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e5eca16 I pulled out his bracelet. "You'd better take this," I said. He shook his head. "I still need to take off, track down answers. Keep it." "But it's important to you." "Proving I mean it when I say I'll be back." My cheeks heated and I pressed it into his hand. "Please. I don't want to lose it." He took it. Before I could pull my hand back, he caught my wrist and tied the bracelet around it. "Problem solved." Kelley Armstrong
a6f14b5 Keep it." "But it's important to you." "Proving I mean it when I say I'll be back." My cheeks heated and I pressed it into his hand. "Please. I don't want to lose it." He took it. Before I could pull my hand back, he caught my wrist and tied the bracelet around it. "Problem solved." I tried to glance down at it, but his fingers slid under my chin, eyes closing as his mouth moved toward mine." Kelley Armstrong
514f4bf I don't want to lose it." He took it. Before I could pull my hand back, he caught my wrist and tied the bracelet around it. "Problem solved." I tried to glance down at it, but his fingers slid under my chin, eyes closing as his mouth moved toward mine. Our lips brushed. Then his eyes snapped open and he pulled back fast. I jerked away. "Right. Bad idea. We--" "No." He pointed. "That." I twisted to see a wall of smoke heading straight for us.. Kelley Armstrong
8ab5a58 Our lips brushed. Then his eyes snapped open and he pulled back fast. I jerked away. "Right. Bad idea. We--" "No." He pointed. "That." I twisted to see a wall of smoke heading straight for us." Kelley Armstrong
72b6da0 The truck rounded the last corner. It was more like a cube van, yellow with some kind of crest on the side. I struggled for a better look. The air was getting hazy now. Invisible smoke stung my eyes. "The fire department?" Rafe scowled at Daniel. "We're running from a fire and hiding from the department?" Kelley Armstrong
153f904 The guys had made log benches for spectators, back when they were twelve and had visions of every girl in class lining those benches, swooning as they showed off in the ring. Never quite worked out that way--if there were spectators, they were more likely to be heckling than swooning--but the memory made me smile as I lowered myself quietly onto the bench behind Daniel. Kelley Armstrong
12c90b6 The guys had made log benches for spectators, back when they were twelve and had visions of every girl in class lining those benches, swooning as they showed off in the ring. Never quite worked out that way--if there were spectators, they were more likely to be heckling than swooning--but the memory made me smile as I lowered myself quietly onto the bench behind Daniel. He was shadowboxing, throwing punches and dodging an imaginary opponent.. Kelley Armstrong
e550b50 What's wrong?" "Nothing." "Liar. Is it Rafe?" When I hesitated, his hands clenched, jaw clenching with them. "That son of a bitch," he muttered. "This is the part where you get to say 'I told you so.'" He swore and came over to sit beside me. "What happened?" He meant with Rafe, but I didn't want to tell him about Rafe. Instead, I thought of everything Rafe told me, everything I desperately needed to share. But I couldn't see any way to sta.. Kelley Armstrong
17c6f32 We need to stop the bleeding and get some ice on that." He paused. "Are your teeth...?" I ran my tongue over them, ignoring the sharp tang of blood. "Present and accounted for." "Good. Hold on then." I did hold on--to the tissues. I didn't stay put, though. With my free hand, I mopped up drops of blood from the hardwood floor. If this turned into a murder investigation, I definitely didn't want my blood found in the victim's house." -- Kelley Armstrong
ee3c214 Under the mattress was a file containing background info on every kid in our class. Parents' names, date of birth, hobbies. Mina had put a lot of emphasis on hobbies, underlining some of them, like wrestling, boxing, and law for Daniel. The emphasis on sports and extracurricular interests would make sense...if you were filling out applications for a dating service. Kelley Armstrong
