Eccentricty had flowered into madness.
Laurie R. King |
You cannot help being a female, and I should be something of a fool were I to discount your talents merely because of their housing.
Laurie R. King |
I took to the Bodleian library as to a lover and ... would sit long hours in Bodley's arms to emerge, blinking and dazed with the smell and feel of all those books.
Laurie R. King |
Men do, I've found, accept the most errant nonsense from a well dressed woman
Laurie R. King |
The words given voice inside the mind are not always clear, however; they can be gentle and elliptical, what the prophets call the , the daughter of the voice of God, she who speaks in whispers and half-seen images.
Laurie R. King |
but somehow the madness around me and the turmoil I carried within myself acted as counterweights, and I survived in the centre.
Laurie R. King |
Margery," I blurted out in a passion of frustration. "I don't know what to make of you!" Nor I you, Mary. Frankly, I cannot begin to comprehend the motives of a person who dedicates a large portion of her life to the contemplation of a God in whom she only marginally believes." I felt stunned, as if she had struck me in the diaphragm. She looked down at me, trying to measure the effect of her words. Mary, you believe in the power that the i..
Laurie R. King |
I became, in other words, more like Holmes than the man himself: brilliant, driven to a point of obsession, careless of myself, mindless of others, but without the passion and the deep-down, inbred love for the good in humanity that was the basis of his entire career. He loved the humanity that could not understand or fully accept him; I, in the midst of the same human race, became a thinking machine.
Laurie R. King |
Using insult instead of argument is the sign of a small mind.
Laurie R. King |
My God, it can recognise another human being when it's hit over the head with one.
Laurie R. King |
Holmes had cultivated the ability to still the noise of the mind, by smoking his pipe and playing nontunes on the violin. He once compared this mental state with the sort of passive seeing that enables the eye, in a dim light or at a great distance, to grasp details with greater clarity by focusing slightly to one side of the object of interest. When active, strained vision only obscures and frustrates, looking away often permits the eyes t..
Laurie R. King |
I undid the wrappings with great curiosity, for Holmes did not normally give gifts. I opened the dark velvet jeweller's box and found inside a shiny new set of picklocks, a younger version of his own. "Holmes, ever the romantic. Mrs. Hudson would be pleased."
Laurie R. King |
However, the mind has an amazing ability to continue worrying away at a problem all on its own, so that when the "Eureka!" comes it is as mysterious as if it were God speaking."
Laurie R. King |
He said nothing. Very sarcastically.
Laurie R. King |
I would have stolen it for you, had I known you were interested." His voice was muffled by the door to the lumber room down the hallway, and I heard thumps and a crash. I raised my voice a trifle more than mere volume required. "I'm interested because she was. Both of them, come to that--Damian's art is infused with mystic symbols and traditions." Holmes' voice answered two inches away from my ear, making me jerk and spray a handful of maps..
Laurie R. King |
My God...it can think.
Laurie R. King |
Do not neglect to bring your revolver, Russell. It may be needed, and it does us no good in your drawer with that disgusting cheese." "My lovely Stilton; it's almost ripe, too. I do hope Mr. Thomas enjoys it." "Any riper and it will eat through the woodwork and drop into the room below." "You envy me my educated tastes." "That I will not honour with a response. Get out the door, Russell."
Laurie R. King |
The hand of bone and sinew and flesh achieves its immortality in taking up a pen. The hand on a page wields a greater power than the fleshly hand ever could in life.
Laurie R. King |
Impossibility is a log thrown on the fires of love.
Laurie R. King |
Stop it!' He relented, so far as he could, stepping forward to take my head into his hands. 'Russell, once, only once, I was taken and suffered for it. Please, my dear wife, believe me, this is not the same situation...'...I turned back to Holmes and hissed, 'If you're wrong, I shall be extremely angry with you.' Then O kissed him hard on the lips, more threat than affection, and let him step back into his cell...'However, Russ? I think tha..
Laurie R. King |
I took to the...Library as to a lover...
Laurie R. King |
Ma'alesh; no matter; never mind; what can you do but accept things as they are? Ma'alesh, your pot overturned in the fire; ma'alesh, your prize mare died; ma'alesh, you lost all your possessions and half your family. The word was the everyday essence of Islam - which itself, after all, means "submission."
Laurie R. King |
the first spring in five free from the rumour of guns across the Channel, a spring anxious to make up for the cold winter, life bursting out after four years of death. All of England raised her face to the sun. . .
