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b88990e He clenched Nix's shoulders. 'Why did you hesitate? I saw you hesitate!' He shook her until her head lolled, while she grinned and said, 'Wheeee! nix-the-ever-knowing kresley-cole Kresley Cole
4a60dd9 You will be leaving, of course." "Or I could help you." "I've had a bit of practice bathing myself and I think I can stumble my way through this." Kresley Cole
3f245c1 Though we were curfew-free- I'd told Mom I was spending the night at Mel's after our double date, and Mel had told Mrs. Warren that she'd be home "whenever my happy ass walks through the door"- I was nervous about tonight." happy-ass mel evie Kresley Cole
21182d1 I'm told the effect is cumulative--it will continue to worsen." Though outwardly calm as he explained this, his face had paled even more. "But if you tell me about the Valkyrie's weaknesses, I'll administer the antidote." "Weaknesses? So many. Foremost, we're ... ticklish." declan-chase dreams-of-a-dark-warrior lore regin-the-radiant valkyrie immortals-after-dark kresley-cole berserker paranormal-romance Kresley Cole
d0f0423 The abyss doesn't stare back. It winks. Kresley Cole
d2cde1d Bluidy hell. Charlie's seen my woman naked," he said in a surly tone. "I almost liked him better when I thought he was a machete murderer." Kresley Cole
c522028 Nix had told Emma before she'd left for Europe that on this trip she would 'do that which you were born to do.' Apparently, Emma was born to get kidnapped by a deranged Lykae. Her fate sucked. nix-the-ever-knowing kresley-cole Kresley Cole
7f724ff Salem snorted. "The Vamp basically told her, 'I'm in a weird place in me life right now, and I need some space.' Of course, he told her that by pointing a bloody sword at her whilst bellowing, 'I forsake you!' in front of the whole kingdom." Kresley Cole
6f05660 Lothaire: Everywhere Lothaire went, people stopped and stared. Of course, then they usually ran. lothaire lore immortals-after-dark kresley-cole vampire paranormal-romance Kresley Cole
e36753f Regin to Fegley: "I finally understand what a dickie-do is. Your gut does stick out more than your dickie do." Kresley Cole
5489715 Cadeon, are you even listening to me?" "What? Yeah, was just thinking http always turns to https when I carry out a transaction." "Exactly!" Good save." Kresley Cole
70cfd13 He stole credit for my research. And he was after the code I'm working on now." Cade went still, fury spiking through him. "Holly, I'm going to give you his throat for this." "Aw, you say the sweetest things, demon." She stood on tiptoe and pressed a gentle kiss to his lips. Deciding he'd kill Tim for her anyway, he relaxed and said, "I know how to play those heartstrings, yeah?" She unbuckled Cade's belt. "I called him a fuckwit tosser." ".. Kresley Cole
fcd7931 Damn, that werewolf melts my butter," Mari sighed. "He's so miserable," she added delightedly." Kresley Cole
e364dce Dear puss, Is this all you've got? Why don't you strap on your big girl panties and come face me yourself? Unless you fear that the Nixanator will spank Omort's wittle bottom. By the way, you've taken one of the most respected leaders in our army. We're going to want him back. Especially since Sabine can't break him. nix kresley-cole Kresley Cole
6b1495c I woan you go back to that boy--not until you give me one ." A sweet kiss. Then he reached forward, unlacing the ribbon from my hair. "What are you doing?" I murmured. "Souvenir." He put it in his pocket, and for some reason that struck me as the sexiest thing I'd ever seen." heated ribbon souvenir poison-princess kresley-cole evie jackson jack sexy chemistry Kresley Cole
1f0c716 He found her not even a block away from the house, sitting on a curb. As he approached, he saw her wiping her face with her forearm. Sabine was...crying? "What are you doing out here, cwena?" Over the past week, Rydstrom had been pleased when she'd worried about him, and gratified when she'd felt the sting of jealousy. Was he a terrible man to hope she was crying about him? She glared at him with her bottom lip quivering, allowing him to se.. love love-it kresley-cole Kresley Cole
3728b99 You want this?' I raised my gaze, gasping at the dark hunger in his expression. My mind blanked. Want his body? How could I not? He was pure temptation. 'I meant this,' he held up my bag, 'but I could easily be persuaded to share anything else my wife might desire. evie Kresley Cole
f4a378e There's no poetry in me, Reginleit. No fine words." He stared down at her, his gaze seeming to consume her. "I come to you as a man unfinished." dreams-of-a-dark-warrior lore regin-the-radiant valkyrie immortals-after-dark kresley-cole berserker paranormal-romance Kresley Cole
f32bb57 My mom could be really fierce. A regular Frau Badass. Kresley Cole
990183c Lothaire briefly gazed heavenward. "Chase is clearly a reluctant sharer. Which should incite her curiosity about what's going on in his head. She's a disgustingly self-righteous Valkyrie, filled with the need to fix things, to right wrongs. If anything needed fixing ..." He waved a hand to indicate Declan from head to toe. "As wrong as he can be." lothaire declan-chase dreams-of-a-dark-warrior lore regin-the-radiant valkyrie immortals-after-dark kresley-cole berserker vampire paranormal-romance Kresley Cole
