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6bede37 The United States spends over $87 billion conducting a war in Iraq while the United Nations estimates that for less than half that amount we could provide clean water, adequate diets, sanitations services and basic education to every person on the planet. And we wonder why terrorists attack us. poverty John Perkins
eeba637 The choices we make within the boundaries of the twists of fate determines who we are John Perkins
35dd54d Stop being so greedy, and so selfish. Realize that there is more to the world than your big houses and fancy stores. People are starving and you worry about oil for your cars. Babies are dying of thirst and you search the fashion pages for the latest styles. Nations like ours are drowing in poverty, but your people don't even hear our cries for help. You shut your ears to the voices of those who try to tell you these things. You label them .. progression John Perkins
f9e9b24 This book was written so that we may take heed and remold our story. I am certain that when enough of us become aware of how we are being exploited by the economic engine that creates an insatiable appetite for the world's resources, and results in systems that foster slavery, we will no longer tolerate it. We will reassess our role in a world where a few swim in riches and the majority drown in poverty, pollution, and violence . We will co.. John Perkins
d63a19d lkhS rwbrt byr (whw msy'wl dr@ l`mlyt f~ ls~ a~ yh lmd@ `shryn `m wmtkhSS f~ shy'wn lshrq lwsk )lmr bqwlh " f~ bdy@ sb`ynt lqrn l`shryn Hyn bd' tdfq mwl lbtrwl bd' SHb lmshrw`t llbnnywn bthryb l`hrt llmmlk@ mn 'jl lmr ...wln frd lsr@ lmlk@ l y`rfwn kyf yrSdwn 'rqm lwrd wlmnSrf mn Hsbthm lbnky@ fqd 'd~ dhlk l~ thr llbnnyyn thr fHsh" John Perkins
3ac536e lm tukhtr` b`d lal@ lty tstTy` qtl l'hdf lnbyl@ John Perkins
3de401c life is composed of a series of coincidences. How we react to these - how we exercise what some refer to as free will - is everything; the choices we make within the boundaries of the twists of fate determine who we are. John Perkins
0a62ed8 s' nfsk hdhh lsy'l@ m ldh~ tHtj l`trf bh ? kyf khd`t nfsk wlkhryn ? wm lmwqf lt~ stslmt fyh wdh`nt ? lmdh trkt nfsk ystnzfh nZm t`rf nh Zlm ? mdh stf`l ltt'kd n Tflk wkl lTfl ymknhm n yHqqw Hlm lb lmw'ssyn llmthl wlqym Hlm lHy@ wlHry@ wblwG ls`d@ ? ~ Tryq stsyr fyh lttwqf mj`t l mbrr lh wltt'kd nh ln ytkrr bd ywm mthl lHd~ `shr mn sbtmbr ? kyf tstTy` ms`d@ Tflk k~ yfhmw n lns ldhyn y`yshwn Hy@ mtrf@ wGyr mtwzn@ yjb n nrth~ lHlhm wl ntmn~ tq.. John Perkins
5a0eaec In response to my question about how we might rein in the empire, he said, "That's why I'm meeting with you. Only you in the United States can change it. Your government created this problem and your people must solve it. You've got to insist that Washington honor its commitment to democracy, even when deomcratically elected leaders nationalize your corrupting corporations. You must take control of your corporations and your government. The.. politics corporations empire government John Perkins