c337406 Let's just..." He looked out at the forest, then at me. "Let's just go for now. Run. Wor it off. It'll help you sleep." He backed into the forest, and his eyes shone like amber. "Come on," he whispered. "I know you're still mad at me, but I won't try anything. Just forget that for now and come on." God, how I wanted to. I wanted to forget everything he'd done. Just go with him, be with him, run with him, and let it be the way it was before,.. Kelley Armstrong
c0f6a4e You've got this whole power-over-animals thing down a lot better than me," Rafe said, trying for a smile. "They like me well enough, but that's about it. And the healing part, too. You--" "You don't have to make nice, Rafe. I know you want my help finding the people who did this to us. But I need those answers, too. I'm not stupid--" "God forbid," he muttered. "What's that supposed to mean?" "Just agreeing. You're not stupid." Kelley Armstrong
5d827d4 I'm not stupid--" "God forbid," he muttered. "What's that supposed to mean?" "Just agreeing. You're not stupid." Kelley Armstrong
404f1ad But the point, Maya, is that you don't give anyone a second chance. One strike and we're out." "So I'm inflexible and intolerant." "Maybe." "Well, then it's a good thing you're done with me, isn't it?" I headed for the house. Rafe let out a curse." Kelley Armstrong
52e310e Is it because of the party?" she asked. "You think maybe he drug you? Because I'm sure it was Hayley. If you want, we could try to prove it--break into her place, look for the dope." I stared at Nicole. Her cheeks colored. "What can I say--I'm a closet rebel." Kelley Armstrong
7f61b7e I know I'm not the person you want to talk to about this. About Rafe. That's why you didn't call last night. I'm not Serena." "No, that's not--" "It is. I get that. You guys were best friends. Except, well, there are things you can't talk to Daniel about, right? He didn't like Rafe, so he's happy you guys broke up. If you're happy about it, you can't talk to him." She was right. "You like Rafe." She led me from the classroom, voice lowere.. Kelley Armstrong
09a2e64 Is it because of the party?" she asked. "You think maybe he drug you? Because I'm sure it was Hayley. If you want, we could try to prove it--break into her place, look for the dope." I stared at Nicole. Her cheeks colored. "What can I say--I'm a closet rebel. But if it's not the party thing, is it because he came on strong when you were drugged? I could help with that, too. You guys arrange a date and I'll be close by, so there's someone .. Kelley Armstrong
21d44b1 When we broke for lunch, I caught up with Daniel outside the classroom. Corey and Brendan took off, saying they'd meet up with us at our table. "What's wrong?" Daniel said. "Noth--" "If those guys can tell something's wrong, then it is, Maya." Kelley Armstrong
4ea80ae When we broke for lunch, I caught up with Daniel outside the classroom. Corey and Brendan took off, saying they'd meet up with us at our table. "What's wrong?" Daniel said. "Noth--" "If those guys can tell something's wrong, then it is, Maya." I led him to a corner and waved to Nicole that I'd catch up with her later. Daniel and I stepped out the side door into the empty yard. I caught the faint smell of smoke on the wind and turned, frowni.. Kelley Armstrong
6566bf2 I need a huge favor," I said. "And you know I wouldn't ask this if it wasn't important." "Okay." "Can I borrow your truck?" He lifted one brow. "That's a huge favor? You can borrow it anytime. You drive just fine." "I need it to go see Rafe. Now. Over lunch." "Oh." Kelley Armstrong
cb3bb65 Under normal circumstances, I'd run there, and try to make it back by the end of lunch period but--" "Not when we might have a man-killing cat roaming around." Kelley Armstrong
964e807 Where's Annie?" "She--" Rafe stopped and looked at Daniel. "Took off?" I said. "Like she does sometimes?" He nodded. "We set out this morning, but we didn't get far before she..." "Ran away," I finished. A glance at Daniel, then he went on. "Right." Kelley Armstrong
