Do Story Weavers sign a contract or make a blood oath to be difficult and stubborn and a pain in the ass?
Maria V. Snyder |
Moon Man's breathing rasped. 'Go back. We should...go back.' He panted. 'Bad idea. Bad idea. Bad idea.
Maria V. Snyder |
Moon Man's panic attack when he had become wedged for a moment had set everyone's mood on edge.
Maria V. Snyder |
It's pointless to worry...It's more prudent to prepare for all possibilities than fret.
Maria V. Snyder |
I'd rather have freckles than be bald!
Maria V. Snyder |
I can be corrupt.' Valek looked over at Janco and the others. 'Not in front of the children, love. But I'll hold you to that.
Maria V. Snyder |
You ever notice how couples start to look alike?' In a deadpan, Valek replied, 'Yes. In fact, I was just thinking how much you and Topaz resemble each other. It's uncanny.
Maria V. Snyder |
I stared at my bat, trying and failing to connect to Valek. My desire to talk to him, to hold him, clawed at my body.
Maria V. Snyder |
You want to save me from them so you can force me to lead you to one of the glass prisons. I'll release the Warper trapped inside and you can learn how to finish the Kirakawa ritual." "That's not why. Although you don't appear bothered by that scenario." I shrugged. "At least the Council would believe a Warper still lives and others are using blood magic." "But people would die," he said in shock. I almost laughed out loud at how we had rev..
Maria v Snyder |
You want to save me from them so you can force me to lead you to one of the glass prisons. I'll release the Warper trapped inside and you can learn how to finish the Kirakawa ritual." "That's not why. Although you don't appear bothered by that scenario." I shrugged. "At least the Council would believe a Warper still lives and others are using blood magic." "But people would die," he said in shock. I almost laughed out loud at how we had rev..
Maria V. Snyder |
But that was the problem with grief. No one ever asked for it. It arrived with its bags already packed for an extended stay. It settled into your best guest room and demanded to be waited on all day long, and when it finally shuffled out the door, it left behind permanent scratches on your furniture.
Maria V. Snyder |
Surprise touched Kade's eyes for a moment before he resumed his bland manner. "Sparks are similar to lightning strikes and are harmful if you get too close. Also the problem with thunderstorms, they move with the wind and have other ... ah ... obligations. It's best for you to bask in the steady sunshine."
Maria V. Snyder |
I searched the plateau. Where was the Sandseed army? The earth undulated as if the sand had liquefied. The waves on the ground grew. I clamped a hand over my mouth to stifle a cry of surprise. Row upon row of Sandseed warriors stood. Camouflaged to match the sand, they had been lying on the ground in front of us and I hadn't noticed them.
Maria V. Snyder |
Living is a risk," I snapped at him. "Every decision, every interaction, every step, every time you get out of bed in the morning, you take a risk. To survive is to know you're taking that risk and to not get out of bed clutching illusions of safety." "Your view of life doesn't sound comforting." "It's not supposed to. That's the whole point."
Maria V. Snyder |
Many have tried to kill us. All have failed.
Maria V. Snyder |
Should haves lead to death"\xa0
Maria V. Snyder |
Unfortunately, diplomacy was a dance I needed to learn."
Maria V. Snyder |
Nothing like having a warrant for your execution to get a girl motivated."\xa0
Maria V. Snyder |
You should know what happens when you play with fire, Cahill. Eventually, you'll get burned."\xa0
Maria V. Snyder |
It's the problem with mistakes, they tend to linger."\xa0
Maria V. Snyder |
He was the test I hadn't studied for, the quiz I was bound to fail. Out of my depth."\xa0
Maria V. Snyder |