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d6592de aunque si puedo aceptar la proposicion segun la cual la vida es una metafora del boxeo --en uno de esos combates que siguen y siguen, asalto tras asalto, jabs o golpes rapidos, golpes errados, enganches, ninguna certidumbre, de nuevo la campana y de nuevo tu y tu adversario, en pelea tan pareja que es imposible no ver que tu adversario eres tu: ?y por que esta lucha en una plataforma elevada y cerrada por cuerdas como un corral, bajo luces .. Joyce Carol Oates
b2ad878 went out for sports as others did, in an affable herd. Joyce Carol Oates
f5d9a51 grip of Paradox. A predatory bird with a great sharp beak and vicious talons--Paradox. To be in its grip is to suffer, yet so exquisitely, one might mistake the experience for a kind of ecstasy. Joyce Carol Oates
123a03f Las masas se venden por un salario, los capitalistas son unos hijos de puta que te seccionan la yugular, recogen tu sangre en frascos y la venden al mejor postor, la religion es el opio de las masas y las iglesias son empresas capitalistas organizadas para hacer dinero y asegurarse poder e influencia. Por supuesto, las leyes favorecen a los ricos y a los poderosos, el poder solo desea engendrar mas poder de la misma manera que el capiral so.. Joyce Carol Oates
413cbe8 For The Accursed is intended as a work of inquiring moral complexity, and not a "sensationalist" rehashing of an old, dread scandal far better left to molder in the grave!" Joyce Carol Oates
fcbc95b But this controversy did not involve the corporal who refused to give thought to what his life had become as a case. God did not think of a man as a case. For a case is to be solved--and a man cannot be solved. Joyce Carol Oates
2a19944 He told Neal he was in poor condition these days but he swam better than Neal, who'd gained ten or fifteen pounds since his marriage, and Enid, falling behind the men, wondered how it felt to have inhabited your body, your very flesh, as a weapon - If you ever got over it, were able to forget. The quick swing of the arms, the power of the fists to hurt - did you ever forget? She wondered did her uncle see other people in opposition to him,.. Joyce Carol Oates
6e66306 Asked by a journalist how he had felt after an unsuccessful election, Abraham Lincoln said, Like a little boy who stubbed his toe in the dark, he was too old to cry but it hurt too much to laugh. Joyce Carol Oates
adca896 On the Decker bus she often gave up her seat to older passengers or to women with young children, she was nervously alert to the needs or near-needs of other people. It pleased and excited her to see the space she'd occupied taken, the emptiness where she had been so readily filled in. Joyce Carol Oates
e609501 Now the broken-off parts of her life, the fragments, bits, puzzle pieces, began to fall into place, to assemble themselves, as invariably they do once we are under the enchantment of Death. Joyce Carol Oates
13519df If Hannah knew where he was! - frankly eyeing a hatcheck girl his faughter Geraldine's age, noting her legs in black patterned stockings, her feet in black stiletto-heeled shoes, feeling the first dim stirrings of desire so faint and so sad it was like hearing a telephone ringing and ringing in a distant room you couldn't hope to get to and if you did the call wouldn't be for you. Joyce Carol Oates
4cbd0db The hat-check girl wore her hair in a schoolgirl pageboy so you were meant to think of Dorothy Collins - all innocence, wide-eyed and breathless - but this was mock-innocent and she knew her business, a narrow waist and shapely hips, lovely full breasts thrust out and upward inside the black satin bodice probably by one of those wired contraptions Howard Hughes had allegedly invented, the strapless brassiere a marvel of American know-how de.. Joyce Carol Oates
5620914 Loving Felix she'd acquired from him a certain arrogance, telling so many lies she'd acquired a zest for lies and quite preferred them to the truth. For a lie had to be invented, "truth" was common property." Joyce Carol Oates
7ddb425 In slow drowning waves the knowledge washed over Cressida, her professor did not think that she was so special after all. He didn't know her father Zeno. Was that it? Joyce Carol Oates
7c03652 And so you must grant to God what is God and not try to think of what you have lost, for that way is madness. Joyce Carol Oates
5f68398 Her long periods of intense concentration began to be punctuated by bouts of directionless daydreaming, sudden explosions of feeling. At such times Shakespeare was too dangerous to be read closely--Hamlet whispered truths too cruel to be borne, every word in Lear hooked in flesh and could not be dislodged. As for Wilde, Hobbes, Schopenhauer . . . even cynicism, Marya saw, can't save you. Joyce Carol Oates
c0892f6 Civilization is faces, "appearances": when these collapse, civilization collapses as well." Joyce Carol Oates
a87a88b Much of the time he lay part-dressed on his bed, sipping gin, and thinking, and thinking, - though what it was, of which he thought, he seemed not to know. Joyce Carol Oates
6e8a7c1 Love you in that cheerleader's costume. Last Friday. You didn't see me I guess. But I was there. Joyce Carol Oates
3fbb632 is joy in life, a terrible joy. There is joy for the taking if you are not afraid. Joyce Carol Oates
692a570 Well, no. Marianne thought there could be lots worse. Joyce Carol Oates
