In effetti a questo stadio della sua esistenza, Maria non era contraria per principio al bacio o allo strofinamento occasionale, o all'occasionale orgasmo. Ma piu il tempo passava e piu Maria cominciava a vedere le brame sessuali della razza umana, incluse le proprie, come il sintomo di una bramosia ben piu grande, di una solitudine terribile, di un'urgenza di dimenticare se stessi che, cosi almeno si diceva in giro, poteva essere attenuata..
Jonathan Coe |
Don't you know what a pussy is, sir?' 'Of course he doesn't. He hasn't even seen Basic Instinct.
Jonathan Coe |
Noi diciamo sempre "Andiamo a bere qualcosa?" come se l'atto del bere fosse il fine principale dell'appuntamento e la compagnia dell'altro un fattore meramente incidentale, tanto siamo timorosi di ammettere il nostro bisogno del prossimo. [...] Noi diciamo sempre "Vuoi salire a prendere un caffe?" come se fosse meno spaventoso riconoscere di essere dipendenti dalle bevande blandamente stimolanti piuttosto che ammettere di essere del tutto d..
Jonathan Coe |
For many weeks after [my wife] died, I could not get used to the feeling of coldness and lifelessness on her side of the bed - and it was even worse when they took the body away and buried her.
Jonathan Coe |
This is the crazed, manic energy of the bull at the end of the fight, fatally wounded but ploughing ahead, driven only by pain and anger and the mindless will to go on living.
Jonathan Coe |
Conoce esa sensacion? Seguro que si: tropezarse con un artista cuyo trabajo te habla tan directamente que es como si los dos compartieran el mismo lenguaje complice, y eso a la vez te reafirmara en lo que siempre has pensado y te dijera algo completamente nuevo. (...) ?No la ha sentido, entonces?
Jonathan Coe |
Benjamin had not dared, yet, to enquire about sales figures; as for the book's critical reception, it was non-existent. No reviews in either the national or local papers, of course, nothing on the various readers' websites and no reader reviews on Amazon - where it had a sales raking of 743,926 (or, if he wanted to cheer himself up, 493 in Bestsellers>Fiction>Literary Fiction>Autobiographical Fiction>Romance>Obsession).
Jonathan Coe |
Gil waited, waited just a few more seconds before picking up and in that stretrched instant she felt the promise of revelation curl, evaporate and vanish; watched in despair as it slipped for ever through her mind's grasping fingers. Even before she heard her daughter's first, broken words, she knew that it was too late. The pattern she had been searching for had gone. Worse than that - it had never existed. How could it? What she had been ..
Jonathan Coe |
In an age when politicians are judged first of all on personality, when the public assumes all of them to be deceitful, and when it's easier and much more pleasurable to laugh about a political issue than to think about it, Johnson's apparent self-deprecating honesty and lack of concern for his own dignity were bound to make him a hit.
Jonathan Coe |
Interesting little phrase though, isn't it though "open" marriage? Makes it sound like a drain, or a sewer."
Jonathan Coe |
What did she die of? The same thing that gets everybody in the end: a combination of circumstances,
Jonathan Coe |
And so they sit at home, getting fat on the proceedings and here we all are. Our businesses are failing, our jobs disappearing, our countryside choking, our hospitals crumbling, our homes being repossessed, our bodies being poisoned, our minds shutting down, the whole bloody spirit of the country crushed and fighting for breath. I hate the Winshaws, Fiona. Just look what they've done to us. Look what they've done to you.
Jonathan Coe |
because there comes a point where greed and madness can no longer be told apart. This dividing line is very thin, just like a belt of film surrounding the earth's sphere. It's a delicate blue, and this transition from the blue to the black is very gradual and lovely.
Jonathan Coe |
You know she wanted you to vote the other way. It's her future, you know. She's the one who's going to be around the longest.
Jonathan Coe |
but deep down he couldn't tell whether Nigel was joking or not. It was to become an increasingly familiar feeling over the next few years.
Jonathan Coe |
Politics can make people do terrible things
Jonathan Coe |
believe there are infinite ways of telling stories - linear and non-linear, multiple viewpoints and single viewpoints, first and third person, and so forth. An infinity of choice faces you whenever embarking upon a new work. However, I no longer believe, as Johnson believed, for instance, that the novel must be radically reinvented as it progresses or otherwise it will die. If you look at the tradition that he felt himself a part of, it's o..
Jonathan Coe |
In quanto a lei, sapeva anche di leggere piu di quanto fosse sano, di riporre troppe aspettative nella lettura, di avere una sorta di ossessione nevrotica per la letteratura e i suoi presunti benefici sul piano morale.
Jonathan Coe |
Where are the laughs in massacre, famine and climate change, exactly? What's so funny about the Middle East, North Korea and Afghanistan? Who's going to chuckle when they pick up the London Review of Books and find John Lanchester arguing, convincingly as always, that the banking habits of the British people pose a greater threat to their own security than terrorism?
Jonathan Coe |
Kakoi zhe nam vsem pizdets.
Jonathan Coe |
Save some pity for the Misfit, fighting on with bursting heart; Not a trace of common sense, his is no common flight. Save, save him some pity. But save the greater part For him that sees no glimmer of the Misfit's guiding light.
Jonathan Coe |