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c576142 Dreams are manifestations of identities. identity Kathy Acker
ac8ec8f There are times when the law jeopardizes those who obey it. Kathy Acker
ff6124a Death is another bar which lies several steps below the normal world. I'm at its threshold, but not yet in it. Its doorway is doorless. Kathy Acker
5c6c04b Love goes away when your mind goes away and then you're someone else. Kathy Acker
18e7378 i am a limitless series of natural disasters and all of these disasters have been unnaturally repressed. Kathy Acker
dcb10fd Everytime you read, you are walking among the dead, and, if you are listening, you just might hear prophecies. Kathy Acker
72ec960 Pain is the world. I don't have anywhere to run. Kathy Acker
3338317 It's possible to name everything and to destroy the world. control destruction labels life names nomenclature Kathy Acker
f96d317 Writing is one method of dealing with being human or wanting to suicide cause in order to write you kill yourself at the same time while remaining alive. language suicide words writing Kathy Acker
54d898c Eurydice sits alone on a red bed. She has flaming red hair, so flaming that you can't see anything else of her, much less anything else around her. She takes up too much space. Also she's mad. Which has nothing to do with anything. She lives in her own world because she makes the whole world hers. eurydice mad red Kathy Acker
30cdc68 I want to get out of here means I want to be innocent. Kathy Acker
6c43c2b The two main girlfriends he has had wanted him to support them in the manner to which they certainly weren't accustomed even though he couldn't put his flabby hands on a penny. girlfriends money relationships Kathy Acker
cb08852 Meanwhile the temperature is getting hotter and hotter so no one can think clearly. No one perceives. No one cares. Insane madness come out like life is a terrific party. new-york-city Kathy Acker
654bdd6 Sex. You can't lie to yourself sexually. If you don't want it, it's the most disgusting thing in the world. faking-it force rape sex Kathy Acker
70f3687 If you read every poem in every anthology of Greek poetry, you wouldn't read one poem in which a character of the woman who's loved is described or matters. greek-poetry Kathy Acker
fc40e15 What she really wanted [...] was [...] "to experience every emotion to the limit" so she could go beyond every limit." limits surpassing-yourself Kathy Acker
bdeeb5a Come alive, dead heart, and sing. Kathy Acker
e33155e I need anything, anything that will stop me from living in the kind of death the bourgeois eat, the death called comfort. bourgeoisie comfort escape-velocity fear materialism meaning mediocrity rebellion safety Kathy Acker
04d6248 But : We're still human. Human because we keep on battling against all these horrors, the horrors caused and not caused by us. We battle not in order to stay alive, that would be too materalistic, for we are body and spirit, but in order to love each other. Kathy Acker
597f8b7 Another reason Hawthorne set his story in the past (in lies) was 'cause he couldn't say directly all the wild things he wanted to say. He was living in a society to which ideas and writing still mattered. In 'The Custom House', the introduction to The Scarlet Letter, Hawthorne makes sure he tells us the story of The Scarlet Letter occurred long ago and has nothing to do with anyone who's now living. After all, Hawthorne had to protect himse.. Kathy Acker
f6c663d Murder is a dream because lack is the center of both. dream lack murder Kathy Acker
4f97141 It was only when we were in that bed, high above the world - then I thought the birds could have been circling around our bodies circled around each other - that we made our world totally separated from everything else. It was the only way we could be together. eurydice love lovers Kathy Acker
9e797bf What other knowledge will my solitude and muteness bring? What other worlds? solitude Kathy Acker
6758fc3 LESBIANS are women who prefer their own ways to male ways. LESBIANS prefer the convoluting halls of sensuality to direct goal-pursuing mores. LESBIANS have made a small world deep within and separated from the world. What has usually been called the world is the male world. lesbians world worldview Kathy Acker
0b9b246 For reason, on the one hand, signifies the idea of a free, human social life. On the other hand, reason is the court of judgment of calculation, the instrument of domination, and the means for the greatest exploitation of nature. Kathy Acker
ceee6a0 I find waiting unbearable because it makes me passive and negates me. I hate being nothing. Kathy Acker
27f8395 There's a point at which when I start to know a man well--this isn't true of women--I wonder whether there's something in him that's evil. Something that's pure and can't be touched. This quality of evil may be related to the quality of artistry, for an artist has the same characteristics. evil men Kathy Acker
