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79c87dc Moriarty smiled his adder's smile. And I relaxed. I . My destiny and his wound together. It was a sensation I'd never got before upon meeting a man. When I'd had it from women, the upshot ranged from disappointment to attempted murder. Understand me, Professor James Moriarty was a hateful man, the most hateful, , creature I have ever known, not excluding Sir Augustus and Kali's Kitten and the Abominable Bloody Snow-Bastard and the Reveren.. moriarty sidekick villains Kim Newman
dc96907 Dullards would have you believe that once you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth... but to a mathematical mind, the impossible is simply a theorem yet to be solved. We must not eliminate the impossible, we must conquer it, suborn it to our purpose. impossible moriarty occams-razor Kim Newman
bffd6ce There will never be slaves in Britain,' Godalming continued, 'but those who stay warm will naturally serve us, as the excellent Bessie has just served me. Have a care, lest you wind up the equivalent of some damned regimental water-bearer.' In India, I knew a water-bearer who was a better man than most. horror vampires Kim Newman
27dddbd We need to stop the little girl," said Richard "pass me that shotgun." Kim Newman
75ace2f He left the room, and closeted himself in the dark, buzzing space where he raised his wasps and plotted the courses of heavenly bodies. moriarty wasps Kim Newman
1a8ba94 Moriarty rarely smiled,and then usually to terrify some poor victim. The first time I heard him laugh, I thought he had been struck by a deadly poison and the stutter escaping through his locked jaws was a death rattle. moriarty smile Kim Newman
b171d57 How did your parents come to be "lost at sea", Moriarty?' The professor paused, and said, 'Mysteriously, Moran." lost-at-sea moriarty Kim Newman
edf9811 Good things come to an end, bad things have to be stopped. Kim Newman
52fd9d1 Somehow, the notion that Professor Moriarty had parents - might have been a child - never sat right. A viper is a snake straight from the egg. I couldn't help but picture little Jamie as a balding midget in a sailor suit, spying Cook and the baker's boy rolling in the flour on the kitchen table through his toy telescope, and blackmailing them for extra buns. viper Kim Newman
405f620 No crime too small' was never exactly Moriarty's slogan, but the criminal genius would apply himself to minor offences if an unusual challenge was presented. moriarty Kim Newman
2dcc7f6 Quite a few vampires, especially the elders, regarded those who creep through graveyard shadows in batwing capes and fingerless black gloves as an Edinburgh gentleman might look upon a Yankee with a single Scots grandparent who swathes himself in kilts and tartan sashes, prefaces every remark with quotes from Burns or Scott and affects a fondness for bagpipes and haggis. Kim Newman
ec39c2e Writing. It's a trivial pursuit, hardly worth the effort, inconsequential on any cosmic level. It's just blood and sweat and guts and bone hauled out of our bodies and fed through a typewriter to slosh all over the platen. Kim Newman
0a163be Love is always a species of insanity. If Kim Newman
409b18a Impaler,' she declared, 'I have no equal. Kim Newman
ebe0f50 He stroked Tibbles, who was starting to leak and make nasty little noises. moriarty Kim Newman
ca2ebc7 Only an idiot or or ,' the Professor said, patiently. moriarty Kim Newman
c71002f Power is based, at bottom, on the ability to kill; thus the means of killing have to be available, even if only to a select few. Kim Newman
d9a1016 This is the moral, Oh My Best Beloved: never kill anyone for a 'Cause'. For why not, Uncle Basher? Because causes don't pay, Little Friend of all the World. Adherents expect you to kill just for the righteousness of it. They don't want to pay you! They don't understand why you want paying! humor killing moran Kim Newman
55865ab Mad' sounds dashing, daring and admirable when you hold the tattered flag in the midst of battle and expired natives lie all over the carpet with holes in 'em that you put there. 'Mad' is less impressive written on a form by a commissioner of lunacy as you're turned over to the hospitallers of St Mary of Bedlam to be dunked in ice water because your latest 'scrape' was running starkers down Oxford Street while gibbering like a baboon. lunacy mad moran Kim Newman