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77c5881 A compliment about one's nature is more important because a person has to choose how to behave, whilst a compliment about one's appearance doesn't mean overly much because there is no choice involved there. character life truth Julie Garwood
2c33d90 No one had Ramsey's patience, Brodick thought to himself. Gideon obviously didn't know his laird well, for if he did, he would have known that under that thin layer of civility and diplomacy beat the heart of a savage warrior whose temper put Brodick's to shame. Unlike Brodick, Ramsey was slow to ignite, but once he had reached his limit or had been prodded too far, his reaction was explosive and most impressive. He could be far more brutal.. Julie Garwood
3ae05da It must be sheer hell for you to be cursed with such a pretty boy's face," he drawled. "The agony of finding a different woman in your bed every night must wear you thin. I don't know where you get your stamina with this terrible burden you bear." The muscle in Ramsey's jaw flexed, which pleased Brodick considerably. "We know you've had as many women in your bed as I have," Ramsey snapped. "But I meant what I said. There are more important .. Julie Garwood
223cad6 the Scots take what they want when they want it. She also said they have special preferences." "And what might those be?" Beak asked. "Strong horses, fat sheep, and soft women," Mary said. "Horses, sheep, and women?" Julie Garwood
f9bd14c Flirting is the first step in a long process of finding the right man or woman. Julie Garwood
78288cc colin was certain he would feel better once he had gotten some sleep. At one o-clock in the morning he was wishing he could close his eyes and die. By 3 oclock, he thought he had. Colin sprawled out on the bed, face down, with his arms spread wide. Oh yes, death would have been a treat. Julie Garwood
18c2111 One whisper, added to a thousand others, becomes a roar of discontent, Julie Garwood
9fefcc5 He was so damned happy to see her, he frowned. She smiled back. Julie Garwood
4a76d77 If you'd wanted to get married with your feet on the ground, then you should have said something. Julie Garwood
a4ec148 Nathan does have a special nickname he uses when he address me," Sarah announced then,drawing her husband's attention. " You have my permision to use it,too." "Oh? Colin asked.He caught the surprise look on Nathan's face and became all the more curious."And what might that be?" "Damn it, Sara" Colin couldn't believe he'd heard correctly. "Did you say ---" "Nathan usually addresses me as Damn It Sara. Don't you dear?" she asked her husband. .. Julie Garwood
6d887a5 My uncle's a big man, muscular. He's given to bulk in his shoulders.Yes, I suppose he could be a little frightening. So is his wife, Sara interjected with a smile. "I couldn't tell them apart." He pinched her backside for being insolent. "Dunnford has a mustache." "So does she." Julie Garwood
69c2e44 Sometimes extraordinary things can happen on the most ordinary of days. Julie Garwood
6ce4747 Don't you want to know what happened?" Jack asked Alec as he tilted his head toward the man he'd killed. "I figured he didn't get your order right." Julie Garwood
67f2858 I realize you don't understand you shouldn't argue with me, and so I'll explain it to you. Don't argue with me. Julie Garwood
dd90420 muttered. "Your husband" Julie Garwood
ddc0917 He merely accepted that this was unique and so special he would never be able to settle for anything less again. Julie Garwood
139c2a0 They're allies, Jamie." She immediately let go of him, straightened her back, and refolded her hands in her lap. "I guessed as much," she whispered. It was a lie, made blacker still when she added, "Even from this distance I can see them smiling." "An eagle couldn't see their faces from this distance," he answered dryly. "We English have perfect eyesight." Julie Garwood
0b15738 The ruby landed at the baron's feet. "Repayment, Baron, from Lady Kincaid." Julie Garwood
33ddc9f To do injustice is more disgraceful than to suffer it." PLATO, GORGIAS" Julie Garwood
0db63aa Dreams are for little girls to whisper to each other. They don't really come true. I'm a fully grown woman now, Frances Catherine. I don't imagine impossible things. Julie Garwood
6650e66 Okay, I'll ask. How come you're being sued? And how come you're so calm about it?" "I might as well be calm," she said. "Getting all worked up won't do any good." Julie Garwood
27360bc Like it or not, she was going to belong to him. Julie Garwood