af5a303 wkm ylHZ jyms jryswn ry'ys lmntd~ lqtSd~ l`lm~ :"dh 'khdhn ltslsl lmnTq~ llmwr fn ndmj l`lm f~ wHd@ wHd@ tHkmh shrwT l`wlm@ lqtSdy@ wlsmt lzy'f@ l-Hry@ lswq - nm ymthl f~ wq` lmr -Hl@ st`mry@-mfDwH@ dh lys hnk m@ `l~ lrD qdr@ `l~ mqwm@ lstqTb lqsr~ ll`wlm@ .fqlylwn hm wly'k ldhyn njw mn -lSlHt lhykly@ - wfltw mn -lshrwT- lt~ frDh lbnk ldwl~ wSndwq lnqd ldwl~ w tTlbth mnZm@ ltjr@ l`lmy@ wlmw'sst lmly@ ldwly@ lt~ mzlt rGm `dm jdwh tHdd mfhwm .. John Perkins
8c107f8 tTl`t Hwl~ b`yd `n mwq` nhyr lbrjyn f~ jrwnd zyrw twjht bbSr~ l~ shwr` nywywrk lb`yd@ `n mwq` lnfjr wlt~ `dt ln l~ Hyth lTby`y@ tslt `m n kn lns ldhyn ysyrwn f~ hdhh lshwr` yfkrwn f~ kl hdh lys fqT f~ tdmyr lbrjyn lkn yD f~ mzr` lrmn lt~ dmrt wf~ lrb`@ w`shryn lf ldhyn ymwtwn jw` kl ywm tslt dh knw qd fkrw f~ hdhh lmwr ywm m wdh kn bws`hm n ySrfw tfkyrhm b`yd `n wZy'fhm wsyrthm lnhm@ llwqwd wmkfat `mlhm wlw lftr@ tkf~ ln ytdbrw mdh sytrkwn .. John Perkins
163d5e5 n ldh ldhy ttsm bh hdhh lmbrTwry@ lHdyth@ ytjwz kl m Sn`h frsn lrwmn wlGz@ l'sbn wqw~ lst`mr l'wrwby fy lqrnyn lthmn `shr wlts` `shr. fnHn qrSn@ lqtSd `l~ drj@ `ly@ mn lHtrf, dh nn w`yn drws ltrykh. nHn lywm l nHml sywf wl nrtdy drw` w mlbs t`zln `n Gyrn. ffy bld mthl lkwdwr wnyjyry wndwnsy nrtdy mlbs klty yrtdyh lmdrswn lmHlywn w'SHb lmHl ltjry@. wfy wshnTn wbrys nbdw kmwZfy lHkwm@ wlbnwk mtwD`yn w`dyyn, nzwr mwq` lmshrw`t wntsk` dkhl lq.. John Perkins
e1ba42d lm ykn wDH tmm f~ dhhn~ 'n tlk lsh`wb f~ lbld lkhr~ tryd blf`l n tHy mthln ,flHSy'yt lm`tmd@ ldyn `n l`nf wlbTl@ wlydh ljsd~ lmtrtb `l~ t`T~ lmkhdrt wlTlq wljrym@ kl hdh yshyr l~ nh rGm n mjtm`n mn Gn~ lmjtm`t f~ ltrykh l n hdh l ynf~ bd nh mn 'ql lmjtm`t Hss bls`d@ flmdh nryd mn lkhryn n yHkwn John Perkins
f86b377 n lqS@ lHqyqy@ llmbrTwry@ lm`Sr@ qS@ lkwrbwqrTy@ lmstGl@ llbshr lyy'syn wlt~ mrst sw' m shhdh ltrykh mn wHshy@ wnny@ wtdmyr llbshr wlmwrd -l`lq@ lh kthyr bm kshft `nh lSHf dhlk lSbH wn kn ymknh n thz lthwbt dkhln wl`l dhlk hw m yfsr S`wb@ sm` lqS@ lHqyqy@ dh nn nfDl tSdyq tlk lsTyr lt~ ykhd`wnn bh mn nh b`d tjrb@ alf lsnyn mn ltTwr ljtm`~ lbshr~ njHn f~ tTbyq lnZm lqtSd~ lmthl~ bdl mn n nwjh Hqyq@ nhm b`w ln mfhwm zy'f wqblnh kHqyq@ mslm@ John Perkins
42bd551 pointed out that the corporation enjoys the same rights as a living person under the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution. This concept was upheld in 1886 by the Supreme Court in 'Santa Clara County v. Southern Pacific Railroad Company' and has been a fact of law ever since. I emphasized to those executives that the corporation should also be required to accept the same responsibilities as those expected of a person; it too should be a .. supreme-court corporations responsibilities John Perkins
58c82ad hl thm@ shkhS bry' f~ lwlyt lmtHd@ lmryky@ ? rGm n wly'k lmtrb`yn `l~ qm@ lhrm lqtSd~ yHSlwn `l~ m`Zm lmwl fn lmlyyn mn y`tmdwn f~ m`yshthm -bshkl mbshr w Gyr mbshr - `l~ stGll sh`wb lbld lnmy@ .flmwrd lTby`y@ wl`ml@ lrkhyS@ lt~ tzwd kl nshTtn wmshrw`tn ltjry@ tqryb tt~ mn mkn mthl ndwnysy whl ndwnysy nfshm l yjnwn mnh l `y'd by's llGy@ tDmn lqrwD lt~ tmnHh lms`dt ljnby@ bq Tfl lywm wHfdhm rhyn@ lHtyjt wmTlb SHb lqrwD wsykwn `lyhm lsmH lshr.. John Perkins
