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85866f8 He told me off camera that he was despised by his neighbors for remembering when it was time to forget. Kurt Vonnegut Jr.
036dbe1 There is no reason why good cannot triumph as often as evil. The triumph of anything is a matter of organization. Kurt Vonnegut Jr.
9df4eb8 Era gente spregevole, quella di Sodoma e Gomorra, come tutti sanno. Il mondo stava meglio senza di loro. E alla moglie di Lot, naturalmente, fu detto di non voltarsi indietro a guardare il luogo dove prima c'era tutta quella gente con le sue case. Lei invece si volto, e per questo io le voglio bene: perche fu un gesto profondamente umano. Cosi fu trasformata in un pilastro di sale. Cosi va la vita. La gente non dovrebbe mai voltarsi indietr.. Kurt Vonnegut Jr.
e6ac36f As Bokonon says: "Peculiar travel suggestions are dancing lessons from God." The" Kurt Vonnegut Jr.
5f626e4 America," wrote Kilgore Trout in MTYOAP: "is the interplay of three hundred million Rube Goldberg contraptions invented only yesterday." Kurt Vonnegut Jr.
8adccb7 Then you'll do it brilliantly, darling. You'll get to Pittsburgh yet. Kurt Vonnegut Jr.
83c29f3 Bodies lay everywhere, in grotesque attitudes of violent death, but manifesting the miracle of life in a snore, a mutter, the flight of a bubble from the lips. Kurt Vonnegut Jr.
7419597 The smoke from her cigarette passed beneath the nostrils of the brown and white girls, and their space-annihilating concupiscence seemed centered on mentholated smoke along. concupiscence nostrils smoke smoking Kurt Vonnegut Jr.
861cfbc The church, which squatted among the headstones like a wet mother dodo, had been at various times Presbyterian, Congregationalist, Unitarian, and Universally Apocalyptic. It was now the Church of God the Utterly Indifferent. church congregationalist dodo god presbyterian unitarian utterly-indifferent Kurt Vonnegut Jr.
7894aa6 The statue was of a nude woman playing a slide trombone. It was entitles, enigmatically, Evelyn and Her Magic Violin. nude sculpture statue trombone violin Kurt Vonnegut Jr.
e2fd090 What makes you think a writer isn't a drug salesman? Kurt Vonnegut Jr.
3183313 Why don't you take a flying fuck at a rolling donut? inspirational Kurt Vonnegut Jr.
9b64f04 Today we do. On other days we have wars as horrible as any you've ever seen or read about. There isn't anything we can do about them, so we simply don't look at them. We ignore them. We spend eternity looking at pleasant moments-like today at the zoo. Isn't this a nice moment?" "Yes." Kurt Vonnegut Jr.
a241587 As for national greatness: It is probably true that all nations are great and even holy at the time of death. The Biafrans had never fought before. They fought well this time. They will never fight again. They will never play Finlandia on an ancient marimba again. Peace. patriotism war Kurt Vonnegut Jr.
39bfdc5 There is nothing intelligent to say about a massacre. Everybody is supposed to be dead, to never say anything or want anything ever again. Everything is supposed to be very quiet after a massacre, and it always is, except for the birds. And what do the birds say? All there is to say about a massacre, things like, "Poo-tee-weet?" Kurt Vonnegut Jr.
9dc7b52 There is no why. Kurt Vonnegut Jr.
1346f87 Listen - on the tenth night the peg was pulled out of the hasp on Billy's boxcar door, and the door was opened. Billy Pilgrim was lying at an angle on the corner-brace, self-crucified, holding himself there with a blue and ivory claw hooked over the sill of the ventilator. Billy coughed when the door was opened, and when he coughed he shit think gruel. This was in accordance with the Third Law of Motion according to Sir Isaac Newton. This l.. Kurt Vonnegut Jr.
abd302c Vi rendete conto che tutta la grande letteratura - Moby Dick, Huckleberry Finn, Addio alle armi, La lettera scarlatta, Il segno rosso del coraggio, l' Iliade e l' Odissea, Delitto e castigo, la Bibbia e The Charge of the Light Brigade di Tennyson - parla di che fregatura sia la vita degli esseri umani? (Non e liberatorio che qualcuno lo dica chiaro e tondo?) inspirational life literature Kurt Vonnegut Jr.
5dd5721 No trouble. There really isn't a heck of a lot to the job. Kurt Vonnegut Jr.
2711a6e Is Doctor Proteus on?" said Kroner's secretary. "Doctor Kroner is in." "Just a moment," said Katharine. "Doctor Proteus, Doctor Kroner is in and will speak to you." "All right, I'm on." "Doctor Proteus is on the line," said Katharine. "Doctor Kroner, Doctor Proteus is on the line." "Tell him to go ahead," said Kroner. "Tell Doctor Proteus to go ahead," said Kroner's secretary. "Doctor Proteus, please go ahead," said Katharine. "This is Paul.. Kurt Vonnegut Jr.
083b0fb Sooner or later someone's going to catch the imagination of these people with some new magic. At the bottom of it will be a promise of regaining the feeling of participation, the feeling of being needed on earth--hell, dignity. The police are bright enough to look for people like that, and lock them up under the antisabotage laws. But sooner or later someone's going to keep out of their sight long enough to organize a following." Paul" Kurt Vonnegut Jr.