b573610 After Hatuey, a fifteenth-century Indian insurrectionist, had been fixed to the stake, his Spanish captors extended him the choice of converting to Christianity and ascending to Heaven of going unrepentantly to Hell. Gathering that his executioners expected to go to heaven, Hatuey chose the other expected hatuey heaven hell indian Kathy Acker
55d1bfe That night I followed him whenever he let me. I had to. Followed him into strange, complicated actions, very far, bad and good actions. But I was never allowed into his world. What was I to him? A fantasy. I gave him another identity. Whenever I lay next to him in a bed and it was night, I was too excited to fall asleep, too unwilling to lose a chance that I might be allowed to enter his life. Since he wanted fantasy, what I wanted didn't m.. Kathy Acker
9cfe26c I have about a hundred cats living in me and all of them are curious Kathy Acker
13a0a6e Fucking just tell me what you want and I'll go with it. That's what you do when you do s/m scenes. You discuss rules beforehand. 'Cause otherwise it's all too dangerous and there has to be trust. Well, it's the same, for me, with vanilla sex or without sex. If you don't discuss the rules, then the shit power games are outside the bed and they hurt. I'm truly no longer interested in either hurting or being hurt. It's all boring and I want to.. Kathy Acker
27acca4 Since Pussy never had thought, nor would she think, that women shouldn't have abortions, she had to come to terms with the realization that to be human, and woman, includes the possibility and even the act of murder. Kathy Acker
e15c092 Women need to become literary 'criminals,' break the literary laws and reinvent their own, because the established laws prevent women from presenting the reality of their lives. Kathy Acker
5c3e89a R wrote Delahaye about all that had happened to him and about what he, R, wanted: My friend, You're eating white flour and mud in your pigsty. I don't miss Charleville. I don't miss being a bored pig where the sun dries up all brains but sloth. Your brains or feelings're being dried up: dead pig Delahaye. Emotions are the movers of this world. Me: I'm thirsty. What I'm thirsty for--whom I'm thirsty for--I can't get so I drink poisons. I've .. Kathy Acker
4ac1a5b The ceiling of languages is falling down. Either add to this rubble or shove at least some of it away. Liberty, shit. The liberty to starve. The liberty to speak words to which no one listens. The liberty to get diseases no doctor treats or can cure. The liberty to live in conditions cockroaches wouldn't touch except to die in. The liberty to be an eighty-three-year-old Ukranian shuffling around in her slippers among the cat shit in the slu.. Kathy Acker
8d859d8 Why am I begging you, who parades your suffering over the ruins like a king in order to ensure that you will never be touched deeply, you who're always laughing. laughing ruins Kathy Acker
9379999 She wore red lipstick the next time that I saw her, though her hair was more voluminous with dirt than before. Owing, like everything else about these girls, to the fertility of rats. rats women Kathy Acker
cfd6560 Dear David, Are you a Tibetan monk yet? I used to hate you because you didn't love me so much you would give up your whole life for me. I expect this of every man. In retrospect, I realize that I was also selfish: I should have stopped making demands that you not be the closet female-hating sadist you are. Kathy Acker
e8bb093 What do I care about all that average shit that has nothing to do with adventure? Kathy Acker
ffc06f0 All the people around Hester hate her and despise her and think she's a total freak. The kid's beyond human law and human consideration. How do you feel about yourself when every human being you hear and see and smell every day of your being thinks you're worse than garbage? Your conception of who you are has always, at least partially, depended on how the people around you behaved towards you... You don't know. How can you know anything? H.. Kathy Acker
a69f776 Without language the only people the rebels can kill are themselves. Kathy Acker
8a7449f Heart disease syphilis pregnancy All you creeps on the street get away from me Kathy Acker
565d3fc TODAY I THINK MY RELATIONSHIP WITH HELL IS OVER. It was hell, the ancient hell. Hell: I believed that if I loved V enough, we would love each other. All I know is that I've been returned to earth violently; I've a duty to myself to survive and to see what is. I have to deal with the truth, with nothing else. Did V's charity to me almost cause my death? I, starving, fed on the dream that V loved me and I lived a lie. So forgive me, You who k.. Kathy Acker