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fa5943f The price is the blood of the girl who cowers behind you. - Hecate to Grimalkin about Thorne Joseph Delaney
f98983e A true knight has a strict code of chivalry by which he lives his life: He cannot refuse a challenge and he always keeps his word. I also have a code of honor, but it is flexible. Joseph Delaney
99a4b06 What is evil?' asked the Fiend philosophical existential-questions evil Joseph Delaney
98d90c2 Most things look better from a distance...And as a matter of fact, so do most people. - The Spook, pg 435 people distance introvert Joseph Delaney
ac39518 Sometimes in this life it is necessary to sacrifice oneself for the good of others . - Mam Joseph Delaney
fec56b5 You are feeling better, no?' he asked. My mouth dropped open. 'I thought you didn't speak our language...' I said. He shrugged. 'I do not speak well, but I can say enough. I understand more what I hear than I am able to reply. To rule, you must learn. I study many languages. You learn more by listening than speaking, no? So that is what I do. I have learned much already by listening to your conversation with the sorceress. I know you false... Joseph Delaney
cd33c40 Each breath, each beat of your heart makes you stronger, braver, better. Joseph Delaney
346c8be Lonely? How can you be lonely ? You've got yourself, haven't you? If you ever lose yourself, then you'll really be lonely. In the meantime, stop complaining. You're nearly a man now, and a man has to work. Ever since the world began, men have been doing jobs they didn't like. Why should it be any different for you? You're the seventh son of a seventh son, and this is the job you were born to do. - Mam Joseph Delaney
e752abb He who never makes a mistake never makes anything. It's part of learning the job. - Spook Joseph Delaney
8197678 Are you my enemy? Are you strong, with speed and agility and the training of a warrior? It matters naught to me. Run now! Run fast into the forest! I'll give you a few moments' start--an hour, if you wish. But you will never be fast enough. I'll catch and kill you before long. Joseph Delaney
2486e8a I had no doubt in my mind that I loved Alice (Tom Ward). Joseph Delaney
02f3dbe The person carrying me came to a halt and spoke. 'Take good care of her. I'll see you in two days.' It was the voice of Grimalkin. Joseph Delaney
a9fc04c Be less than what you are so that you can become more." -- Joseph Delaney, The Spook's Sacrifice" Joseph Delaney
0493024 then Bony Lizzie walked right past me, knelt by General Stanton, and cut off his thumb bones. I had to remind myself that his cries of pain were just the after-effects of his body since his soul was long gone. dont-read-pg-362 strange Joseph Delaney
2916f79 Did you finish the key?" I asked him." Joseph Delaney
e542061 Maybe, but she knows too much and she's clever too. She's just a girl now, but one day she'll be a woman and a clever woman's dangerous. Joseph Delaney
873d44b We depend on neither man nor beast to get us where we need to go. If you rely on your own two good legs, then they won't let you down. Joseph Delaney
d0d3c76 The truth was that we all faced death here. For my part I was somewhat fatalistic - if it happened, then so be it. But I wanted to survive. The future - even without Alice - called to me, and I didn't want that taken away. Joseph Delaney
ab5ce42 What direction are we heading in, Jenny?' he asked. 'East,' she replied promptly. 'How do you know that?' 'Because you told me that's the direction we were taking. Joseph Delaney
31acd0b Mine was the shortest. Joseph Delaney
8be9a21 In order to survive, Tom and the Spook must form an alliance with Grimalkin, the deadly witch assassin of the most powerful of the Pendle clans. Joseph Delaney
6cd8f6c Bryony Joseph Delaney
a9f2f39 She was holding the Starblade. It was Alice. Joseph Delaney
440cfd3 failed. I'm weary--weary Joseph Delaney
482eff4 What on earth could be worse than a malevolent witch?' I demanded. 'I belong to the best bit of the dark... I'm an earth-witch who serves Pan. My magic comes from the ground; it comes from the elements; it comes from the Earth itself. The truth is, that's what I was always meant to be. Joseph Delaney
a653244 We three alone have the speed, skill and power to do what must be done', said Grimalkin. 'You have the Destiny Blade and Bone Cutter -- in addition to the talents inherited from your mother. Alice wields powerful magic, and I am Grimalkin. spook-s-books the-wardstone-chronicles self-confidence power Joseph Delaney
5570cbc My name is Slither. Joseph Delaney
1d6ab1c When Golgoth finally left this place, these fragments would thaw, just as Morgan's had. I had to acknowledge that Grimalkin was dead. Joseph Delaney
0b221af My life only began the day I was apprenticed to Tom Ward. - Jenny, in her diary Joseph Delaney
2c30ed8 Why does it have to be like this? Why does life have to be so short, with all the good things passing quickly. Is it worth living at all? Joseph Delaney
9b1912e Whatever it cost, I had to do what was right. Better oblivion. Better to be nothing than live to experience that. Joseph Delaney
94626fc Alice was standing in the gloom, with just the toes of her pointy shoes poking out into the sunlight. Joseph Delaney
3b6590b I'll find nobody for you, witch!" the man retorted." Joseph Delaney
3bad166 For a moment I envied them their religion. They were lucky to have something they could all believe in together. Joseph Delaney
de329cb Getting money out of some people was harder than getting blood from a stone. Joseph Delaney
3e22dbc They were tucking into big plates of bacon and eggs Joseph Delaney
50c5faf When the good die, it sometimes unshackles evil that would otherwise have been kept in check! Joseph Delaney
9bb3522 Believe that you can do something and half the battle is won before you start." -Bill Arkwright" win self-esteem Joseph Delaney
21db5f8 You're shivering with cold. I'll make you a cup of hot soup to warm your bones. That'll have to do for now - I'll cook you a nice big meal later.' I was trembling more than shivering, upset by what had happened in Morgan's room, but gradually I began to calm down. I did as I was told and warmed my hands at the fire, watching my boots begin to steam. 'It's good to see you've still got all your fingers!' Meg said. I smiled. 'Where's Mr Gregor.. Joseph Delaney