32a569d I know that look." Jack shook his head ruefully. "Doan worry; she'll give you your balls back as soon as she's done getting her way." Kresley Cole
6a5e515 She'd made him watch every Alien movie. Most of the goriest scenes were accompanied by his dialogue: 'Ach, that's no' - that's just no' right.... Bloody hell, this canna be right. funny kresley-cole Kresley Cole
f94cb27 I'm on a man-fast. Why bother with them? the good ones are always taken. Or they're weirdly uminterested in a capricious wild child with continuous legal problems~ Carrow the Incarcerated Kresley Cole
9c97cd3 Before you were my enemy, you were my best friend. Kresley Cole
a737d9d Ah, damn it, lass,'he called after her. 'I've busted my stitches wide open.' 'What?'she cried, hurrying back to him. 'Let me see!' 'Ah-ha!' He snared her around the waist, dragging her down with him to his lap.'You still care for me! romance funny love Kresley Cole
c8e8f7a Damn it, MacRieve, if you keep calling me kitten, then I'm going to start calling you something equivalent, like hound dog - and then we'll both be losers. mariketa kresley-cole Kresley Cole
b217792 Whenever you have a sorcerer betwixt your thighs, your powers tend to disappear Kresley Cole
5489809 Myst hasn't returned yet, But you know that, or else you'd both be naked and fornicating on the front lawn" "The night's young. Give us time, and it was a field a mile away." A Valkyrie and Nikolai Wroth pg 322" wroth myst Kresley Cole
164d020 Cannibals need love too. Kresley Cole
29b907b Furie had once asked her, "Why would you ever send a man to do a woman's job?" Confused, Myst had answered, "Because I can." Kresley Cole
e653e79 She remember her granny telling her, 'Men are like coal boilers, Ellie. If you find a man you reckon to keep, you got to feed his belly every day, make him burn for you, then release some steam purty regular, or you ain't ever gonna get him to work. Kresley Cole
f3f5872 Sabine gave a Scoff. " I could be virtuous, if I wanted to be." In an incredulous tone, he said, "You don't know the meaning of virtue!" "Of course I do - it means your thong must be white." Kresley Cole
0f054ea He stalked up behind her to clench her hips, and she stilled. In a breathy voice, she asked, "You're going to make love to me again, aren't you?" In answer,he lifted her onto the counter, tore off her shift, then pressed her naked body back into the blooms." sex romance Kresley Cole
6af7af0 Vampire females are as good as extinct." Thad was aghast. "No females?" Natalya patted his shoulder. "You can date other species, Tiger. Don't you worry. I've already thought of some ladies to relieve you of your big V. One's a nymph--" "Over my dead body," Regin said. "Two-bit hookers, every one of them." Thad scratched his head. "Mr. Lothaire said every male needed a purring nymph or two chained to the foot of his bed. As pets." Natalya g.. Kresley Cole
9145b30 Look it Gollum, if you spring me, I'll help you find your Precious.--Regin kresley cole
7415530 Tell me, if I take you to my room and put you in my bed, what do you think would happen?" "I can draw you a diagram. Hint: I'm slot B, and you're tab A." -- declan-chase dreams-of-a-dark-warrior lore regin-the-radiant valkyrie immortals-after-dark kresley-cole berserker paranormal-romance Kresley Cole
8685c59 It's B.Y.O.S. Bring Your Own Sacrifice. Kresley Cole
06b7712 nix: "Do it, or the pictures go live!" Witch shakes her fist at the sky, crying, "Damn you, Valkyrie! Damn you and your digital ways!" Kresley Cole
8d07520 Do you know what's so strange, Uilleam?" she asked, saying his name perfectly. "You have never, in your entire life, done something for which you should truly be ashamed. You think you have, but you haven't. Not until you hurt your own mate, blaming the poor girl for things she can't control." - NIX to MacRieve ~" Kresley Cole
c30bd29 Accept this: your mortal is doomed." "Please, Aric. I'm begging you!" He whirled around, fury in his expression. "You refused - twice - to beg me for your own life, but you'd beg for his?" I whispered, "Yes." Kresley Cole
fec41bb And what about the piranhas?" "I doubt the fishies'll snack on anything critical." He leaned in to murmur at her ear, "They only go for small prey." Kresley Cole
448c270 Regin hissed at him and followed Mariketa, with Carrow right behind them. As Carrow passed Bowe,she said, "Prick. You and Twice-Baked here deserve each other." Kresley Cole
1a548a6 Looking at you reminds me of the kind of man I should be with." "And what kind of man is that? Drunken, poor, pathetic?" "No. I've never met him, but I see him plain as day. He has crinkles around his eyes when he smiles and tanned skin from working outdoors. Honest labor has callused his hands. He and I will hunt together, cook and eat big family meals together. He'll marry me and love my family, too." Voice gone soft, she said, "He'll giv.. iad lothaire kresley cole
f591944 I suppose that now you'll want to sleep with me?Alas big guy I'm taken.' 'No. you're not,'Regin said. 'Am too,' Nix said. 'Mike Rowe, the star of Dirty Jobs, is soon to realize I'm his beloved.' She sighed dreamily. 'He even got his lawyers to contact me on the pretext of a' she made air quotes 'restraining order. Kresley Cole
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