b499884 lqd qn`n nfsn n kf@ shkl lnmw lqtSd~ nf`@ llnsny@ wnh klm zdd dhlk lnmw `m lrkh f~ lnhy@ qtn`n bn mtlzm@ hdh lmfhmwm f`l@ w`dl@ khlqy fmn lwjb tmjyd wmkf'@ wly'k lbr`yn f~ dhk shrr@ lnmw lqtSd~ m wly'k ldhyn ywldwn `l~ lhwmsh wlTrf fl mfr mn stGllhm stkhdm hdhh lmfhwm wmtlzmth ltbryr kl Trq lqrSn@ fmunHt lrkhS lGtSb wslb wnhb lbry f~ yrn wbnm wkwlwmby wl`rq wf~ Gyrh mn ldwl .wnt`sh swq qrSn@ lqtSd wlth`lb wljywsh bqdr qdrthm `l~ Zhr kfythm .. John Perkins
dbe9eb4 Stop being so greedy," she said, "and so selfish. Realize that there is more to the world than your big houses and fancy stores. People are starving and you worry about oil for your cars. Babies are dying of thirst and you search the fashion magazines for the latest styles. Nations like ours are drowning in poverty, but your people don't even hear our cries for help. You shut your ears to the voices of those who try to tell you these things.. John Perkins
e0abf44 mn khll m mr mn Hdth wm khbrth mn `ml~ m` shrk@ myn wjdt nfs~ sl lsy'l@ nfsh mjdd : km mn lqrrt -bm fyh lqrrt ltrykhy@ lt~ thrt `l~ mlyyn lbshr - tkhdhh rjl w ns df`thm mSlHhm lshkhSy@ wlyst lrGb@ f~ tHr~ lHqyq@ ? wkm mn lmsy'wlyn rfy`~ lmstw~ f~ Hkwmtn sqhm ljsh` lshkhS~ bdl mn n yhdyhm lwl llwTn ? wkm mn Hrwb sht`lt ,fqT ln lry'ys yryd tHsyn Swrth lsyy'@ mm nkhbyh ? John Perkins
d089740 tslt `n lHfz ldh~ df` lmrykyyn lmqwm@ lst`mr lbryTn~ w`n rd@ tjwzt lHdwd lqd kn kthyr mn z`m lthwr@ `l~ thr kbyr fm ldh~ df`hm llmkhTr@ b`mlhm wtjrthm w`D lyd~ lt~ tT`mhm ? wlmkhTr@ bHythm ? lshk kn ld~ kl mnhm sbbh lkhS@ lkn lbd wn qw@ jm`y@ wqft wrhm wqdr mn lTq@ wlHfz wshrr@ dhkt lTqt lfrdy@ f~ tlk llHZ@ lfryd@ mn ltrykh thm drkt knh tlk lmHfzt : nh lklmt sh`l tlk lshrr@ srd lqS@ lHqyqy@ llmbrTwry@ wnZmh ltjr~ lnn~ wlmdmr ldhth f~ nhy@.. John Perkins
0c51d25 It is driven not by a small band of men but by a concept that has become accepted as gospel: the idea that all economic growth benefits humankind and that the greater the growth, the more widespread the benefits. This belief also has a corollary: that those people who excel at stoking the fires of economic growth should be exalted and rewarded, while those born at the fringes are available for exploitation. John Perkins
b5fa5e6 When men and women are rewarded for greed, greed becomes a corrupting motivator. When we equate the gluttonous consumption of the earth's resources with a status approaching sainthood, when we teach our children to emulate people who live unbalanced lives, and when we define huge sections of the population as subservient to an elite minority, we ask for trouble. And we get it. John Perkins
a61dab3 The first question we must address deals with optimism, the possibility of achieving our goal. Are we in a position where we can actually hope to effect change? Assuming we become convinced that there are reasons for optimism, we move to the next question. Are we cetain that we want change? The stories about EHMs, jackals, and suffering around the globe strike raw nerves, but now we demand absolute proof that our grievances justify the effo.. suffering optimism John Perkins