7a053f6 A smile suddenly softened her rigid stance. "I've put Christina's satchel inside your carriage, Lyon. You've lasted a good hour longer than I imagined you would." Aunt Harriett wrapped Christina in a suffocatingly affectionate hug, then released her. "Be gentle this night," she instructed Lyon. "I shall." It was Christina who gave the promise. Both Lyon and his aunt looked at her. "She means me, Christina," Lyon said dryly. "You have only t.. Julie Garwood
6cfbb66 You don't tell someone you're going to marry her. You ask." He tried to kiss her again, but she turned her cheek, and he kissed her earlobe instead. "I asked your dad." "You did?" She sounded breathless. "What did he say?" "His exact words? 'Oh God, not another wedding." Julie Garwood
7e69fda Family," she whispered. "So many people go through their lives with blinders on. They become self-involved and only want to think about their wants and their desires. They don't leave room for anything else, and then, too late, they realize how important their families were." Julie Garwood
51340d0 It was a damned awkward undertaking, trying to think of loving words, and he had absolutely no experience in this area, but he was still determined not to muck it up. Even with his men watching, he wanted the words to be right, his declaration to be one she would always remember. The moment needed to be perfect for her. "Judith," he began. "Yes, Iain?" "I'm keeping you." declaration-of-love Julie Garwood
ed6e428 Appearances and manners often cloak a black soul. Julie Garwood
937424e Abhor that which is evil; Cleave to that which is good. Julie Garwood
1ad1f44 She started three wars the first week. Julie Garwood
7f7574a Judith, do you take Ian for your husband?" She looked up at him before giving her answer. "We'll see" Julie Garwood
adbe189 Nathan had just announced that come hell or high water,he was going to fix his flower.He just needed time to find out how. Julie Garwood
f2ebfbb Being attractive should have nothing to do with being accepted. It is what is inside a person that matters, Julie Garwood
c049ef5 No," Adam answered." Julie Garwood
6a69149 Yes, I do. I think I'm very observant. I observe that the rash on your left hand isn't going to get better if you continue to use the same ointment. You're allergic to it. I observe that the gentleman in the third row on the left has a bad case of conjunctivitis-pinkeye, in the layman's terms. And the woman in the second row has a bag of candies in her purse, and she's trying to figure out away to eat them without making noise. They're M&M'.. ellie-sullivan observant doctor Julie Garwood
006e4c2 I'm never going to get these folds just so," she remarked. "We'll practice that, too," Alec promised. She didn't start to blush until Father Murdock asked what else they were practicing. "Perhaps I could lend my expertise," he suggested eagerly. "A private matter," Jamie blurted out. "We can't use your assistance, Father, but we both thank you for offering." Alec's devilish smile widened." Julie Garwood
8347e59 One whisper, Judith, added to a thousand others will become a roar of discontent even Julie Garwood
9aca2f1 Their renewed cheers startled her. Alec thought she might be a little intimidated. She looked overwhelmed by all the attention. "What did you say to them, Alec?" she whispered, knowing full well what he'd said. As soon as he answered her, she thought to tell him that he really should expound upon his introduction. She never got the chance to enlighten him, however. "I told them you were English," Alec lied. He threw his arm around her shoul.. Julie Garwood
485d19b Richards then pulled the pen and ink well close. Julie Garwood
cfff82e Everyone was staring at them, and for that reason she forced herself to smile and to act as though it was nothing at all to be dragged across the room by a man she'd only just met. When she heard one woman whisper in a loud voice that she and the Marquess made a striking couple, she lost her smile. Yes, she did feel like hitting Lyon, but it was certainly uncomplimentary of the woman to make such a remark. lost-in-translation made-me-lol Julie Garwood
9008ddb But, the giant wasn't a god or a demon. He was just a man, very primitive and frightening, yet still just a man. Besides, anyone with a pinch of sense knew women were smarter than men. Julie Garwood
41ef0f4 He's got places to go, people to see . . . , Julie Garwood
8256b4e Her computer was still in the bag she was carrying, so it was safe. She rushed to her closet to check the cubby where she hid her backup drive. It was exactly where she'd left it. Julie Garwood
1565ce2 The young fought sleep, she thought, but the old relished it, and at the moment, she felt absolutely ancient. Julie Garwood
7051365 Do you honestly believe I would have instructed the man to pay attention to what I was saying if I'd known all the while that he is the King of Scotland? Julie Garwood
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