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ef56578 But she did not say it, she kept rigidly silent. Ostrakova had already sworn to herself that she would restrain both her quick temper and her quick tongue, and she now physically enjoined herself to this vow by grabbing a piece of skin on the soft inside of her wrist and pinching it through her sleeve with a fierce, sustained pressure under the table, exactly as she had done a hundred times before, in the old days, when such questionings we.. John le Carré
8d46838 Because he was good!' Smiley snapped, and there was a startled silence everywhere, while he recovered himself. 'Vladimir's father was an Estonian and a passionate Bolshevik, Oliver,' he resumed in a calmer voice. 'A professional man, a lawyer. Stalin rewarded his loyalty by murdering him in the purges. Vladimir was born Voldemar but he even changed his name to Vladimir out of allegiance to Moscow and the Revolution. He still wanted to belie.. John le Carré
13a0828 Guillam was exhausted. Forty is a difficult age at which to stay awake, he decided. At twenty or at sixty the body knows what it's about, but forty is an adolescence where one sleeps to grow up or to stay young. John le Carré
b90fcf0 What do you think spies are: priests, saints, and martyrs? They're a squalid procession of vain fools, traitors too, yes; pansies, sadists, and drunkards, people who play cowboys and Indians to brighten their rotten lives. John le Carré
b30ecad E caminhando que aprendo o rumo do meu caminho John le Carré
cd5e0fc As they crossed the fifty yards which separated the two checkpoints, Leamas was dimly aware of the new fortifications on the Eastern side of the wall--dragons' teeth, observation towers, and double aprons of barbed wire. Things had brightened up. John le Carré
905fdad he asked, in a more tentative tone, "What's the" John le Carré
c4d5d95 affectation of assuming everything was alive and potentially recalcitrant, John le Carré
546252d Enemies I do not fear, Villem. But friends I fear greatly.'" Smiley" John le Carré
7366c71 Why are Scots so attracted to the secret world? Smiley wondered, not for the first time in his career. Ships' engineers, Colonial administrators, spies. . . . Their heretical Scottish history drew them to distant churches, he decided. "George!" John le Carré
e250610 What's it got to do with you and the CIA whether I came here with a woman or a Muscovy duck? John le Carré
38dbc1a It is said that men condemned to death are subject to sudden moments of elation; as if, like moths in the fire, their destruction were coincidental with attainment. Following directly upon his decision, Leamas was aware of a comparable sensation; relief, short-lived but consoling, sustained him for a time. It was followed by fear and hunger. death spy John le Carré
57bb870 What follows is a truthful account, as best I am able to provide it, of my role in the British deception operation, codenamed Windfall, that was mounted against the East German Intelligence Service (Stasi) in the late nineteen fifties and early sixties, and resulted in the death of the best British secret agent I ever worked with, and of the innocent woman for whom he gave his life. John le Carré
2203635 Smiley presented an odd figure to his fellow passengers - a little fat man, rather gloomy, suddenly smiling, ordering a drink. The young, fair-haired man beside him examined him closely out of the corner of his eye. He knew the type well - the tired executive out for a bit of fun. He found it rather disgusting. John le Carré
ddd0713 If one tells the truth, one is sure, sooner or later, to be found out. Oscar Wilde John le Carré
c95f362 since nothing is more predictable than the media's parroting of its own fictions and the terror of each competitor that it will be scooped by the others, whether or not the story is true, because John le Carré
9e7d419 It's as well to begin as one intends to continue, isn't it? John le Carré
bf8d021 Leamas' departure caused only a ripple on the water; with other winds and the changing of the seasons it was soon forgotten. John le Carré
73c2f9d I do not betray the confidence of friends and I require you to respect that fact and admire me for it. Enormously and all the time. Where secrets are concerned, compared to me, the grave is a chatterbox secrets John le Carré
42e149a Strange to wander in the mist, each is alone. No tree knows his neighbour. Each is alone John le Carré
0a3c16d He had never guessed it was possible to be frightened for so long. John le Carré
9c8e239 sentries John le Carré
efb7818 You can't eat politics, you can't sell them, and you can't sleep with them,' Drake liked to say. So you might as well make money out of them. John le Carré
8569c61 one of those world builders who do othing but destroy, John le Carré
ce76ec1 band above her and calls to somebody she John le Carré
0ba1590 Dining alone had always been his particular pleasure, and tonight, in deference to the war's depletion, Maitre Berri had promoted him from his single-seater by the service door to one of the high altars at the window. John le Carré
87968cf The pallor of his eyes caught you by surprise. You expected more challenge from him, heavier shadows. And John le Carré
6f936b2 Was anyone else mentioned?' 'Esterhase,' Jim snapped, in the same taut tone. 'Bloody man wanted to know how anyone could trust a Hungarian. John le Carré
84b7bd4 breath and caught the John le Carré
9eef8e6 The most effective deceit is the one which is never discovered. John le Carré
d46f0c6 Leamas saw. He saw the long road outside Rotterdam, the long straight road beside the dunes, and the stream of refugees moving along it; saw the little aeroplane miles away, the procession stop and look towards it; and the plane coming in, nearly over the dunes; saw the chaos, the meaningless hell, as the bombs hit the road. John le Carré
64a9244 must be John le Carré
623dbf0 Querran hacer deducciones "a pesar" de usted --habia dicho Control--. Debemos darles el material y permanecer escepticos respecto a sus conclusiones. Confiar en su inteligencia y en su presuncion, en sus sospechas mutuas... eso es lo que debemos hacer.>>" John le Carré
356335f He had seen it, even in men who had undergone a complete ideological reversal, who in the secret hours of the night had found a new creed, and alone, compelled by the internal power of their convictions, had betrayed their calling, their families, their countries. Even they, filled as they were with new zeal and new hope, had had to struggle against the stigma of treachery; even they wrestled with the al most physical anguish of saying that.. John le Carré
466e356 Coffee he drinks--nothing else--just coffee all the time. He says Germans are too introspective to make good agents, and it all comes out in counterintelligence. He says counterintelligence people are like wolves chewing dry bones--you have to take away the bones and make them find new quarry--I see all that, I know what he means. But he's gone too far. John le Carré
04ed5ed But she never quite saw the fighting for votes and the fighting for sales in the same way. Perhaps that was because it cut them down to size, she thought. It was easy when there were a dozen or so together at a Branch meeting to rebuild the world, march at the vanguard of socialism and talk of the inevitability of history. But afterwards she'd go out into the streets with an armful of Daily Worker's, often waiting an hour, two hours, to sel.. John le Carré
1112f64 It was him taught Idi Amin's lads how to extract voluntary confessions with the aid of an electric cattle-prod. Our chum likes them English and he likes them with a dirty past. He John le Carré
64b2020 Dealing with beautiful women, Your Grace, Craw had warned, is like dealing with known criminals, and the lady you are about to solicit undoubtedly falls within that category. John le Carré
7e4a753 Vive de la inteligencia de sus subordinados. En fin, quiza en esto consista la gran virtud del jefe, en nuestros dias. John le Carré
11f3394 When the truth catches up with you, don't be a hero, run. John le Carré
8c10b43 W ciemnosci wszystkie koty sa czarne... John le Carré
a83df04 thing at John le Carré
bb11475 Essere inumani in difesa della nostra umanita, spietati in difesa della compassione. Essere monotoni in difesa della nostra varieta. John le Carré
f2aeb31 They walked to her flat through the rain and they might have been anywhere--Berlin, London, any town where paving stones turn to lakes of light in the evening rain, and the traffic shuffles despondently through wet streets. John le Carré
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