6f1dcf7 l Sdq n lb lmw'ssyn lbldn frd lmw'tmr ldstwr~ lmryk~ l`m 1787- qd tSwrw n Hq lHy@ wlHry@ wls`d@ wjd fqT mn jl lmrykyyn ,wlmdh nnfdh ln strtyjyt trwj llqym lmbryl@ lt~ kn nHrbh John Perkins
9b5da5d sdhkrk bm qlh l~ frd qbyl@ lshwr f~ `m 1990 n l`lm ymkn n ykwn km tHlm bh wnn ymknn n nstbdl bkbws lSn`t lmlwth@ llbyy'@ wlTrq lsry`@ lmGlq@ wlmdn lmfrT@ lzdHm -Hlm jdyd mbny `l~ lmHfZ@ `l~ lbyy'@ wmbdy' lmsy'wly@ ljtm`y@ lm`ny@ blmsw@ f~ stT`ntn n nGyr nfsn wnGyr lmslmt lmTrwH@ John Perkins
03016c1 It isn't about changing the mechanics of economics. It is about changing the ideas, the dogmas that have driven economics for centuries: debt and fear, insufficiency, divide and conquer. John Perkins
2136dc5 flkwbwqrTy@ h~ nHn wnHn Sn`nh nh ntyj@ `jz kl wHd mn `n lwqwf wl`trD w`lyn f~ dht lwqt lntbh lwly'k lmtamryn lmkhtby'yn f~ lZll fGlbn y`ml f~ hdhh lbnwk w lshrkt w lHkwmt w y`tmd `lyh bdrj@ w khr~ msthlk bDy'`h w mstfyd bkhdmth hl ymknn n n`D yd lsyd ldh~ yT`mn hdh hw lmwqf ldh~ knt tmlh wn jls Hmlq f~ l`nwyn lry'ysy@ `l~ shsh@ lkwmbywtr mstHDr `dd mn lsy'l@ .hl ymknk n tqf Dd nZm yZhr nh ymnHk lbyt wlsyr@ wlT`m wlmlbs wlkhrb wlr`y@ lSHy@ .. John Perkins
327059f EHMs provide favors. These take the form of loans to develop infrastructure--electric generating plants, highways, ports, airports, or industrial parks. A condition of such loans is that engineering and construction companies from our own country must build all these projects. In essence, most of the money never leaves the United States; it is simply transferred from banking offices in Washington to engineering offices in New York, Houston,.. John Perkins
1cbe278 In my opinion, the difference between the crusaders and us was a matter of degree. Europe's medieval Catholics claimed their goal was to save Muslims from purgatory; we claimed that we wanted to help the Saudis modernize. John Perkins
e4e1669 l`shr snwt knt khlf lhw'l lslf ldhyn sHbw l`byd mn Gbt fryqy l~ lsfn lmntZr@ `l~ lshTy' lknn~ knt lnmwdhj lHdth f~ hdh ldrb wlkthr mrwG@ lm r f~ Hyt~ jthth lmwt~ wlm shm ry'H@ llHm lmt`fn wlm sm` Srkht llm lkn kl m f`lth hw nfs lshr dhlk lnn~ kn bmkn~ n ntz` nfs~ mnh wlnn~ stT`t n qT` kl lwSr lt~ trbTn~ balm lnsny@ w`dhbt ljsd wSrkht llm lt~ Smmt dhn~ `nh rbm f~ ltHlyl lnhy'~ r~ nfs~ kthr jrm wshr John Perkins
fce5d40 Who can see twenty-five years into the future?" she had asked. "Your guess is as good as theirs. Confidence is everything." John Perkins
ff29b55 Jangan menjadi pengikut Buddha. Dunia tidak butuh pengikut Buddha lebih banyak lagi. Tapi sebarkanlah kasih sayang. Dunia membutuhkan banyak kasih sayang. -Dalai Lama John Perkins
