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1584f70 Sara was reminded of yet another one of Will's traits, which was that he had an uncanny knack for keeping his mouth shut when he didn't know what to say. This resulted in the sort of awkward moments that made Sara's dating life look downright ebullient. Karin Slaughter
7e4b685 Sometimes, even if you know the answer, you've got to let the other person take a shot. If they feel wrong all the time, they never get the chance to feel right. Karin Slaughter
d37da33 A woman can run faster with her skirt up than a man can with his pants down. Karin Slaughter
2bfc79f Curiosity broke her earlier resolve. "Have you ever been tested?" "No." He stood behind Sara, holding the camera in front so she could see. "Zoom here," he said, flicking the toggle. "You could probably-" "This is macro." "Will-" "Super macro." He kept talking over her until she gave up. "Here's where you adjust for color. This is light. Anti-shake. Red-eye." He clicked through the features like a photography instructor. Sara Finally relent.. Karin Slaughter
80a59f6 It's very important for your life to have meaning. Even on the days it makes you unhappy, you still need a purpose. Karin Slaughter
c552e3a Will let out a long breath. "She leaves me a lot. That's what she does. She leaves, and then she comes back. And then she stays some and then she leaves again." "Where does she go?" "I have no idea." "You've never asked her?" "No." Sara Didn't pretend to understand. "Why not?". He glanced out into the street, watching the traffic zoom by. "It's complicated." Karin Slaughter
7a64422 I loved him. I know you don't want to believe that, but I really, truly, giddy, heart-breaking, longing, achingly loved him. Karin Slaughter
1f61bde His words hung between them, and Faith tried to pin down when exactly their relationship had gone from cooly professional to personal. There was something so kind about him under his awkward manners and social ineptness. Despite her best intentions, Faith realised that she could not hate Will Trent. Karin Slaughter
bb00a2c Marriage. That's what he called it, though men like Paul do not marry women. They own them. They control them. They are voracious gluttons who devour every part of a woman, then clean their teeth with the bones. Karin Slaughter
f159c20 In her defense, her helicoptering tended to revolve around making sure that Dee could take care of herself. LEARN HOW TO TAKE OUT THE TRASH OR I WILL KILL YOU. LOVE MOM. Karin Slaughter
3bfef1b I still want it to die. Like immediately. With fire. humor Karin Slaughter
6df9909 I've always preferred crazy to stupid. Stupid can break your heart. stupid Karin Slaughter
042d335 They tried to bury us. They didn't know we were seeds. --Mexican Proverb Karin Slaughter
8cb3394 Maybe that's why Claire had perfected the art of invisibility. It was a form of self-preservation. You couldn't resent what you could not see. She was so quiet, but she noticed everything. Her eyes tracked the world like it was a book written in a language that she could not understand. There was nothing timorous about her, but you got the feeling that she always had one foot out the door. If the situation got too hard, or too intense, she .. invisibility self-preservation Karin Slaughter
6438fab I found this." He put the briefcase on the table and opened the locks. She saw a stack of papers, an evidence bag with a red seal. He pulled a college notebook with a blue plastic cover from one of the pockets. Black fingerprint powder spotted the cover. "I tried to clean it up," he said, wiping the grime on the front of his sweater. "I'm sorry. It was in Allison's car and I..." He flipped through the pages, showing her the scrawled handwri.. Karin Slaughter
75d8782 because if a man rejects a woman, she goes home and cries for a few days. If a woman rejects a man, he can rape and kill her. Karin Slaughter
9dd9277 Dr. Monroe and I realized very gradually that drug addiction is a terminal disease. It is a cancer that eats families alive. Karin Slaughter
389f7f1 He had always told her that winners only competed with themselves. Karin Slaughter
f7a0bc3 Every place always has somebody who doesn't fit in. That's what makes them fit in. Karin Slaughter
770817c Rage had consumed her. She hadn't wanted to just murder him. She had wanted to empty her gun into his chest. And then she wanted to fill the holes with burning oil and dance in his still-warm blood. She had felt dead inside. Karin Slaughter
3576464 somewhere on earth, there was always a book with an answer in it, and the best way to find that answer was to read every book you could get your hands on. Karin Slaughter
