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1fa848c You know some times you just have to sit still and listen to the trees. L.A. Banks
446af26 Were they ready? Did the sun rise in the east and set in the fucking west? l-a-banks L.A. Banks
4274176 ain't nobody up there still mad about anything. all is forgiven. They love you, came to help, know what mistakes they've made and what you did, too... but it's cool, now that they crossed over." He stood and walked over to the window to get some sunshine and to mentally breathe."I didn't understand it, never did until I saw it. They're in a better place; only want you to be safe and happy. That's it. that's all they want." L.A. Banks
f954293 Destiny sends us on journeys and to places that may seem to be one thing when we begin, only to show themselves as a fantastic surprise later. L.A. Banks
8e71404 We can all be better than we've heretofore dreamed. Our potential is unlimited as long as we're not functioning from the negative. L.A. Banks
c0a8f60 the gift given for no reason is the purest gift of all. L.A. Banks
36fb4e1 Stretch your mind past the emotion and search for the lesson. L.A. Banks
17493f7 Carlos," her mother said, her voice soothing, and Sarah wondered how her mom managed to sound so calm. "I know you wanted to smoke the beast's heir before he claimed power over the world, but you just might have to accept the fact that maybe it's our children's destiny to handle that, not ours." L.A. Banks
4c52b0a Every shut eye ain't sleep. If you elect to allow some things to slide, a greater good will come of it. L.A. Banks
30c9d3f We all want you two have...someone loyal and kind in our corner. L.A. Banks
56511fa She grabbed the half-filled bucket before Fisher could take a breathe, spun into a shadow and came out with an icy slash that sent Hunter's voice blooming. She flung the bucket at him and ran. "You had mud on your chest and soap in your hair!" she shrieked laughing, dodging him. "Tag, you're it... and oh, yeah, by the way--pay back is a bitch!" L.A. Banks
cbe964b It's suicide," Doc Holland said, shaking his head. "Fools, all of them. This isn't any conventional war- this is madness." The general let out a weary breath. "No, Doctor-this is fear . . . and fear makes fools of us all." progress learning-from-mistakes inclusion working-together warfare fear-quotes supernatural L.A. Banks
8fd5457 Hunter found the edge of the sink to lean against; watching her mind hunt and wrestle the issue with a strategic defense against the danger to the pack was making it really hard to focus. It was so damned sexy to witness that he could barely breathe. girl-power lovers strong-women not-intimidated soldier-girls respecting-others real-love L.A. Banks
9a5442b Respect for the environment, and respect for what was naturally occurring in nature: that was the bedrock of all original peoples. Harmony, coexistence, not conquest and conquer. inspirational-quotes ecosystem native-american-wisdom harmony peace L.A. Banks