy; the girl suddenly gave him the shivers, for no known reason. "English is just a little different--I can understand it," the boy told him," John Irving
b5df809 Fucking men. John Irving
07160e5 Thinking of Rooie, he was not entirely alone. He'd even chosen a hotel that he thought Rooie would have liked. Although it was not the most expensive hotel in Zurich, it was too expensive for a cop. But Harry had traveled so little that he'd saved a fair amount of money. He didn't expect the 2nd District to pay for his room at the Hotel Zum Storchen, not even for one night, yet that was where he wanted to stay. It was a charmingly romantic .. river zurich John Irving