98d7f19 That doesn't sound invisible to me." "I'm saying it wrong, then." Lydia searched for a better way to explain. "She was always holding herself back. She was cocaptain, not captain. She could've dated the quarterback, but she dated his brother instead. She could've been top in her class, but she'd purposefully turn in a paper late or miss an assignment so she'd fall closer to the middle. She would know about Mauna Kea, but she would say Evere.. Karin Slaughter
ed9688d He saw the towel in her hands. "I've got this." "Let me help." "I think you've helped enough." She thought he was going to leave it at that, but Will told her, "It's been worse today than usual." "Stress is a contributing factor-when you get tired or if something emotional happens." He scrubbed hard at the plate in his hands. Sara saw that he hadn't bothered to roll up his sleeves. The cuffs of his sweater were soaked. He said, "I've been t.. Karin Slaughter
f658df7 Lydia supposed his headstone had been ordered. Something large and garish made of the finest marble and phallic shaped because being dead didn't stop you from being a dick. Karin Slaughter
a298cea She was so quiet, but she noticed everything. Her eyes tracked the world like it was a book written in a language she could not understand Karin Slaughter
d53ee23 but instead of apologizing, I said, 'It's your own fault for playing tennis." Karin Slaughter
619ce0a Proactive interference," Paul would have explained. "It's when previously acquired information inhibits our ability to process new information." Karin Slaughter
e114316 Will had found out the hard way that it's nearly impossible to go to sleep with a flatulent Chihuahua sharing your pillow. Karin Slaughter
7a3e66c Some people are born with a hole inside them. They spend their lives trying to fill it. Sometimes it's pills, sometimes it's Jesus. Karin Slaughter
109ae01 The older sister could have been an overachiever who cast the kind of shadow in which nothing could grow. Karin Slaughter
f1264a7 Dyadic completion," Paul would've told Claire. "The human brain tends to assume that, if there's a victim, there has to be a villain." Karin Slaughter
04f9aa6 Acid filled Sara's mouth. It wasn't fair. That's what Sara wanted to say. To scream at the top of her lungs. It just wasn't fair. Lena wasn't strong. She would bend, not break. She would recover from this tragedy the same easy way she recovered from every other tragedy before. Even if she lost Jared, Lena would always know what it felt like to have his child growing inside of her. She could always hold her baby's hand and think of holding J.. jealousy women-helping-women Karin Slaughter
a930fed The two women switched to their native tongue. Kate tuned them out. She understood only half of what they were saying. As with most Americans, Dutch sounded to her more like a disease of the throat than an actual language Karin Slaughter
66888d0 Never kick a fresh turd on a hot day. Karin Slaughter
1021a16 It's always sad when someone dies of a cliche. Karin Slaughter
adb3cb8 She had felt capable of anything. Karin Slaughter
c3d6b80 Existe gentileza em muitos lugares inesperados. Karin Slaughter
c92876d Why did it have to be her? Karin Slaughter
921113e membership consisted solely of sitting around and grousing about how much things had changed for the worse. All they could talk about was the good old days--how much better things had been before the coloreds ruined everything. What they didn't acknowledge was that the things that made it bad for them made it better for everyone else. Karin Slaughter
e5f76a5 Yeah?" "I miss the way you taste." She tried to sound bored. "It's still Colgate." "That's not the taste I was talking about." Karin Slaughter
874debe Will always assumed that when people insisted they weren't lying about a particular thing, that meant they were lying about something else. Karin Slaughter
9331dc1 Age is a cruel punishment for youth. Karin Slaughter
64df033 And now, when she looked in the mirror and saw a new line on her own face,a new wrinkle, all she could think was that she was growing old without him Karin Slaughter
73efb54 It's the truth. I'm sorry to be blunt about it, but girls don't like guys who are doormats. Especially pretty girls, because there's no novelty to it. Guys are hitting on them all of the time. They can't walk down the street or order a coffee or stand on a corner without some idiot making a comment about how attractive they are. And the women smile because it's easier than telling them to go fuck themselves. And less dangerous, because if a.. Karin Slaughter
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