Laurie R. King |
I was merely going to say that I hope you realise that guilt is a poor foundation for a life, without other motivations beside it.
Laurie R. King |
But a topee is not a turban, and I had been my teacher's pupil before I became my husband's wife, learning to my bones that half a disguise is none at all...The moment my short-cropped, pomade-sleek, unquestionably masculine hair passed beneath his nose was the closest thing I've ever seen Holmes to fainting dead away.
Laurie R. King |
I felt instantly at home, and wanted only to dismiss Alistair, along with the rest of Justice Hall, that I might have a closer look at the shelves.I had to content myself instead with a strolling perusal, my hands locked behind my back to keep them from reaching out for Le Morte D'Arthur, Caxton 1485 or the delicious little red-and-gilt Bestiary, MS Circa 1250 or.... If I took one down, I should be lost. So I looked, like a hungry child in ..
Laurie R. King |
Guessing is a weakness brought on by indolence and should never be confused with intuition.
Laurie R. King |
Why the devil was my husband positively grinning - and with what looked remarkably like relief?
Laurie R. King |
I took the broom and made a wild sweep along the workbench, and an edge of the unwieldy head sent a tray of tools flying. Patrick picked up a chipped chisel and looked at me as if I had attacked his son. "Have you never used a broom before?" --
Laurie R. King |
The house was still, weighty with the comfort of a thousand books.
Laurie R. King |
Holmes," I asked as we stepped into the street, "I realise the question sounds sophomoric, but do you find that there are aspects of yourself with which you feel most comfortable? I only ask out of curiosity; you needn't feel obliged to answer." He offered me his arm and, formally, I took it. "'Who am I?' you mean." He smiled at the question and gave what was at first glance a most oblique answer. "Do you know what a fugue is?" "Are you cha..
Laurie R. King |
Who am I?' you mean." He smiled at the question and gave what was at first glance a most oblique answer. "Do you know what a fugue is?" "Are you changing the subject?" "No." I thought in silence for some distance before his answer arranged itself sensibly in my mind. "I see. Two discrete sections of a fugue may not appear related, unless the listener has received the entire work, at which time the music's internal logic makes clear the rela..
Laurie R. King |
I did not think of myself as a detective; I was a student of theology, and I was to spend my life in exploration, not of the darker crannies of human misbehaviour, but of the heights of human speculation concerning the nature of the Divine. That the two were not unrelated did not occur to me for years.
Laurie R. King |
Holmes, you're a genius. So I have been told.
Laurie R. King |
That's what tears are for, you know, to wash away the fear and cool the hate.
Laurie R. King |
Interpreting the Bible without training is a bit like finding a specific address in a foreign city with neither map nor knowledge of the language. You might stumble upon the right answer, but in the meantime you've put yourself at the mercy of every ignoramus in town, with no way of telling the savant from the fool.
Laurie R. King |
I dislike the idea of a murderer employing children,' said Holmes darkly. 'It is, I agree, bad for their morals, and interferes with their sleep.' 'And their schooling,' added Holmes sententiously.
Laurie R. King |
The dead have a claim on us even heavier than that of the living, for they cannot hear our explanations, and we cannot ask their forgiveness.
Laurie R. King |
Madam, there is no treachery in the truth. There may be pain, but to face honestly all possible conclusions formed by a set of facts is the noblest route possible for a human being." Holmes could be surprisingly empathetic at times,"
Laurie R. King |
When we arrived at his cottage we had known each other forever.
Laurie R. King |
He was a talkative man and jabbered away the whole time as his horse meandered about the road. It saved us from having to construct a story for him, though by the time he left us in Banbury, I was most weary of smiling stupidly out from under my hat brim and trying not to squint. As his wagon pulled away, I turned to Holmes. "Next time we do this, I will play the deaf old woman and you can laugh at rude jests for an hour."
Laurie R. King |
The lust for murder is not a rational thing. In queens, it is an instinctual response.
Laurie R. King |
I could never, I knew then, lose myself "in love." Margery had accused me of coldness, and she was right, but she was also wrong: For me, for always, the paramount organ of passion was the mind. Unnatural, unbalanced, perhaps, but it was true: Without intellect, there could be no love."
Laurie R. King |
Marsh looked at me sideways, causing a brief stir of familiarity. "You liked the library?" "It was all I could do to keep her from bolting herself inside," Alistair told him. With mock indignation, I protested, "I never even touched a book. I walked through and walked out." "Her eyes were filled with an unnatural light," Alister confided in his cousin. "I feared for my safety."
Laurie R. King |