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ddb434f 10- We went walking along the footpaths that snaked through vineyards and barley fields, looking down at our own shadows each preoccupied with our own thoughts. Mostly we wandered. There wasn't much in the way of a tourist industry on Tinos in those days. It was a farming Island, really people living off their cows and goats and olive trees and wheat.We would end up bored, eating lunch somewhere, quietly, in the shade of a tree or a windmil.. Khaled Hosseini
31bdd25 Hadn't we both yearned for escape, reinvention, new identities? Hadn't we each, in the end unmoored ourselves by cutting loose the anchors that weighed us down? Khaled Hosseini
fe8941d n lqSS klqTrt lmtHrk@, l yhm 'bdan mn 'yn trkbh, l'nk stSl Gytk `jlan 'm ajlan `ly mtnh Khaled Hosseini
0358f43 Kehilangan sesuatu yang kita miliki selalu lebih menyakitkan daripada tidak memiliki sama sekali. the-kite-runner Khaled Hosseini
6a9703d In every corridor Parwana would see men's eyes snapping to attention when Masooma passed by. She saw their efforts to behave matter-of-factly, but their gazes lingered, helpless to tear away. If Masooma glanced in their direction, they looked idiotically privileged. They imagined they had shared a moment with her. She interrupted conversations midsentence, smokers mid-drag. She was the trembler of knees, the spiller of teacups. Some days it.. Khaled Hosseini
4956471 kn l'mr mslyan 'kthr `ndm lm ykn yftrD by lqym hw Hl kl shy akhr fy lHy@ Khaled Hosseini
8c124eb yqwlwn lk ...jd lnfsk hdfan..w `sh l'jlh. lkn, 'Hynan, lt`rf 'nk knt tmtlk hdfan w t`ysh l'jlh l b`d nqDh Khaled Hosseini
7311204 Cudno je to, Markose, ali ljudi obicno sve shvataju pogresno. Misle da zive kako zele. Ali ono sto ih stvarno vodi su stvari kojih se boje. Ono sto ne zele. strah želje život Khaled Hosseini
e7ddae8 Mislim da je istina u tome da cekamo, svi mi, uprkos nepremostivim preprekama da nam se dogodi nesto izuzetno. čekanje život Khaled Hosseini
6280ee6 Afghans cherish custom but abhor rules. And so it was with kite fighting. The rules were simple: No rules. Fly your kite. Cut the opponents. Good luck. Khaled Hosseini
9b5be0d Though there had been moments of beauty in it Mariam knew that life for most part had been unkind to her. But as she walked the final twenty paces,she could not help but wish for more of it. She wished she could see Laila again , wished to hear the clangor of her laugh,... Mariam wished for so much in those final moments. Yet as she closed her eyes , it was not regret any longer but a sensation of abundant peace that wshed over her. She tho.. Khaled Hosseini
a94a7ec Though there had been moments of beauty in it, Mariam knew that life for most part had been unkind to her. But as she walked the final twenty paces, she could not help but wish for more of it. She wished she could see Laila again, wished to hear the clangour of her laugh,... Mariam wished for so much in those final moments. Yet as she closed her eyes... It was not regret any longer but a sensation of abundant peace that washed over her. She.. Khaled Hosseini
2f2f004 It's a half bridge, really, as only four of its original arches remain. It ends midway across the river. Like it reached, tried to reunite with, the other side and fell short. Khaled Hosseini
8cc9c92 'n kl l'shy ljyd@ fy lHy@ hsh@, ttlsh~ bsr`@ km t'ty Khaled Hosseini
4101283 dhlk hw Hl lns ldhyn yqSdwn kl m yqwlwn. y`tqdwn 'n lakhryn yf`lwn mthlhm Khaled Hosseini
9abae6b December 2001 I became what I am today at the age of twelve, on a frigid overcast day in the winter of 1975. I remember the precise moment, crouching behind a crumbling mud wall, peeking into the alley near the frozen creek. That was a long time ago, but it's wrong what they say about the past, I've learned, about how you can bury it. Because the past claws its way out. Looking back now, I realize I have been peeking into that desert.. the-kite-runner Khaled Hosseini