c2ce5ee I grabbed the bottom branch of the nearest big tree and swung up. Daniel followed. As I crouched on the branch, I looked for Rafe and found him where I'd last seen him, just standing there with this weird look on his face, like he wanted to run but couldn't. He glowered at the bear and his expression wasn't shock or fear. It was defiance. "Rafe!" I screamed. That snapped him out of it. He blinked and saw the forest flattening in a path head.. Kelley Armstrong
ed0e02a Climb!" he shouted. The bear backed away, shaking his shaggy head, dazed by the impact. He looked at me, and I froze and I knew then what had stopped Rafe from running. When the bear met my gaze, any thoughts of escape vanished. Instinct said to fight. This was my territory, and no bear was going to take it from me. Stand firm and-- "Maya!" Rafe grabbed my jacket again and nearly yanked me off the branch. "Climb!" That snapped me out of it,.. Kelley Armstrong
f098851 The truck rounded the last corner. It was more like a cube van, yellow with some kind of crest on the side. I struggled for a better look. The air was getting hazy now. Invisible smoke stung my eyes. "The fire department?" Rafe scowled at Daniel. "We're running from a fire and hiding from the department?" I could see the insignia now--a red crest with a lighthouse in the middle. An auxiliary vehicle for Nanaimo Fire Rescue. Rafe started g.. Kelley Armstrong
584910f Wait," Daniel said sharply, not a request but a command. I swore Rafe's hackles rose. "Just hold on a sec," I said. "No. I'm sorry, Maya, but this is nuts. I need to get to town and see if Annie's there." "Go on, then," Daniel said. "But don't expect me to come to your rescue if you do something stupid again." Rafe stopped, crouching. "Stupid? What the hell did I--?" "Standing up to a bear? Yeah, kinda stupid." Rafe's face reddened." Kelley Armstrong
29cab3d Go on, then," Daniel said. "But don't expect me to come to your rescue if you do something stupid again." Rafe stopped, crouching. "Stupid? What the hell did I--?" "Standing up to a bear? Yeah, kinda stupid." Kelley Armstrong
f3f13d7 Someone's here." He opened the folding door to the closet. I hesitated. Even thinking about being in such a small place made my skin crawl. I glanced at the window instead, but he shook his head. No time for that. The closet was even smaller than it looked. Daniel went in first and I had to back in. To get the door closed, he had to put his arm around my waist and pull me against him. "Just relax," he said, his breath hot against my ear. Hi.. Kelley Armstrong
43cfae9 Just relax," he said, his breath hot against my ear. His hand slid to rest against my hip. He stayed bent over my shoulder, as if trying to see through the slats in the door, his breath ruffling my hair. When I shifted, he put his other hand on my other hip. I shifted again. "Stop squirming," he said. "I didn't wear my steel-toed boots." I stepped off his foot. "Sorry." Kelley Armstrong
0ebf8b6 The intruder finished in the living room and went into the bedroom. More searching. Now Daniel was the one getting restless, fidgeting and shifting. When I tried to pull away to give him room, he jumped like I'd startled him, then murmured, "Just relax," like I'd been the one fussing." Kelley Armstrong
9788e27 I searched the darkness. "I'm over here." I spun to see Rafe on the edge of the clearing. He stepped back, hands raised. "That was a warning, so I wouldn't spook you." A wry smile. "Not much chance of that, I suppose, finding me outside your house at two in the morning." "What are you doing here?" "I'm stalking you, as bad as it looks. I wasn't going near your house. I just...I couldn't sleep, and I thought maybe you couldn't either, so I.. Kelley Armstrong
abf1a30 I searched the darkness. "I'm over here." I spun to see Rafe on the edge of the clearing. He stepped back, hands raised. "That was a warning, so I wouldn't spook you." A wry smile. "Not much chance of that, I suppose, finding me outside your house at two in the morning." Kelley Armstrong