7c82eff If an EHM is completely successful, the loans are so large that the debtor is forced to default on its payments after a few years. When this happens, then like the Mafia we demand our pound of flesh. This often includes one or more of the following: control over United Nations votes, the installation of military bases, or access to precious resources such as oil or the Panama Canal. Of course, the debtor still owes us the money--and another.. John Perkins
4bfe14c Fear and debt drive this system. We are hammered with messages that terrify us into believing that we must pay any price, assume any debt, to stop the enemies who, we are told, lurk at our doorsteps. John Perkins
9d4e420 Hoy esos hombres y mujeres van a Tailandia, a Filipinas, a Botswana, a Bolivia y a cualquier parte donde esperan encontrar gentes que necesitan con desesperacion un trabajo. Van a esos paises con la intencion deliberada de explotar a los desdichados, a seres que tienen hijos desnutridos o famelicos, que viven en barrios de chabolas y que han perdido toda esperanza de una vida mejor; que incluso han dejado de sonar en un futuro. Esos hombres.. John Perkins
1ba25f9 Kendi otomobilini uretemeyen ulkeye borc verip otobanlar yaptiririz. Sonra onlara arabalarimizi satariz. Sonra bankalarini satin aliriz. O bankalardan halka ucuz krediler verip daha cok araba almalarini saglariz. Boylece verdigimiz o krediyi arabamizi satarak geri aliriz, hem de faiziyle. O ulkeye dunya bankasi ya da kardes kurumlardan kredi ayarlariz. Ayarlanan kredi "ASLA" o ulkenin hazinesine gitmez. O ulkede 'proje' yapan bizim sirketle.. John Perkins
cb7f247 1 and 2. The United States represents less than 5 percent of the world's population; it consumes more than 25 percent of the world's resources. This is accomplished to a large degree through the exploitation of other countries, primarily in the developing world. Point 3. The United States maintains the largest and most sophisticated military in the world. Although this empire has been built primarily through economics--by EHMs--world leader.. John Perkins
2686412 Our own statistics about violence, depression, drug abuse, divorce, and crime indicated that although ours was one of the wealthiest societies in history, it may also be one of the least happy societies. Why would we want others to emulate us? John Perkins
091f7a4 If the world is as you dream it, why had I dreamed such a world? John Perkins
26fee6c Jika para pemberi suara tidak tahu alat terpenting yang dimanfaatkan pemimpin mereka, bisakah bangsa tersebut mengklaim sebagai bangsa yang demokratis? John Perkins
a328e7d Joined by retired Democratic senator George Mitchell and former Senate aide Charlie Scheeler, DLA Piper sought to protect the avaricious interests of its clients, including one of the retailers identified with the factory collapse (Gap), at the expense of the people and economy of Bangladesh.1 John Perkins
3d5f245 For me, the lessons were irrefutable. Iran illustrated beyond any doubt that the United States was a nation laboring to deny the truth of its role in the world. It seemed incomprehensible that we could have been so misinformed about the shah and the tide of hatred that had surged against him. John Perkins