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0868ce8 For the first time in recent memory, he'd handled his daughter *exactly* right. Something about Eloise's presence had calmed him, lent him a clarity of thought he usually lacked when it came to his children. He was able to see the humor in the situation, where he usually saw nothing but his own frustration. Julia Quinn
7569c3c Will you allow me to start over this morning? I fear I arose on the wrong side of the bed. 'It is I who should apologize. I'm afraid that any side of the bed would have been the wrong one at this hour. Julia Quinn
ee496b5 Eloise?' Phillip asked, his brows shooting up when they both heard someone bellow her name. She felt the blood drain from her body. Positively felt it, *knew* it had happened, even though she couldn't see it pooling about her feet. There was no way she could survive a moment such as this, no way she could make it through without killing someone, preferably someone to whom she was quite closely related. Julia Quinn
049e150 Do you have any idea how mortifying this is?' Her brothers stared at her, quite rightly, in Phillip's opinion, as if she'd gone mad. 'You lost the right,' Anthony bit off, 'to feel mortified, embarrassed, chagrined, or in fact any emotion other than blindingly stupid when you ran off without a word. Julia Quinn
100d71c She absentmindedly twirled her fingers around a lock of her long, brown hair, one of her few concessions to vanity. It would have been more sensible to cut it short, but it was thick and soft, and Henry just couldn't bear to part with it. Besides, it was her habit to wind it around her fingers while she was thinking hard about a problem, as she was doing now. Julia Quinn
d0afdc4 She should have been relieved that she did not do something she was sure to regret. But she wasn't. She wanted her regrets. She wanted them desperately. She wanted to do something she knew she should not, and she wanted to lie in bed at night letting the memory keep her warm. Julia Quinn
8b20d36 I'm a third son. Perpetually short of funds, I'm afraid.' 'Ha! You're as plump in the pocket as at least three earls,' Lady Danbury said ... Colin smiled blandly. 'Isn't it considered impolite to talk about money in mixed company?' Lady Danbury let out a noise that was either a wheeze or a giggle - Colin wasn't sure which - then said, 'It's always impolite to talk about money, mixed company or no Julia Quinn
4b8a647 Don't tell me you've been harboring secret fantasies about the farm laborers.' 'Of course not,' she said, 'although...' There was no way he was going to let those words trail off into oblivion. 'Although?' he prompted. She looked a bit sheepish. 'Well, they do look terribly...*elemental*...out there in the sun, toiling away.' He smiled. Slowly, like a man about to feast upon his dream come true. Julia Quinn
49a8857 That man had deliberately set out to charm her. It didn't matter that he'd succeeded, she thought perversely. It only mattered that he had done it deliberately, probably because he wanted something from her. Julia Quinn
4e233c0 It wasn't the same sort of defiant attitude she saw so often among young men of the ton. She'd met so many men of that kind - the ones who made such a point of defying convention, and then spoiled the effect by going out of their way to make sure that everyone knew how daring and scandalous they were. Julia Quinn
74c4352 He wanted her. He wanted her completely. But his family was waiting for him at supper, and his ancestors were staring down at him from their portrait frames, and *she* - the woman in question - was watching him with a wariness that broke his heart. Julia Quinn
d19460a And she was...what? A governess? A false governess whose life history began in 1816 when she'd stepped off the ferry, seasick and petrified, and placed her feet on the rocky soil of the Isle of Man. Anne Wynter had been born that day, and Annelise Shawcross... She had disappeared. Gone in a puff like the spray of the ocean all around her. Julia Quinn
e429f76 We have been studying the Isle of Man for geography,' Frances said glumly. 'The people are Manx. There are cats that are Manx. That's the only good thing about it. The word *Manx*.' Daniel could not even think of a comment. 'It ends in an x,' Frances explained, not that that cleared things up any. Daniel cleared his throat, deciding not to pursue the x-ish (x-ient? x-astic?) avenue of conversation. Julia Quinn
71e88ed It"s not your fault you had no siblings," he told her. "You have no experience in intrafamilial squabbles. Trust me, it all works out in the end. I predict we shall manage to get all four to adulthood with at least fifteen of their major limbs intact." Julia Quinn
4b1d19c I don't even know that I could have located it on a map.' There was another silence, this one more awkward than the last. Daniel decided it was time to address the aural chasm and said, 'Well.' Which, as usual, bought him enough time to think of something marginally more intelligent to say: 'I have peppermints in my office. Julia Quinn
b07eaab Whatever mirth Miss Wynter had been holding onto burst out in a spray of eggs and bacon ... 'It's a good thing you're wearing yellow,' Elizabeth said to Frances. Frances glanced down at her bodice, shrugged, then lightly brushed herself off with her serviette. 'Too bad the fabric doesn't have little sprigs of red flowers,' Elizabeth added. 'The bacon, you know.' She turned to Daniel as if waiting for some sort of confirmation, but he wanted.. Julia Quinn
d687728 he poured himself a glass of whiskey. And another. And another. Not enough to get stinking drunk, just enough to make him overly contemplative. Julia Quinn
1f22b72 She inched forward, although she wasn't sure why. If the dowager started spouting off about the highwayman and his resemblance to her favorite son, it wasn't as if she would be able to stop her. But still, the proximity at least gave the illusion that she might be able to prevent disaster. Julia Quinn
98da954 She closed her eyes, and Daniel could practically see the memory washing over her face. 'It was such a lovely night,' she whispered. 'Midsummer, and so very clear. You could have counted the stars forever. Julia Quinn
