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c1d6a82 They got stoneder and stoneder and quit talking. Jonathan Lethem
078052c How often had that hydrant even been opened? Did you jet water through a car window, what, twice at best? Summer burned just a few afternoons long, in the end. As for flying, Dose never even glanced at the sky. Flying was a summer within a summer, a whim. So why think of it at all? summer Jonathan Lethem
d5b378b Most artists are brought to their vocation when their own nascent gifts are awakened by the work of a master. That is to say, most artists are converted to art by art itself. Jonathan Lethem
d3e6841 Memory is a rehearsal for a show that never goes on. Jonathan Lethem
5039848 Paranoia has its downsides as an agency in daily life, or in the political sphere of collective action, which finds itself beset everywhere by the nightmarish influence of conspiracy thinking (they call it , but theories exist to be tested, and conspiracy thinking exists never to be tested, and globally ignores the results of tests imposed by others). The suspicion that malign operators are responsible for every one of the injustices and h.. Jonathan Lethem
053c6e2 The earth itself was unchangeable, the endless tracts of sand and water and pavement. It was the people, the perturbable madmen who roamed its surface, who viewed the world as transient and broken. Everett wished the earth could somehow reach up and still them, the crazy people, and invest them with its silence and permanence and depth. Jonathan Lethem
0e2464e Eso es muy superficial. - No se puede ser profundo sin superficie. Jonathan Lethem
38ae35d I met someone who lives in an elevator. Jonathan Lethem
71dc375 Mingus Rude, Arthur Lomb, Gabriel Stern and Tim Vandertooth, even Aaron K. Doily: Dylan never met anyone who wasn't about to change immediately into someone else. His was a special talent for encountering persons about to shed one identity or disguise for another. He took it in stride by now. Jonathan Lethem
f4ea665 This kiss would be with me, invisible badge or scar, when I went back to the apartment. Jonathan Lethem
68d7de7 The alphabet Miss Poobner taught was represented on the wall above her head by a series of personified cartoonlike letters--Mr. A, Eating an Apple; Mrs. B, Buying a Broom; and so on--and something insipid about the parade of grinning letters defeated Dylan's will utterly. page-23 Jonathan Lethem
1d48a7a Once I had it free, I gobbled the sandwich like a nature-film otter cracking an oyster on its stomach: knees up in the wiring under the dashboard, my elbows jammed against the steering wheel, my chest serving as a table, my shirt as a tablecloth. Jonathan Lethem
c3415dc Astrology fell into the class of a ...and not worth the efforts of the debunking engine Cicero had been born with in place of a brain. Cicero's capacities were reserved for lies that mattered. Ideology, though that word was yet unknown to him: the veil of sustaining fiction that drove the world, what people to believe. This, Cicero wished to unmask and unmake, decry and destroy. (p. 65) ideology unmask Jonathan Lethem
c8954cd Mrs. Neverbody's Recipe for Making Crocodile Tears To a slice of hanky-panky Add some artificial cranky. Moisten well with canned boo-hoo. Flavor with a spoof or two. Drip this slowly--as it falls Roll it into little bawls. If you're careful, while they're cooling You can spread on only-fooling. (This recipe is not worthwhile Unless you are a crocodile.) Jonathan Lethem
bc23d7e I)t was by Cicero's attainments that that he'd gained special witness to the liberals' adjustment to a brush with equality. attainments equality witness Jonathan Lethem
76f421b Waves, sky, trees, Essrog - I was off the page now, away from the grammar of skyscrapers and pavement. Jonathan Lethem
a340515 Vierte amor en las heridas. Jonathan Lethem
70cc8d9 Paranoid art, unlike paranoid persons, also distrusts itself. And so, paranoid art is the ultimate opposite, the urgent opposite, of complacent art. Jonathan Lethem
96a369b You can't reclaim a thing that changes as you touch it. Jonathan Lethem
074dcb5 I guess they needed a maze in Japan, where everything's neat and tidy. In America everybody's already wandering around lost. Jonathan Lethem
e713f4a Develop your pawns or Hulk will smash. Jonathan Lethem
21fd14a I'd never pondered the bourgeois implications of an earplug. Jonathan Lethem
cda5db5 Mai infrangere le illusioni degli altri se non si e certi di poter offrir loro un'alternativa migliore di quella a cui li si vuole strappare. Jonathan Lethem