2b33189 'n tmlk thm tfqd 'kthr ylman mn 'l tmlk 'Slan Khaled Hosseini
0a90ffe mntshlan yh mn yqyn lDTrb w mlqyan bh fy DTrb llyqyn Khaled Hosseini
cad596d Rasa bersalah menggerakkan seseorang untuk melakukan kebaikan. the-kite-runner Khaled Hosseini
2de383f Ahora era libre de hacer lo que quisiera, pero esa libertad se me antojaba ilusoria, pues me habian arrebatado aquello que mas deseaba. Se supone que debemos trazarnos una meta en la vida y vivirla. Pero a veces, solo despues de haber vivido se percata uno de que su vida tenia una meta, una que seguramente nunca se le habia pasado por la cabeza. Y ahora que yo habia alcanzado mi meta me sentia perdido y sin rumbo. Khaled Hosseini
dc56a0e um zu schreien, musst du atmen. Khaled Hosseini
9ce7335 the thing about people who mean everything they say is that they think everyone else does too. Khaled Hosseini
a17ef57 This is why the Holy Koran forbids sharab. Because it always falls on the sober to pay for the sins of the drunk. So it does. Khaled Hosseini
d03b1c9 Detsata ne sa knizhki za otsvetiavane. Ne mozhem da gi zap'lnim s liubimite si tsvetove. Khaled Hosseini
8c96150 I didn't want her turned, against both her will and nature, into those diligent, sad women who are bent on a lifelong course of quiet servitude, forever in fear of showing, saying, or doing the wrong thing. Women who are admired by some in the West- here in France, for instance- turned into heroines for their hard lives, admired from a distance by those who couldn't bear even one day of walking in their shoes. Women who see their desires do.. Khaled Hosseini
6aa4436 I am indebted to the following colleagues for their advice, assistance, or support: Dr. Alfred Lerner, Dori Vakis, Robin Heck, Dr. Todd Dray, Dr. Robert Tull, and Dr. Sandy Chun. Thanks also to Lynette Parker of East San Jose Community Law Center for her advice about adoption procedures, and to Mr. Daoud Wahab for sharing his experiences in Afghanistan with me. I am grateful to my dear friend Tamim Ansary for his guidance and support and to.. Khaled Hosseini
a99a1a2 Konopac koji te spasi od poplave moze ti postati omca oko vrata. Khaled Hosseini
202d79b Kazu, pronadi smisao u zivotu i prozivi ga. Ali, ponekad, shvatis da ti je zivot imao smisao tek kad ga prozivis, i to najvjerovatnije onaj koga nisi bio ni svjestan. svrha život Khaled Hosseini
eb2a9f2 There is only one sin , only one. And that is theft. Every other sin is a variation of theft Khaled Hosseini
1f10945 Winter was every kid's favorite season in Kabul, at least those whose fathers could afford to buy a good iron stove. The reason was simple: They shut down school for the icy season. Winter to me was the end of long division and naming the capital of Bulgaria, and the start of three months of playing cards by the stove with Hassan, free Russian movies on Tuesday mornings at Cinema Park, sweet turnip qurma over rice for lunch after a morning .. Khaled Hosseini
6c3638b Djeca nisu bojanke. Ne mozes da ih ispunis svojim omiljenim bojama. Khaled Hosseini
4a7c867 War doesn't negate decency. It demands it, even more than in times of peace. Khaled Hosseini
6d73742 I stepped back and all I saw was rain through windowpanes that looked like melting silver. Khaled Hosseini
37c3602 Fuck the Russia! Khaled Hosseini
e5e99ee But better to get hurt by the truth than comforted with a lie. Khaled Hosseini
6e23fb8 Mariam is having a flashback* Khaled Hosseini
c8c2d22 It always falls on the sober to pay for the sins of the drunk. Khaled Hosseini
752442c The Chinese say it is better to be deprived of food for three days than tea for one. Khaled Hosseini
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