He would help her give her heart to the right guy ... all in His perfect timing.
Karen Kingsbury |
The issues are complex, and so I think sometimes the best way to work things out is, well, not to work them out.
Karen Kingsbury |
The years go by too quickly to waste them in silent prisons of hate.
Karen Kingsbury |
Our citizenship is in heaven. ... The words were a physical comfort to Hannah as one after another Scriptures filled her mind. She was only passing through, a foreigner in a strange land. Like all who followed Christ, whether she walked this planet eight years or eighty, it was only a journey. She wouldn't ever really be home until she reached heaven's doorsteps.
Karen Kingsbury |
That's because a Christmas tree doesn't have to be perfect." "No, it doesn't." Angela smiled. Neither did people"
Karen Kingsbury |
I told you... I've changed. God changed me.
Karen Kingsbury |
Wrinkles was her big gray cat. Sierra named him Wrinkles because when he was a little baby he had a wrinkly face. He slept in Sierra's room, but not always on the bed. Mommy said that was 'cause Wrinkles had an attitude. Most cats had attitudes, actually.
Karen Kingsbury |
God's ways are better than man's.
Karen Kingsbury |
Nothing about tomorrow was promised to them; Jamie understood that. But as long as God gave them the gift of today, she would cherish it with all her heart.
Karen Kingsbury |
When you believe in something you put your whole heart into it.
Karen Kingsbury |
Things were good in her life--very good. God had spared her in more ways than one, and now she was exactly where she belonged.
Karen Kingsbury |
Ever feel like God wrote a part of the Bible just for you?
Karen Kingsbury |
We must look to the cross, to the ultimate sacrifice, the true source of hope.
Karen Kingsbury |
Watch your life and doctrine closely. Persevere in them, because if you do, you will save both yourself and your hearers.
Karen Kingsbury |
The way to stay connected to God was through His Word.
Karen Kingsbury |
But God had showed her where she needed to be, and the answer was clearer than water.
Karen Kingsbury |
And suddenly, there it was. The one thing they'd never discussed, never dared to imagine. At first he said nothing, but he didn't have to. His eyes told her that he was feeling the same way that she was.
Karen Kingsbury |
He might've only been seventeen, but he knew he wanted Jenna in his life as long as he lived.
Karen Kingsbury |
being a Christian oftentimes meant walking through dark places in the journey and living only on an unseen, unfelt faith.
Karen Kingsbury |
God's still in control. Just like He was two thousand years ago.
Karen Kingsbury |
The eagle had two natural enemies: storms and serpents. He embraced the storm, waiting on the rock for the right thermal current and then using that to carry him higher. While other birds were taking cover, the eagle was soaring. An eagle would never fight against the storms of life.
Karen Kingsbury |
Jamie, this is for you...Choose life, Jamie. Whenever you have the chance, choose life
Karen Kingsbury |
smitten beyond words, and speechless in the presence of the girl he was falling for.
Karen Kingsbury |
You're winners not because of your record, but because of whose you are.
Karen Kingsbury |
but a respectful hug that told her he wouldn't put her reputation on the line, not now or ever.
Karen Kingsbury |
God's not disappointed in you. He's just not finished with you. That's all.
Karen Kingsbury |
But the girl had captured his heart and mind and soul.
Karen Kingsbury |
Eyes are a window to the soul.
Karen Kingsbury |
Real love lets you figure out the answers by yourself. It says good-bye for a season and prays for your return. Real love understands about love and sacrifice and is willing to live accordingly.
Karen Kingsbury |
Life can be very complicated.
Karen Kingsbury |
With the Lord, the journey was the destination. Every morning, every night, every step in between was a walk of faith. Otherwise there would be no need for a relationship with Jesus. The
Karen Kingsbury |
Battles are won and lost through prayer.
Karen Kingsbury |
Forgiveness can be the one thing that truly holds us back in our Christian walk.
Karen Kingsbury |
Anger does not bring about the righteousness God desires.
Karen Kingsbury |
Exactly." Irma nodded, thoughtful. "I always figured that was because our greatest temptation wouldn't be the big guns on the sin list -- murder and theft and the rest. But something so simple we might overlook it. The temptation to hold a grudge." "The call to forgive."
Karen Kingsbury |
It wasn't enough to wish people well and offer a quick prayer. God's people needed to act.
Karen Kingsbury |
Sometimes divorce is as easy as opening a door, Son. Open it just a crack, and the winds of discontent and frustration can blow it wide open.
Karen Kingsbury |
God was beyond faithful, always, all the time.
Karen Kingsbury |
It wasn't something he made a conscious decision about...rather it was something that grew from his heart, a truth that simply was.
Karen Kingsbury |
Perfect is God's job. He's perfect enough for all of us. You need Him and I need Him. If you haven't made peace with that, then it's time. Today.
Karen Kingsbury |
God is at work, even in our storms.
Karen Kingsbury |
Prayer makes a difference.
Karen Kingsbury |
Real friends ... don't give you heroin and cocaine." He took a step closer. "And they don't stand by and do nothing if they think one of their buddies is doing drugs."
Karen Kingsbury |
Because that's when we're strongest ... when we're laid bare before Him, no hope but the hope we have in Him.
Karen Kingsbury |