She was unique: there was something abnormal about her, and it was that abnormal something that made her magnetic.
Ken Follett |
To someone standing in the nave, looking down the length of the church toward the east, the round window would seem like a huge sun exploding into innumerable shards of gorgeous color.
Ken Follett |
Little things please little minds.
Ken Follett |
It was an odd relationship, but then she was an extraordinary woman: a prioress who doubted much of what the church taught; an acclaimed healer who rejected medicine as practised by physicians; and a nun who made enthusiastic love to her man whenever she could get away with it. If I wanted a normal relationship, Merthin told himself, I should have picked a normal girl.
Ken Follett |
She looked at his young face, so full of concern and tenderness; and she remembered why she had run away from everyone else and sought solitude here. She yearned to kiss him, and she saw the answering longing in his eyes. Every fiber of her body told her to throw herself into his arms, but she knew what she had to do. She wanted to say, I love you like a thunderstorm, like a lion, like a helpless rage; but instead she said: "I think I'm goi..
Ken Follett |
You see, all that I ever held dear has been taken from me," she said in a matter-of-fact tone. "And when you've lost everything-" Her facade began to crumble, and her voice broke, but she made herself carry on. "When you've lost everything, you've got nothing to lose."
Ken Follett |
The ability to listen to smart people who disagree with you is a rare talent
Ken Follett |
Knotty theological questions are the least worrying of problems to me. Why? Because they will be resolved in the hereafter, and meanwhile they can be safely shelved.
Ken Follett |
When you're thinking, please remember this: excessive pride is a familiar sin, but a man may just as easily frustrate the will of God through excessive humility.
Ken Follett |
Don't look so sad," she said. Her eyes were full of tears. "I can't help it," he said. "I am sad." "I'm sorry I've made you so unhappy." "Don't be sorry for that. Be sorry that you made me so happy. That's what hurts, woman. That you made me so happy."
Ken Follett |
Hard work should be rewarded by good food.
Ken Follett |
You never get cheered for telling people the situation is not as simple as they think.
Ken Follett |
I could fall for you in a heartbeat
Ken Follett |
There's a saying: 'If you owe a hundred dollars, the bank has you in its power; but if you owe a million dollars, you have the bank in your power.
Ken Follett |
A man hates the person he has wronged, paradoxically. I think it's because the victim is a perpetual reminder that he behaved shamefully.
Ken Follett |
Everybody takes what they life from the teachings of the church, and ignores the parts that don't suit them.
Ken Follett |
I think more people should shoot newspaper editors...it might improve the press
Ken Follett |
The Fuhrer's judgement will be proved right - again.' 'Of course it will, Erik.' 'He has never yet been wrong!' 'A man thought he could fly, so he jumped off the top of a ten-storey building, and as he fell past the fifth floor, flapping his arms uselessly in the air, he was heard to say: So far, so good!
Ken Follett |
There was a long moment of silence. Philip was holding his breath. When Remigius looked up again, his face was wet with tears. "Yes , please, Father," he said. "I want to come home." Philip felt a glow of joy. "Come on, then," he said. "Get on my horse." Remigius looked flabbergasted. Jonathan said: "Father! What are you doing?" Philip said to Remigius: "Go on, do as I say." Jonathan was horified, "but Ftaher, how will you travel?" "I'll w..
Ken Follett |
He was the worst kind of Christian, Philip realized: he embraced all of the negatives, enforced every proscription, insisted on all forms of denial, and demanded strict punishment for every offence; yet he ignored all the compassion of Christianity, denied its mercy, flagrantly disobeyed its ethic of love, and openly flouted the gentle laws of Jesus.
Ken Follett |
Moderates always seem to deal in hopes rather than in facts.
Ken Follett |
Most rich people have a gangster in their ancestry somewhere.
Ken Follett |
It's like knowing your way through the forest. You don't keep the whole forest in your mind, but wherever you are, you know where to go next.
Ken Follett |
When a man is certain that he knows God's will, and is resolved to do it regardless of the cost, he is the most dangerous person in the world.
Ken Follett |
Culture clash is terrific drama
Ken Follett |
It was an odd thing to do, to stand in a street in the hope of seeing someone who hardly knew him, but he did not want to move.
Ken Follett |
What you're doing is wrong," he said. "I mean evil. To give up happiness like this is like throwing jewels into the ocean. It's far worse than any sin."
Ken Follett |
Marriage is a promise. You can't keep a promise only when it suits you. You have to keep it against your inclination. That's what it means.
Ken Follett |
Ethel said: "Lloyd, there's someone here you may remember-" Daisy could not restrain herself. She ran to Lloyd and threw herself into his arms. She hugged him. She looked into his green eyes, then kissed his brown cheeks and his broken nose and then his mouth. "I love you, Lloyd," she sad madly. "I love you, I love you, I love you." "I love you, too, Daisy," he said. Behind her, Daisy heard Ethel's wry voice. "You do remember, I see."
Ken Follett |
When you've lost everything, you've got nothing to lose.
Ken Follett |
In every country, those who were against war had been overruled. The Austrians had attacked Serbia when they might have held back; the Russians had mobilized instead of negotiating; the Germans had refused to attend an international conference to settle the issue; the French had been offered the chance to remain neutral and had spurned it; and now the British were about to join in when they might easily have remained on the sidelines.
Ken Follett |
You're a queer?" "That's exactly what I am. I didn't choose to be." After a while Woody put his arm around Chuck's shoulders. "Well, what the hell," he said. "At least you're not a Republican."
Ken Follett |
I've worked with volunteers before," he began. "It's important not to... not to treat them like servants. We may feel that they are laboring to obtain a heavenly reward, and should therefore work harder than they would for money; but they don't necessarily take that attitude. They feel they're working for nothing, and doing a great kindness to us thereby; and if we seem ungrateful they will work slowly and make mistakes. It will be best to ..
Ken Follett |
His talent was to express his readers' most stupid and ignorant prejudices as if they made sense, so that the shameful seemed respectable. That was why they bought the paper.
Ken Follett |
Why did people manufacture trouble when there was already so much of it in the world?
Ken Follett |
He had been granted his life's wish-but conditionally.
Ken Follett |
When people are perfectly polite, it usually means they don't really care. A little awkwardness is more sincere.
Ken Follett |
What news? There's nothing to tell. I'm a nun.
Ken Follett |
But desperate people find courage.
Ken Follett |
Fear could paralyse. Action was the antidote.
Ken Follett |
He had seen - clever, clever boy that he was - that she could not be won by wooing; and he had approached her sidelong, as a friend rather than a lover, meeting her in the woods and telling her stories and making her love him without her noticing.
Ken Follett |
In both cases, weakness and scruples had defeated strength and ruthlessness.
Ken Follett |
A waiter appeared, and Gus said: "Bring coffee for my guests, please, and a plate of ham sandwiches." He deliberately did not ask them what they wanted. He had seen Woodrow Wilson act like this with people he wanted to intimidate."
Ken Follett |
Why is it that those who want to destroy everything good about their country are the quickest to waive the national flag?
Ken Follett |