e687530 He tried not to notice that her hair was loose. He tried not to see that she was wearing her nightclothes. They were demure, yes, but still meant to be removed, and his gaze kept dipping to the silken hem, which brushed the top of her foot, allowing him a tantalizing peek at her toes. Good God, he was staring at her toes. Her /toes/. What had his life come to? Julia Quinn
ce7bd04 She won't know how to fulfill the duties of a noblewoman.' 'She is quite bright. And one could find no fault with her manners. She has received a gentle education. I am certain she will make an excellent countess.' Robert's expression softened. 'Her very nature will bring honor to our name. Julia Quinn
8e93a3d The way he had always tried to tell her he loved her when she least expected it. Julia Quinn
30df5dd Lucy could feel herself slipping, sliding into need, falling into a hazy place of love and desire where right was not quite identifiable from wrong. Julia Quinn
69ed0f0 One needs a certain base of knowledge before one can ask sensible questions. Julia Quinn
cb2ae86 Billie tried not to think of George. But she wasn't successful. Like it or not, he was her who. Julia Quinn
7e0771f But he had saved her. That was irrefutable. Maybe it didn't really matter why he'd come to Phillip's party, only that he had, and he had saved her. Julia Quinn
39f6ece Claire hasn't told me why she behaved as such, although I have a good idea.' 'I suspect you do,' Ellie said quietly. 'Thank you for not embarrassing her before Charles.' 'She didn't need her heart broken twice. Julia Quinn
91b4d38 Is it possible to be so happy for one person and at the same time be so sad for oneself? "Only the most generous in spirit can manage it. The rest of us don't know how to be happy for another when our own dreams have gone astray." Julia Quinn
abdddea You have to live each hour as if it's your last," she said, "and each day as if you were immortal. When my father grew ill, he had so many regrets. There were so many things he wished he'd done, he told me. He'd always assumed he had more time. That's something I've always carried with me. Why on earth do you think I decided to attempt the flute at such an advanced age? Everyone told me I was too old, that to be truly good at it I had to ha.. trying life regrets Julia Quinn
e3516f0 Oh, go ahead and giggle," Lady Danbury sighed. "I've found that the only way to avoid parental frustration is to view him as a source of amusement." parenting Julia Quinn
b15f5a8 Good manners forced her to say, somewhat grudgingly, "Your boots are very nice." He grinned and regarded his footwear, which, though old, appeared very well-made. "Yes, they are, aren't they?" "If a bit scuffed," she added. "I shall polish them tomorrow," he promised, his somewhat superior look telling her that he refused to rise to her bait. "I'm sorry," she said quietly. "That was uncalled for. Compliments should be freely given, without .. Julia Quinn
4b40bd7 Lucy," he whispered. She closed her eyes. "Be with me," he said. Slowly, she shook her head. "Please don't." He tugged her closer and pulled the candlestick from her slackening fingers. "Be with me, Lucy Abernathy. Be my love, be my wife." lucy-abernathy Julia Quinn
821e412 Seja forte. Seja aplicada. Seja conscienciosa. E isso nunca se consegue escolhendo o caminho facil. Exceto claro, quando o caminho ja seja facil por si. As vezes, acontece. Em tal caso, nao busque um novo mais complicado. So os martires vao procurar os problemas de maneira deliberada. (...) Ria. Ria muito e com vontade. E, quando as circunstancias pedirem silencio, converta a risada em sorriso. Nao se conforme. Descubra o que quer e persegu.. family love-brazil para-sir-phillip-com-amor sir-phillip-crane to-sir-phillip-with-love eloise-bridgerton portuguese julia-quinn Julia Quinn
7aded99 But you won't say no." She hated that his confidence was not misplaced, hated that she could refuse him nothing when he held her in his arms. But she loved the crackling awareness that washed over her - a strange sense that for the first time in her life, she understood her own body." Julia Quinn
161e70f Just her and the great outdoors. Gwendolyn Margaret Passmore and a million blades of grass. Julia Quinn
94a4332 Isn't it nice, " the older lady said, leaning in so that only Peneleope could hear her words, " to discover that we're not exactly what we thought we were?" Julia Quinn
ed63dae It was something in the way she moved. Something in the way she breathed. Something in the way she merely 'was' . And he didn't think he was ever going to get over it. love chapter-8 francesca-kilmartin-bridgerton when-he-was-wicked michael-stirling julia-quinn favorite Julia Quinn
51fe84f This letter is for both of you. I am so glad you have each other. The world is a kinder place when one's burdens can be shared. Julia Quinn
f527e46 Francesca,' he murmured, making his voice smooth and personable, 'it is a delight to see you.' 'And you as well,' she replied. She smiled then, but it was in an amused sort of fashion, and he had the unexpected sense that she was mocking him. But there seemed little to be gained by pointing this out; it would only demonstrate how attuned he was to her every expression. Julia Quinn
a31cb0a He was just . . . George. And she loved him. She loved him, and--OH DEAR GOD, SHE HAD JUST STOPPED HIM FROM ASKING HER TO MARRY HIM. What had she done? And more importantly, how could she undo it? Julia Quinn
2b19127 Queria que ela adorasse aquilo, que o amasse e que soubesse, quando se deitassem nos bracos um do outro, suados e exaustos, que pertencia a ele. Porque ele ja sabia que pertencia a ela. love page-266 lady-whistledown os-segredos-de-colin-bridgerton penelope-featherington colin-bridgerton romancing-mister-bridgerton julia-quinn Julia Quinn
10610bc And so, on an otherwise unremarkable Friday afternoon, in the heart of Mayfair, in a quiet drawing room on Mount Street, Colin Bridgerton kissed Penelope Featherington. Julia Quinn
4181fdf How many great mysteries are there in life, really?" No one answered, so Colin guessed, "Forty-two?" She" Julia Quinn
a0ff017 His life as he knew it was over. Julia Quinn