d4a6ace I was backing out of the cabin when I noticed a piece of folded paper on the floor weighted down by a rock. I nudged the rock with my foot and saw my name. When I picked up the note, something fell out, and dropped beside the rock. I ignored it and took the note to the window to read it. There was another line, so scratched out I couldn't decipher a word. I stared at the note for a second, then remembered the fallen object. I squinted at th.. Kelley Armstrong
430eff2 You really like that boy," he said. "Rafael." "Sure. I like him." A pause, as if that wasn't the answer he wanted. "I thought you didn't date boys from school." I shrugged. "There's always a first time." More silence. I glanced over to see him studying me. I sighed and turned to him, peanut-butter-covered knife in hand. "If you've heard something about him, just spit it out." He sipped his coffee, debating, then said, "They say he's somethi.. Kelley Armstrong
651d9be They say he's something of a Romeo." "Romeo?" I sputtered a laugh. "Seriously?" "You know what I mean, Maya. He likes girls." "Which, all things considered, is good." Kelley Armstrong
2dcb332 No one in town really knows this boy, Maya. He showed up with his sister, and moved into a cabin that doesn't even have electricity. People have been concerned about them, but he's made it very clear that he doesn't want anyone's help. It bothers some people, the way they just appeared." My eyes rounded. "You're right. Do you remember the night they arrived? That big flying saucer hovering over the park?" Kelley Armstrong
262a72d Climb!" he shouted. The bear backed away, shaking his shaggy head, dazed by the impact. He looked at me, and I froze and I knew then what had stopped Rafe from running. When the bear met my gaze, any thoughts of escape vanished. Instinct said to fight. This was my territory, and no bear was going to take it from me. Stand firm and-- "Maya!" Rafe grabbed my jacket again and nearly yanked me off the branch. "Climb!" That snapped me out of it,.. Kelley Armstrong
36f9034 I swung onto the next branch as Rafe did the same on the other side. I felt the bear's hot breath on my stockinged foot and snatched it away as his teeth clicked together. He roared in frustration, then leaned on the tree and shook it again. "Hold on!" Rafe shouted, like I was planning on doing anything else." Kelley Armstrong
63cf553 I grabbed her and held her close, whispering, "Shhh," as I kept looking and listening. Kenjii nudged me, as if to say, " Kelley Armstrong
59953e2 As we walked, he'd been looking around. I asked what he was looking for. "Someplace private," he said. "So we can talk more? That's so sweet." He laughed. "Talking's good, but the bell's going to ring. Not much time for deep conversation." "Not much time for anything else, either." A wicked grin. "There's enough." Kelley Armstrong
d733e8c There's a nook around back," I said. "It's an emergency exit, so no one ever uses it." "I thought you didn't date guys from school?" "Doesn't mean I don't know the make-out spots." "Make-out? I thought we were talking. But if you insist..." I tugged him into the nook, wrapped my hand around the front of his shirt, pulled him to me, and kissed him. He chuckled, the vibration buzzing through our kiss. I'm bold, but I'd never been bold. With.. Kelley Armstrong
0254f62 There's a nook around back," I said. "It's an emergency exit, so no one ever uses it." "I thought you didn't date guys from school?" "Doesn't mean I don't know the make-out spots." "Make-out? I thought we were talking. But if you insist..." Kelley Armstrong
fe5ea67 I tugged him into the nook, wrapped my hand around the front of his shirt, pulled him to me, and kissed him. He chuckled, the vibration buzzing through our kiss. I'm bold, but I'd never been bold. With Rafe, I could be. He liked bold. If his return kiss was any indication, he liked it a whole lot. Kelley Armstrong
2355562 We kissed until the bell rang, then he pulled back but only to glower in the direction of the bell. I laughed. He stayed put, hands resting on my hips. "You're okay, then?" he said. "After last night?" "Better than I should be." "What do you mean?" I shrugged. "I feel I'm holding up too well. I mean, I feel awful about it, but I'm not having any trouble coping." "Because you're tough." "It feels insensitive." He shook his head,.. Kelley Armstrong