4e46616 For in America this season is decreed "family season". (Eat your hearts out, you pitiable loners who don't have families!) Melancholy as Thanksgiving is, the Christmas-New year's season is far worse and lasts far longer, providing rich fund of opportunities for self-medicating, mental collapse, suicide and public mayhem with firearms. In fact it might be argued that the Christmas-New year's season which begins abruptly after Thanksgiving is.. fiction literature Joyce Carol Oates
aa51218 Freaky kids like us can't ever be normal- Tyler says smugly- Our generation is some new kind of "evolutionary development", my shrink says- "Normal" is just "average", not cool. My latest diagnosis is "A.P.M", Acute Premature Melancholia", usually an affliction of late middle age, they think is genetic since Ty Senoir has had it all his life, too. You look if you might be A.P.M, too, Sky: that kind of pissed-off mopey look in your face like.. fiction literature Joyce Carol Oates
599204d What was most striking about the portrait of Jane, Countess of Harrington was the aura of confidence it exuded - not merely the figure of the beautifully composed young noblewoman, her slender face seen just slightly in profile so that her elegantly long nose was outlined, but an air of ontological entitlement as different from M.R.'s sense of being in the world as if she and "Jane, Countess of Harrington" were of two distinct species." Joyce Carol Oates
9056146 Playdate. (n) A Date arranged by adults in which young children are brought together, usually at the home of one of them, for the premeditated purpose of "playing". A feature of contemporary American upscale suburban life in which "neighborhoods" have ceased to exist, and children no longer trail in and out of "neighbor childrens" houses or play in "backyards". In the absence of sidewalks in newer "gated" coummunities, children cannot "walk.. fiction literature mystery novels Joyce Carol Oates
d669ecb For writing is a solitary occupation, and one of its hazards is loneliness. But an advantage of loneliness is privacy, autonomy, freedom. Joyce Carol Oates
bbe92d5 The coolly calibrated manipulation of the credulous American public, by an administration bent upon stoking paranoid patriotism! Joyce Carol Oates
0ffb3ac and both men listened as if hearing it for the first time, as we so frequently listen, in such circumstances, to tales whose outcomes we already know, or have already been told us by our friends. Joyce Carol Oates
fdf30ed How exhausted I am suddenly!--though this has been Ray's best day in the hospital so far, and we are feeling--almost--exhilarated. Joyce Carol Oates
aa0a1c4 My governing principle as a critic is to call attention solely to books and writers that merit such attention, and to avoid whenever possible reviewing books "negatively" except in those instances in which the "negative" is countered by an admiring consideration of earlier books by the same author." Joyce Carol Oates
55c240a It was hard not to exude the air of a martyr, if one did just slightly more than the other, as it seemed Mickey frequently did. Joyce Carol Oates
ef22656 That sensation of things-falling-away. Once the ice begins to crack, it will happen swiftly. She Joyce Carol Oates
a43ad7c Her favorite foods made her gag, like old friends she hadn't seen in years turning up looking all wrong. Joyce Carol Oates
34d7386 Three days later on October 29, 1959, the Pontiac registered in the name of Niles Tignor would be discovered, gas tank near-empty, keys on the floorboards beneath the front seat, in a parking lot close by the Greyhound bus station in Rome, New York. Joyce Carol Oates
51d54a6 You have hardened your heart against your "American cousin." It was courageous in the memoir to state so clearly how you had to harden your heart against so much, to survive. Americans believe that suffering makes saints of us, which is a joke. Still I realize you have no time for me in your life now. There is no "purpose" to me. Even" Joyce Carol Oates
53dd3d5 because the Legs wasn't fearful of heights or swimming in rough water or Death itself she wasn't afraid to risk making a fool of herself. Maybe you think that's something of no consequence but it isn't - for making a fool of yourself, offering yourself to others to laugh at, to jeer, that takes guts. feminism feminist women women-s-rights Joyce Carol Oates
211a22d Being a grand-kid, you can so easily regress. All the ages you ever were are all recalled by the grandparent in a shimmery love-haze, like those blurred faces on tv, in which identities have been disguised. Joyce Carol Oates
6cf893a For, in movie logic, aesthetics has the authority of ethics: to be less than beautiful is sad, but to be willfully less than beautiful is immoral. Joyce Carol Oates
d4b6db4 It makes me angry sometimes, it's a visceral thing - how you come to despise your own words in your ears not because they aren't genuine, but because they are; because you've said them so many times, your 'principles', your 'ideals' - and so damned little in the world has changed because of them. principles words Joyce Carol Oates
b0e6f1a Memory blurs, that's the point. If memory didn't blur you wouldn't have the fool's courage to do things again, again, again that tear you apart. Joyce Carol Oates
4e0d4d8 Secrets of the adult universe, forbidden for children to know: how beauty and suffering are intertwined. Joyce Carol Oates
19ef1fd Popular! In America, what else matters? literature popularity Joyce Carol Oates
af520ea A three-quarter moon, glowering bone, with a hint of something bruised, battered, scarred. The moon has endured more than anybody can know. foxfire moon Joyce Carol Oates
e6e329b A man is fearful of lonely in a woman Joyce Carol Oates
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