9e8bf6d A huge fireplace and Dutch oven of fieldstone filled one wall. Over them hung a long muzzle-loading rifle, powder horn, and bullet pouch. On the mantel were candle molds, a coffee mill, an iron and trivet, and a rusty kettle. An iron cauldron, big enough to boil a missionary in, swung at the end of a long arm in the fireplace, and below it, like so many black offspring, were a cluster of small pots. A wooden butter churn held the door open,.. Kurt Vonnegut Jr.
5166ed5 go shoot a bear. Concentrating hard on the illusion, Paul was able to muster a feeling of positive gratitude for Anita's presence, to thank God for a woman at his side to help with the petrifying amount of work involved in merely surviving. Kurt Vonnegut Jr.
546a2a3 The television cameras dollied and panned about him like curious, friendly dinosaurs, sniffing and peering. Kurt Vonnegut Jr.
73c12e6 job left vacant two weeks ago by death--the managership of the Pittsburgh Works. "How gay can a party get?" Kurt Vonnegut Jr.
22aab83 Halyard yawned, and was annoyed to think that Lynn, who had just read "order out of chaos" as "order out of koze," made three times as much money as he did. Lynn, or, as Halyard preferred to think of him, Planck, hadn't even finished high school, and Halyard had known smarter Irish setters. Yet, here the son-of-a-bitch was, elected to more than a hundred thousand bucks a year!" Kurt Vonnegut Jr.
c056cf4 And Halyard suddenly realized that, just as religion and government had been split into disparate entities centuries before, now, thanks to the machines, politics and government lived side by side, but touched almost nowhere. Kurt Vonnegut Jr.
e66b888 Whatever we've said, friends, we're saying still-- such as it was, such as it is, such as it will be Kurt Vonnegut Jr.
586daaf She quieted, and turned away under his stare. Inadvertently, he'd gained the upper hand. He had somehow communicated the thought that had bobbed up in his thoughts unexpectedly: that her strength and poise were no more than a mirror image of his own importance, an image of the power and self-satisfaction the manager of the Ilium Works could have, if he wanted it. In a fleeting second she became a helpless, bluffing little girl in his though.. Kurt Vonnegut Jr.
2865cf8 myself have seen the bodies of schoolgirls who were boiled alive in a water tower by my own countrymen, who were proud of fighting pure evil at the time." This" Kurt Vonnegut Jr.
54d444e The men wore loose loincloths that did little to conceal penes like pendulums on grandfather clocks. There Kurt Vonnegut Jr.
3856c86 Better to be nothing than a blind doorman at the head of civilization's parade. And Kurt Vonnegut Jr.
a3e8691 Since all the property is undamaged, has the world lost anything it loved? Kurt Vonnegut Jr.
e17ca31 Only his dog had been along. Now Winston Niles Rumfoord and his dog Kazak existed as wave phenomena--apparently pulsing in a distorted spiral with its origin in the Sun and its terminal in Betelgeuse. Kurt Vonnegut Jr.
e7cc675 Every other nation has folk traditions of men who were poor but extremely wise and virtuous, and therefore more estimable than anyone with power and gold. No such tales are told by the American poor. They mock themselves and glorify their betters. The meanest eating or drinking establishment, owned by a man who is himself poor, is very likely to have a sign on its wall asking this cruel question: "If you're so smart, why ain't you rich?" Kurt Vonnegut Jr.
c96cfc5 What a clever trap your Ruling Class set for us," he went on. "First the atomic bomb. Now this." "Trap?" I echoed wonderingly. They looted your public and corporate treasuries, and turned your industries over to nincompoops," he said. "Then they had your Government borrow so heavily from us that we had no choice but to send over an Army of Occupation in business suits. Never before has the Ruling Class of a country found a way to stick othe.. Kurt Vonnegut Jr.
7e90700 Americans, in being hated, were simply paying the normal penalty for being people, and that they were foolish to think they should somehow be exempted from that penalty. Kurt Vonnegut Jr.
c90aac6 For once, after the great bloodbath of the war, the world really was cleared of unnatural terrors--mass starvation, mass imprisonment, mass torture, mass murder. Objectively, know-how and world law were getting their long-awaited chance to turn earth into an altogether pleasant and convenient place in which to sweat out Judgment Day. Paul Kurt Vonnegut Jr.
6bd284e There's something about war that brings out greatness. I Kurt Vonnegut Jr.
3f9ca00 The pride in strength and important mystery showed no less in the eyes of the sweepers than in those of the machinists and inspectors, and in those of the foreman, who alone was without a lunchbox. A Kurt Vonnegut Jr.
28ae905 archprophet Kurt Vonnegut Jr.
c896609 The truth was that life was as short and brutish and mean as ever. "But people didn't have to pay as much attention to the awful truth. As the living legend of the cruel tyrant in the city and the gentle holy man in the jungle grew, so, too, did the happiness of the people grow. They were all employed full" Kurt Vonnegut Jr.
1bc338e Me and Mike, ve vork in mine. Holy shit, ve have good time. Vunce a veek ve get our pay. Holy shit, no vork next day. Kurt Vonnegut Jr.
7761f37 the sea pirates who had the most to do with the creation of the new government owned human slaves. They used human beings for machinery, and, even after slavery was eliminated, because it was so embarrassing, they and their descendants continued to think of ordinary human beings as machines. satire truth Kurt Vonnegut Jr.
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