80be8da Il guaritore mi aveva detto che ero stato saggio a rivolgermi a lui per tempo, spiegandomi che troppa gente afflitta da singhiozzi cronici ricorre all'agopuntura quando e all'ultima spiaggia. Avrebbe impiantato gli aghi nei punti E-37, E-1 ed E-33, e a quel punto avremmo capito per quale via Perkus fosse giunto a quella situazione, sottintendendo come al suo solito che avrebbe fatto scomparire i sintomi per poter passare a questioni piu pro.. Jonathan Lethem
28c052a Carlotta hovered over us as we devoured her meatballs, running her floury fingers over the backs of our chairs, then gently touching our heads, the napes of our necks. We pretended not to notice, ashamed in front of one another and ourselves to show that we drank in her nurturance as eagerly as her meat sauce. Jonathan Lethem
8f76e63 The whole state of Maine is unlocked. Jonathan Lethem
151bc70 Sleepwalkers, leave other sleepwalkers alone! Jonathan Lethem
8cdac6c A superhero spliced criminals from victims. In Gowanus things tended to be more mixed up. Jonathan Lethem
3a42e8f La calidad de una cena la determinan las conversaciones secundarias que la mayoria de la mesa no oye. Jonathan Lethem
8ba7bc1 Notes? Kromer was a hinge between worlds, a glimpser. All he had to offer them was his own notes, not the world itself. This situation he couldn't make understood. passive perversion pervert sex-toys Jonathan Lethem
9cfe870 A wizard salesman, Kromer switched on and demonstrated the range of speeds on any number of devices with a shame-dissolving forthrightness. At those moments, he thought of himself as a Conceptual Lesbian, a term he'd invented and never spoken aloud, nor advanced into any coherent definition. Kromer was fairly certain he'd never experienced an erection within the bounds of the shop. passive perversion pervert sex-shop sex-toys Jonathan Lethem
6e724ef Go buy milk,' Robert said at last. Dylan moved for Buggy's door. But if ou come around here with that old lady's money next time I might have to take it off you.' Dylan recognized this as a sort of philosophical using. He was grateful for the implied sense of pooled information. He and Robert could move forward together from this point into whatever was required. kid-talking-adults Jonathan Lethem
43906e9 His recording career spans just a decade: Rude was silenced by drug abuse and domestic tragedy at the end of the '70s. liner-notes Jonathan Lethem
bb4f207 Zelmo was nearly bellowing by the time he raised his glass to the tables center. 'To the human heart!' Diners at other tables glanced to see what was the matter. Jonathan Lethem
2dab91a But we were chumps and we knew it. As makers of sentences we were practically fetal, beneath notice, unlaunched, fooling around in our spare time or on somebody else's dime. Nobody loved our sentences as we loved them, and so they congealed or grew sour on our tongues. We barely glanced at our wall-scribblings for fear of what a few weeks or even hours might expose in our infatuations. Our photocopied fortune slips we'd find in muddy clogs .. writing Jonathan Lethem
e278209 I turned myself into a vinyl hawk, scouring record shops for out-of-print LPs, studying them with Talmudic intensity. The music I loved would all be dug out of studio archives and put onto CD within a few years, but then it was still scratchy and moldy and entirely my own. Jonathan Lethem
ffc08fa A simple, elegant game. Like riding a bicycle, once you've learned you can hardly fail to pick it up again, that is unless the brakes are out of order. Jonathan Lethem
154e4f0 Open duh computer." Germans ought to farm out all positions of petty authority. The accent remained too full of implication." Jonathan Lethem
0304afd exemplified the dull rigidity of Singapore's old colonial fantasies about itself. Jonathan Lethem
41c7a27 How's it feel to be a worthless jumbo diddly-ass puppetool? Jonathan Lethem
23584aa Guilt wants to cover all the bases, be everywhere at once, reach into the past to tweak, neaten and repair. Guilt like Tourettic utterance flows uselessly, inelegantly from one helpless human to another, contemptuous of perimeters, doomed to be mistaken or refused on delivery. Jonathan Lethem
4623794 Anonymous, where among the hard-bitten, laid-off-lathe-operator Jonathan Lethem
e31b4d2 Als ich einmal kurz allein in seiner Wohnung war, fand ich unter den verstreuten Papieren einen Fetzen mit Lyrik, das einzig Schriftliche neben seinen kritischen Exegesen, was ich je von ihm gesehen habe. Eine unvollstandige, verworfene Ode: "O Koffein!/Du zeitgemasses ZiehnFliehn/ich hab dir ins Gesicht gespien/du hast mir ins Gesicht/ubers Gesicht..." Und tatsachlich waren auf dem Blatt zahlreiche Abdrucke einer Kaffeetasse zu sehen." Jonathan Lethem
4fc81a6 I am exiting the wider world, to return to my homeland of bullying, psychosis, and bad taste. Forgive me. It is a medical matter. Once Jonathan Lethem
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